I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 756 Formal Dating 10

Chapter 756 Formal Dating 10
"These three politicians are all activists, and it is conceivable how their combined power can be imagined. In terms of political views, the three have different positions. As for what they do in private, I don't know. The Secretary of State once participated in the presidential election and was ultimately defeated." Someone asked whether it might be related to the Secretary of State.

"I also make a bold assumption. If the president dies suddenly and unexpectedly, the president's successors in line are the vice president, the speaker of the House of Representatives, the speaker of the Senate, the secretary of state, and the secretary of the treasury. C and D are all resolved, I think it is impossible."

Everyone discussed for a long time, all of which were just hypotheses, and none of them had any direct contact with the politics of country B, just like a bunch of headless flies.

We don't know when terrorists will carry out terrorist attacks, and everyone must race against time to prevent terrorist attacks from happening.

Temporarily determined the direction of the investigation, and cooperated in groups.

"I'm with Nancy." Ryan chose Yan Xi without hesitation.

Yan Xi had no opinion.

Rui En and Yan Xi are in charge of investigating Lale, the Secretary of State of the State Council, and they are also secretly protecting them.

Country B is currently a developing country. Because it is in a turbulent area, its military reserves are tight. However, compared to neighboring countries, country B is considered a powerful country.

Rui En and Yan Xi rented a car and stayed to observe Lale's recent itinerary.

Lalle is in his 50s, tall and strong, and has a deterrent effect. He has a political career of more than 20 years and is well-known in country B. In particular, his political stance and views on war have been recognized by many people.

Because country B allows citizens to legally hold guns, and country B is in turmoil, some people even hide guns on their bodies at any time on the street.

Rui En sat in the car with Yan Xi, he was cheerful and full of sense of justice.

"Why did you become an Interpol employee?" Ryan chatted.

"I don't know, maybe it's a habit." Yan Xi couldn't tell, if she quit this job, she wouldn't know what to do, as if she lost her goal and direction.

"Habit? This is the strangest reason I've ever heard." Ryan looked at her in disbelief.

Yan Xi had a helpless look on his face, which is not surprising.

Ryan said: "When I first saw you, I liked you very much, not because you are a beauty."

Yan Xi looked at him, he was a handsome guy.

Ryan smiled brightly, and stretched out his right hand again: "I want to make friends with you."

Yan Xi shook hands with him again.

"We are friends now?" Ryan looked happy. Before, they were colleagues, but now they are friends.

"Yeah." Yan Xi nodded.

The police of country B, the Central Bureau, and the special anti-terrorist team, the three major agencies jointly investigated for a week, but found no trace.

At this time, bad news came. The terrorist arrested in country B committed suicide.

Talic was at a loss. He had seen this terrorist once and watched the interrogation video of the police in country B. This terrorist did not seem like someone who would commit suicide.

In addition, this terrorist is an important clue, the police in country B must strengthen surveillance, how could he easily commit suicide.


Rui En and Yan Xi also had nothing to do. They were not familiar with country B, so they could only follow orders and continue to secretly track and protect the Secretary of State.

"Who are these terrorists, and which country did they sneak into country B from? This is the one-sided opinion of the terrorist who committed suicide. If this is just a conspiracy by some people in country B, we cannot intervene." Ryan frowned Brow, he hates war.

Yan Xi was silent. After getting along with each other for many days, it could be seen that Ryan loves peace and is using his power to change the world.

Maybe she is too realistic and too insignificant. She never thought of changing the world. She follows the purpose of Interpol and tries her best to complete the tasks assigned by her superiors.

Seeing Lale's car set off, Ryan drove to keep up.

Lale's car is in the middle. There is a car in front of the road and a car behind. The protection measures are strict, but in country B, where citizens legally hold guns, there are still great hidden dangers.

This road is a little narrow, and the houses on both sides are relatively dense.

Rui En and Yan Xi were always vigilant, paying attention to any suspicious people on the road, as well as the windows and roofs of the houses on both sides.

There was a traffic jam ahead, and a car was moving forward intermittently like squeezing toothpaste. Lale's car was stuck in the middle, unable to advance or retreat.

Ryan also had to stop, looked at the crowded vehicles ahead, and said, "I have a bad feeling."

