I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 752 Formal Dating 06

Chapter 752 Formal Dating 06
"Are you still working in the field?" Mo Yan chatted.

"Yeah." Yan Xi glanced at him, she was not very familiar with Mo Yan.

"Isn't that very busy?" Mo Yan said, Interpol's field work is very busy, often flying around the world.

"It's okay." Yan Xi said.

"Are you on vacation recently?" Mo Yan asked again, otherwise how could she come to the capital in time.

"Yeah." Yan Xi hummed.

The two chatted for a while, and Hua Cuo arrived with a lot of things.

Hua Cuo first greeted Nie Shen with respect, and then greeted Mo Yan and Yan Xi casually.

When Hua Cuo was about to sit down, he deliberately didn't sit with Yan Xi, but saw Mo Yan sitting with Yan Xi, so he chose a seat that was not far or close to the two of them.

Mo Yan didn't have time to pay attention to Hua Cuo, and continued to chat with Yan Xi.

"You can come to the capital to play with me. I'm usually in the capital." Mo Yan said, his physical fitness is not suitable for field work. If there is no special mission, he is always in the capital.

"En." Yan Xi responded lightly.

"Where do you live now?" Mo Yan asked again, as long as she was in the capital, he could go to her.

"Hotel." Yan Xi lied again.

"I remember when I was in Jingyang City, I treated you to Beijing cuisine once. The Beijing cuisine in that restaurant was not authentic at all. I can take you to eat authentic Beijing cuisine." Mo Yan recalled this old event.

"I'll talk about it when I have time." Yan Xi was still indifferent.

Hua Cuo didn't look sideways, but his heart was overwhelmed. Mo Yan was actually teasing his girlfriend? !He will take her to Beijing cuisine tomorrow!
"Mo Yan, come with me to the kitchen to help cook." Hua Cuo got up.

Mo Yan gave Hua a wrong look in displeasure, he did not cook well, and there was a servant to help, so he was not needed at all.

Hua Cuo urged: "Hurry up, it's getting late."

Mo Yan sat without moving: "You go first, I will go later."

Hua Cuo was not angry, but looked at Yan Xi and asked, "Yan Xi, can you help?"

"Yes." Yan Xi nodded.

Mo Yan was stunned, and quickly got up and said, "I'll help too."

At this time, Nie Shen said: "It's just cooking, how many people are needed to help? The ink inkstone and the flowers are gone by mistake, Yan Xi doesn't have to go."

When the chief spoke, no one dared to disobey.

Mo Yan held his breath in his heart, reluctantly went to the kitchen with Hua by mistake.


In the kitchen, the servant is a middle-aged uncle in his 60s. He has worked here for more than ten years.

Mo Yan had a displeased expression on his face, picking vegetables boredly, almost tore the green vegetables as if they were flowers.

"Why didn't Yun Su come?" Mo Yan suddenly remembered, is Yun Su not free in the military area?
"I don't know." Hua Cuo didn't show his face, it should be that Yan Xi didn't want to see Yun Su, that's why the director didn't call Yun Su.

"Hua Cuo, do you have a girlfriend?" Mo Yan asked suddenly, Hua Cuo seemed to be 30 years old, two years older than him.

"It's not easy for me to find a girlfriend, but it's a bit difficult for you." Hua Cuo was secretly happy, he already had a girlfriend, and Mo Yan must still be single.

"You are tall, so you don't have a girlfriend!" Mo Yan's face was ugly, was Hua Cuo laughing at his height?

"I've never underestimated your height. If the other party likes you, they won't care about your height." Hua Cuo is in a good mood now, it's not a joke, it's the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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