Chapter 761
The next day, the big news that shocked the world, after the assassination of the secretary of state of country B, at his funeral, country B was attacked by terrorists again, resulting in countless casualties, among which many politicians in country B were killed, and more than 300 policemen and Interpol were killed or injured. The entire country B fell into a panic in an instant.

After nearly six hours of fighting, the victory was achieved, and hundreds of terrorists were killed. At present, 63 people have been arrested, and dozens of terrorists have fled abroad.

This is a shocking conspiracy, an organized and planned terrorist attack. According to the confession of the arrested terrorists, this attack has been in preparation for a year. The war between the two countries.

The president and the parliament immediately dismissed the vice president. According to in-depth investigations, the vice president secretly dealt with a mysterious arms dealer in the Middle East in an attempt to use the war to sell arms to countries participating in the war.

The president of country B delivered a speech to appease the panic of the citizens, as well as mourning and condolences for the victims. Country B will build a tombstone to commemorate those who died in the terrorist attack.


The National Central Bureau of Interpol Country B.

Taric looked sad. More than 30 Interpol died. Ryan and Nancy were not counted as Interpol. They were employees of the General Secretariat.

Taric reported the matter to the General Secretariat. Ryan was killed by shrapnel in the war zone, and the helicopter driven by Nancy was hit by a missile and fell into the Lodi Sea. The body has not been found so far.


Country B encountered an unprecedented and serious terrorist attack. Interpol issued a red notice to hunt down the fleeing terrorists. The specific incident was compiled into the Interpol's international crime database, and the incident files were sent to the Interpol Center of each member state. Bureau.

The director of the Interpol Huaguo National Central Bureau has seen the incident file and the list of victims. Among them, five people are from Huaguo, four criminal policemen, and one employee. If no relatives take away the corpses, they will be buried in country B. The martyr's cemetery of the highest honor.

Nie Shen, who was far away in the capital of China, couldn't believe it when he saw the names on the sacrifice list. He tremblingly picked up the phone and connected to the Interpol General Secretariat.

The other party spoke English, slowly, and finally said sorry.

Nie Shen's whole body was cold, and there was no emotion on his face, only a kind of paleness that was almost dead. Yun Su and Yan Xi were like his sons and daughters, white-haired for black-haired.

It never occurred to her that she chose this kind of life.

He had never dared to imagine the result at this moment, and he could not accept it.

Nie Shen immediately ordered the file to be sealed.

I remember Yan Xi once said, don't tell Yun Su anything about her.

Besides, he didn't want to affect Yun Su because of this matter.

Apart from Mo Yan and Hua Cuo, he didn't know what friends Yan Xi had, and he didn't know how to tell them.

Nie Shen seemed to be getting old all of a sudden, from an indomitable giant to a vicissitudes old man, he lost too much.

Nie Shen looked at the files repeatedly, and also watched the video of the attack process. He saw that the tail of the Navy No. [-] helicopter was broken, and it hit the sea for several hundred meters before sinking.

There was still hope in Nie Shen's heart. The wreckage of the helicopter was salvaged, but no body was found. Maybe she was still alive.

Because of his identity, he could not go abroad casually, so he sent a reliable person to country B to investigate the matter.


(End of this chapter)

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