I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 755 Formal Dating 09

Chapter 755 Formal Dating 09
When Yan Xi came to the capital of country B, he first reported to the National Central Bureau of Interpol in country B.

The relationship between country B and neighboring countries is somewhat tense, and there are occasional frictions. In addition, the current political situation in country B is not stable, and there are many non-governmental armed organizations.

These terrorists are likely to intend to carry out extreme revenge, and even try to provoke a war between two or more countries.

Interpol maintains political neutrality and will not be involved in any political, military, religious or racial crimes, nor will it be involved in non-transnational crimes.The goal is to put the safety of the people first.

Therefore, even if it cooperates with the police in country B, Interpol will not intervene in politics. The goal is to track down terrorists, prevent terrorist attacks, and protect the safety of the people.

More than a dozen Interpol and employees from all over the world are gathering to discuss the investigation plan.

Talic, director of the Central Bureau, said: "The police in country B arrested a terrorist, but he was just a small person. We only know that this terrorist organization has 10 people entering the country and is planning terrorist activities. According to the confession, the members of this organization hate country B. Radical, with serious criminal tendencies, and a passion for war."

Someone said: "If this organization intends to provoke a war, the target of the terrorist attack is very likely to be the politicians of country B."

Taric said: "The police in country B have strengthened the protection of dignitaries, especially the presidential palace. Currently, the presidential palace is heavily guarded to minimize the possibility of being attacked."

An employee from country M asked: "I'm curious, how did these 10 people enter the country easily? There are only 10 people in this organization? Are there any contacts in country B?"

Everyone fell into deep thought, maybe this is not a simple organization.

Someone said: "Allow me to make a bold hypothesis. Terrorists may be keen on war, but after all, their strength is small. Is it possible that some radical politicians in a certain country are trying to start a war?"

If the assumptions are true, things will become infinitely more complicated.

Talic thought about it carefully, and decided on two investigation plans, one is to secretly investigate the country's dignitaries, and the other is to continue to hunt down terrorists.

Yan Xi received the task of the former to investigate together with other criminal police and employees.

"I'm Ryan. It's a pleasure to work with you." Ryan was tall, blond, and enthusiastically extended his right hand.

"I'm Nancy." Yan Xi shook hands with her.

We got to know each other for a while, and then we started to act.

This is an extremely difficult task. Investigating the dignitaries of country B has almost touched politics, especially the secrets about the dignitaries, even state secrets.

In addition, the political situation in country B is unstable, if they know secrets that they should not know, it may even lead to death.

"The political situation in country B is roughly divided into three factions, the positive faction, the moderate faction and the neutral faction. The current president has been in office for one year, and he advocates peace and opposes war. He belongs to the moderate faction. It is not that the president of country B is incompetent, but that in the situation in country B, it is difficult to move an inch.

"The current vice president is considered a neutral faction. Assuming that the politicians of country B are involved, they are very likely to be active politicians. Almost one-third of the members of the congress belong to the active faction. Among them, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Secretary of State and the Minister of Defense are the most powerful. .”

"Judging from the current situation in country B, the Ministry of National Defense, as the most solid department in the country, far exceeds the sum of all other administrative departments in terms of the number of employees under its jurisdiction and the budget."

The implication is self-evident, if the Secretary of Defense is involved in this, it is terrible.

(End of this chapter)

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