I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 751 Formal Dating 05

Chapter 751 Formal Dating 05
This morning, Hua Cuo pretended to call Nie Shen, saying that Yan Xi had come to the capital, and that he and Yan Xi were going to visit you in the afternoon.

Hearing this, Nie Shen of course happily agreed.

Afterwards, Yan Xi also called Nie Shen, saying that he was visiting you in the afternoon.

"I see, Hua wrongly told me, when did you come to the capital?" Nie Shen was in a happy mood.

"The day before yesterday." Yan Xi said truthfully.

"Where do you live?" Nie Shen was suspicious. She has been in the capital for two days. Could it be that she lives in Huacuo again?

"Hotel." Yan Xi lied.

"Oh, do you want to call Mo Yan and Yun Su? It's more lively." Nie Shen said, Mo Yan and Yun Su also came two years ago, although Yan Xi and Yun Su broke up, but after so long, and the two People's personalities are very rational, it should be a peaceful breakup, goodbye is also a friend.

Yan Xi was silent for a moment, then said, "You can call Mo Yan, but I don't really want to see Yun Su, so don't tell him, don't tell him anything about me."

Nie Shen was very puzzled, before when he talked about Yan Xi in front of Yun Su, Yun Su was silent, he thought that Yun Su had let go of Yan Xi, so there was no reason for the two of them to stay away from each other forever.

"What happened to you and Yun Su?"

"It's okay, there is a saying that forget each other in the rivers and lakes." Yan Xi frowned, she killed Yun Su's relatives, she didn't want to face Yun Su.

Nie Shen still feels a little regretful, even if they can't be married, they can still be friends, why should they cut off contact?


Hua Cuo listened silently, never knowing why she and Yun Su broke up, why she didn't want to see Yun Su?Forgotten in the rivers and lakes?
"Yan Xi, once, did Yun Su hurt you?" Hua Cuo cautiously probed.

"No, I hurt him." Yan Xi's eyes darkened, she couldn't imagine what kind of pain Yun Su was enduring in his heart, he was carrying all the secrets alone.

"Why did you hurt him? Could it be...you empathized with me?" Hua Cuo was taken aback, but she and Yun Su broke up for nearly a year before he was with her.

Yan Xi's face darkened, and he said, "It's a thousand times more serious than this."

"What the hell is that?" Hua made a mistake, which was a thousand times more serious than empathy, enough to become an enemy.

Yan Xi remained silent.


At four o'clock in the afternoon, Hua Cuo and Yan Xi bought a lot of vegetables and took a taxi to the neighborhood of Nie Shen's house.

"Yan Xi, you go in first, I'll go in later." Hua Cuo felt aggrieved, afraid that the director would be suspicious.

Yan Xi was a little helpless, but now that she was staying in a hotel, it wouldn't be such a coincidence that Hua Cuo came here at the same time.

So Yan Xi left first.

When I went to Nie Shen's house, I saw Mo Yan was there, and I hadn't seen him for two years.

Mo Yan took a few glances at her quietly, now that Yun Su is serving in the military region, and only after meeting Yun Su a long time ago did he know that she and Yun Su had broken up.

"Yan Xi, last time the dried longan was delicious, but Hua mistakenly said that you made it yourself." Nie Shen smiled.

"I did it for the first time. I was on vacation at that time. I didn't have anything to do, so I just did something casually." Yan Xi was a little embarrassed.

The three went to the living room and sat down.

Mo Yan hesitated for a moment, then sat next to Yan Xi.

"Yan Xi, long time no see." Mo Yan's voice is soft, he still looks the same, his appearance is a little tender, even at 28 years old, he doesn't look masculine.

"Long time no see." Yan Xi said, it was indeed a long time, and he didn't seem to have changed much.

(End of this chapter)

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