I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 746 An Unexpected Kiss 10

Chapter 746 An Unexpected Kiss 10
A few days later, Huacuo also left here, and there were still a lot of dried longan left, so he packed it up and took it away.

Back in the capital, Hua Cuo went to see Nie Shen first, and gave Nie Shen a big bag of dried longan.

"This is the dried longan that Yan Xi picked and made herself. She asked me to bring it to you."

"Really? Yan Xi can also make dried longan!" Nie Shen was very pleasantly surprised, and ate a dried longan, which was very sweet.There is no longan tree in the capital, and the longan in the capital is shipped from other places.

"She just learned it too." Hua Cuo said with a smile, she did it with him.

Nie Shen looked at Hua Cuo probingly. It had been a year since Yun Su and Yan Xi broke up. Hua Cuo often went to help Yan Xi, and he couldn't figure out what the relationship between the two was now.

Nie Shen asked, "Have you been with Yan Xi for the past three months?"

Hua Cuo's heart skipped a beat, and he said without changing his face: "Occasionally, what's wrong?"

"What's your relationship with Yan Xi?" Nie Shen asked directly.

"We've always been good friends." Hua Cuo didn't show his expression, he didn't know if the chief would object, after all, compared to Yun Su, he had self-knowledge.

"Is she free recently?" Nie Shen remembered that he hadn't seen Yan Xi for a long time.

"I don't know." Hua Cuo said, he knew, but he could only pretend not to know.

Nie Shen sighed slightly in his heart, her birthday was still more than a month away, another year.

"Director, try to arrange some short-term tasks for me. I don't want to take on long-term tasks." Hua Cuo specifically proposed that he was afraid of missing any news from her about those tasks that had been lurking for a year or so.

"Why?" Nie Shen asked, Hua Cuo has good concentration, is a bit cunning, and is good at disguising, which is quite suitable for some undercover tasks.

"I need a buffer period, the task is too long, I have a little psychological burden." Hua Cuo has already thought of an excuse.

"That's fine." Nie Shen is very considerate. The special agent of the National Security Bureau is not an ordinary job. He is always facing various crises and has a high level of concentration. He may feel nervous and anxious for a long time.

"Your physical fitness test yesterday showed a significant decline in physical fitness." Nie Shen saw the physical fitness test report.

"Eat too much, lack of exercise. Recently I will increase the amount of exercise." Hua Cuo said.

Nie Shen was a little helpless. Hua Cuo never tabooed food and was good at eating.

"Also, didn't you go for the blood test?" Nie Shen didn't receive the blood test report.

"Not yet." Huacuo didn't dare to go, he had only quit for three months, usually within six months, the blood test would be positive.

"Go as soon as possible, there will be tasks in two days." Nie Shen said, considering that Hua is in a normal state, try to arrange some slightly easier tasks for him.

"Understood." Hua wrongly nodded.

Hua Cuo didn't dare to go for the blood test, so she delayed it for two days until she received a new assignment and didn't have time to go for the blood test, saying that she would have to wait until the next test, at least six months later.


Hua Cuo's mission this time is not long, just over a month.

He tried to complete the task before November [-]th.

After the task was over, Hua sent her a message by mistake, but did not receive a reply from her.

So, he went to Jingyang City, to her house, it was like his home.

The weather in Jingyang City in November has cooled down.

Hua prepared a birthday present by mistake, her 28th birthday, but there was no news of her until her birthday.

He is inevitably a little depressed, eating alone, watching TV, sleeping, running, and habitually buying a newspaper every morning.

When I saw today's entertainment newspaper, Hua Mi was a little surprised.

The eye-catching title, the crown prince of the Lan family, known as the playboy, finally entered the palace of marriage.

It is said that the woman came from a humble family background.

The majority of people who eat melons are not optimistic about this marriage. After all, Lan Muge has always been fickle, and there are so many ex-girlfriends that he can hold two tables of banquets. Who can hold Lan Shao's prodigal heart?
Lan Muge also generously entertained his ex-girlfriend Miss X.

Ms. X said: No time, I will go next time you get married.

Lan Muge immediately declared in a high-profile manner: True love comes first, and we will never divorce.

The general public was slapped in the face, and they all wondered who the new wife of the prince of the Lan family was, and how she could make the unruly Lan Shao feel at ease.

Hua Cuo was very disdainful in his heart, and he was also not optimistic about Lan Muge's marriage. He waited for the day when Lan Muge was slapped in the face, and evilly wished Lan Muge an early divorce.

In a few days, Huacuo received a new task.


It wasn't until the beginning of February of the following year that Hua Cuo's mission was over, his birthday was approaching, and the New Year was approaching.

Just the day before his birthday, I received a text message from her asking if he was free.

Hua Cuo was overjoyed, and immediately replied: I am free, I am in the capital, where are you, I will find you.

The next day, Yan Xi took a plane to the capital.

There have been several snowfalls in the capital, and the weather is very cold.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Hua Cuo waited for her at the airport with excitement, until her figure came into his sight, and his thoughts poured out.

Yan Xi was wearing thin clothes, dragging a suitcase, and had just come to the northern hemisphere from the southern hemisphere.

Hua Cuo couldn't wait to rush over and hugged her with open arms. There was no news of her for more than four months.

Yan Xi saw him running over, and when she was about to say something, he was already hugging her, so she also stretched out her arms to hug him back.

"Wrong flower, long time no see."

"Yan Xi..." Hua Cuo hugged her tightly, this is the most real and most reassuring feeling.

The two embraced for nearly ten seconds.

Yan Xi couldn't take it anymore: "The flowers are wrong, it's getting late."

Only then did Hua Cuo let her go, seeing that she was wearing thin clothes, she quickly took off her coat and put it on her body.

"Put on first, it's cold outside."

"Thank you." Yan Xi put on his coat, and her thick coat was in the suitcase.

"I'll help you with your luggage, let's go back first." Hua Cuo took the suitcase in her hand and left the airport with her.

The two took a taxi and returned to Hua Cuo's apartment.

Yan Xi remembered spending a new year with him here three years ago, and saw that there was an extra treadmill in the house.

When Yan Xi was about to go back to the room she used to live in, she stopped and saw Hua took her suitcase to his room by mistake.

"Your room was not cleaned, you and I live in the same room." Hua Cuo's eyes flickered for a moment, of course they wanted to live in the same room.

Yan Xi didn't refuse, and walked into his room. After all, they were lovers now, so he didn't mind her staying in his room.

The wrong room is very simple, without any decoration, only a bed, a wardrobe, a desk, a computer, and a dart board hanging on the wall with a few darts.

"You take a rest first, I'll help you pack your luggage, are you hungry? How about I cook first." Hua Cuo was extremely excited.

"I'm not hungry, I just pack my luggage." Yan Xi said, it's only four o'clock in the afternoon, so it's a bit early for dinner.

"I'll help you, you sit down." Hua Cuo had already opened the suitcase.

Yan Xi felt a little embarrassed, so he decided to do it himself.

There is only one wardrobe, and her clothes can only be put together with his clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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