Yan Xi observed the situation outside, and suddenly saw a head protruding from the roof, and quickly retracted, as if he was looking for something.

"I saw a suspicious person!"

Yan Xi took out his cell phone and was about to make a call to report when there was a bang bang bang bang.

This happened too suddenly, and countless bullets hit Lale's car. Although the car was bulletproof, it couldn't withstand the intense shooting of countless bullets.

Several shooters appeared from windows and roofs on both sides of the house.

The street was in chaos for a moment, full of gunshots and screams.

The guards protecting Lale immediately got out of the car and fought back, but they were in a disadvantaged position, and they were shot and fell to the ground before they even had time to fight back.

Rui En and Yan Xi reacted instantly, and immediately took out their pistols.

When Ryan was about to rush to the war zone, he was stopped by Yan Xi.

"Lalle's life or death is unknown. It's dangerous there. We can't save him. Our goal is to arrest terrorists!" Yan Xi pointed to the houses on both sides.

Ryan looked angry, but he also understood the current situation, so he and Yan Xi split up and went into the house next to him.

Yan Xi memorized the positions of the shooters, the three were at the three windows, and the two were on the roof.

Yan Xi rushed into the house and ran up the stairs in one go.

Since the shooter was facing the window with his back to the door, Yan Xi killed him with one shot, and then ran into another house at top speed to finish off another shooter.

Yan Xi easily dealt with the three terrorists at the window.

The two people on the roof sensed something was wrong, and when they were about to change their positions, a bullet pierced his body with a bang, and he fell from the roof and landed on the street with blood all over the floor.

The other man was startled, and subconsciously shot Yan Xi.

Yan Xi saw his movements and immediately hid behind a water tank.

With a bang, the bullet hit the water tank, and water flowed out along the bullet hole.

The man ran away, otherwise more police officers would come later, and he would not be able to run away.

Yan Xi quickly raised her head to take a look, and seeing him running away, she immediately chased after him and fired a shot at him, but missed.

While running, the man turned his head and saw this woman chasing her. He had a grim face and cursed a foul language that Yan Xi couldn't understand.

Yan Xi fired another shot, but still missed. The opponent was running, and the hit rate was only about 25%. She quickened her pace and tried to close the distance.

The man was running on the roof. Due to the dense houses, the distance between the houses was very narrow, and he could easily jump over the roof of the house.

The man didn't dare to jump over until he saw the houses quite far ahead.

Below is a path of two or three meters.

The man took a deep breath, took a few steps back, prepared to sprint, and then flew over.

With a bang, the man successfully jumped over and fell on the opposite roof in a panic.

Yan Xi didn't have the courage to jump over, so before the man got up, he took aim and shot.

The man stood up and fell down again in an instant. A lot of blood flowed from his back and flowed to the ground.

At this moment, the gunfire in the fighting zone subsided, and the siren of the police car was heard, and the streets were in chaos.

Due to the traffic jam, the police car couldn't get in. Dozens of policemen got out of the car, a group of people went to chase the terrorists, and a group of people surrounded Lale's car.

Almost all the guards were shot and died, and passers-by were also affected. Several passers-by lay on the ground and their lives were unknown.

Lale's car was riddled with bullet holes, and the windows and windshield were all shattered.

The police opened the car door and Lalle was shot in the head and was dead.

All the police are silent, the Secretary of State was attacked and killed by terrorists, this is a very serious incident.

There was an ambulance siren, and the ambulance personnel carried the stretcher and took the injured to the hospital.

Yan Xi and Rui En came to the scene, and after learning about the situation, they also fell silent.

Ryan was angry and blamed himself. Things happened under his nose, but he couldn't stop it. Not only the Secretary of State died, but also the guards and innocent citizens.


The next day, the big news in country B shocked the whole country. Secretary of State Lalle was attacked by terrorists on the road and was shot to death.Five guards were killed, three guards were seriously injured, and seven citizens were killed.

All ten terrorists were arrested, five of them died on the spot, three were seriously injured and two were slightly injured.

The government did not announce the origin and purpose of the terrorists, but major newspapers are speculating that the relationship between country B and neighboring country S is tense. These ten terrorists are from country S, or even the politicians sent by country S to assassinate country B.


Rui En and Yan Xi returned to the Central Bureau.

The director of the Central Bureau, Taric, sighed. Ryan and Nancy cannot be blamed for their dereliction of duty. For the killing of the Secretary of State, he can only pay his respects in silence.

Now that all the terrorists have been arrested, there is no need for the criminal police and employees from all over the world to stay.

"Mr. Talic, I think this matter is not simple. There are still too many doubts. Why do terrorists assassinate the Secretary of State? If they intend to provoke a war, it would be more effective to assassinate the President." Ryan asked.

"I don't know. We can't intervene in this, and we can't interrogate terrorists." Taric expressed helplessness. This is a matter of country B, even though he is also a native of country B.

"If these terrorists are really sent by country S to assassinate the politicians of country B, will B launch a war against country S?" Ryan frowned. Once a war starts, there will be countless casualties.

"I don't think so." Talic didn't know what to do. Of course he didn't want to start a war, but with B's current situation, it's hard to say.

"Mr. Talic, I'm staying here for the time being. I want to attend the funeral of the Secretary of State. After all, I have dereliction of duty in this matter." Ryan said, and the Secretary of State was shot and died right in front of his eyes.

Taric nodded in agreement, and he also felt that this matter was not simple, one more person, one more strength.

Ryan looked at Xiang Yanxi and asked, "Nancy, what about you?"

Yan Xi said, "I'll stay here for the time being too."


Three days later, the funeral of Secretary of State Lalle was held in the church, and almost all the dignitaries of country B attended.

On this day, countless citizens came to the street in front of the church to attend the funeral for Secretary of State Lalle.

More than a dozen funeral vehicles and three helicopters were parked in the square.

The entire church was heavily guarded, and the guards surrounded the church tightly.

There are also guards on the roofs of the buildings and on both sides of the street to stop the people and manage order.

The national guard of honor stood neatly on both sides of the church entrance, especially grand and solemn.

Ryan and Yan Xi followed Talic to the church, and everyone was dressed in neat black clothes.

Taric walked into the church, Ryan and Yan Xi were not qualified to enter the church, and could only stand outside with the guards.

After a while, the president's motorcade arrived. Under the protection of more than 20 guards, the president and his wife entered the church.

The dignitaries of country B gathered in the church.

The sound of speeches and singing in the church spread outside.

Whether inside or outside the church, the atmosphere is particularly heavy and solemn.

"Nancy, I have a bad feeling." Ryan kept observing the surrounding situation. Although he didn't find anything suspicious, he always felt that something was wrong.

"I believe you." Yan Xi was also observing the situation. That day Ryan said he had a bad premonition, and Lale was assassinated immediately. Maybe it was just a coincidence, but some people have a natural sense of foreseeing danger.

The funeral took nearly two hours.

At this time, the horn on the church square sounded, and everyone observed 3 minutes of silence.

Whether it is the police, the guard of honor, or the citizens, they all took off their hats, closed their eyes, and stood still with their heads bowed.

The entire church, square, and street were all silent.

Ryan didn't close his eyes or bow his head, but continued to observe the situation.

Looking at this dead scene, Ryan felt extremely frightened, and suddenly saw something shaking on the roof of the opposite building.

Ryan took a closer look, and a man pushed the guard down.

Ryan immediately calmed down. Now there is about 30 seconds of silence, and there are more than two minutes left. It is estimated that some terrorists will launch terrorist attacks while taking advantage of the silence.

Ryan tugged at Yan Xi's sleeve.

Yan Xi opened his eyes and instantly understood his gaze, and her expression changed involuntarily.

Ryan walked towards the church without making a show, but was stopped by the guards just as he reached the door of the church.

Ryan whispered to the guard.

The guard's face changed suddenly, and he walked into the church with Ryan.

Yan Xi stood on the square, holding the pistol at his waist, ready to draw it at any time.

The silence continues.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang!
The top of the church was blasted instantly, and countless fragments flew out and fell onto the square, causing the whole church to crumble.

bang bang bang!Immediately afterwards, there were endless gunshots.

Everyone was terrified.

People on the street screamed in fear and ran around with their heads covered.

Guards sprang into action, looking for the shooter and evacuating the crowd.

Terrorist attacks continued to ferment. Numerous bombs and bullets fell on squares and churches. Screams, gunshots, and bombs sounded like a horrific massacre.

(End of this chapter)

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