Chapter 762
In May, Hua Wrong's task was over, and I sent her a message, but I haven't waited for her reply.

Hua Cuo returned to the capital with some disappointment, and saw Mo Yan on the street.

Just as he was about to walk over to say hello, he saw Mo Yan hurried away holding a woman's hand.

Hua Cuo looked at the backs of the two in disbelief. They were holding hands. The woman was half a head taller than Mo Yan. The scene was full of disobedience.

He was sure that Mo Yan had seen him. Was Mo Yan avoiding him on purpose?

When did Mo Yan get a girlfriend?

The next day, Huacuo went back to the National Security Bureau and had a physical fitness test and a blood test. The blood test was normal, and his physical fitness was back to his best.

Mo Yan is also doing a physical fitness test, and seeing the wrong data, he can't help being a little envious.

After the test, the two returned to the office, started the computer, wrote a summary report on this task, and browsed the recent cases by the way to accumulate experience.

"I saw you yesterday." Hua Cuo chatted deliberately while writing the report.

"Really?" Mo Yan didn't show his expression, he also saw the wrong flowers yesterday.

"Don't pretend, who was the woman who was with you yesterday?" Hua Cuo's tone was full of ridicule. Yesterday, she was a little far away, but she vaguely saw that woman. She was very beautiful, and the point was that she had a height advantage.

"Of course it's my girlfriend." Mo Yan boldly admitted, with a bit of complacency and pride in his eyes.

"Why did you avoid me yesterday?" Hua Cuo was puzzled, isn't the relationship between Mo Yan and his girlfriend not clear?He knows how it feels, and he'll keep it a secret.

Mo Yan didn't speak, and he was inevitably lacking in confidence. He was only with her just now. In yesterday's situation, of course he didn't want to see Hua Cuo, because Hua Cuo was tall and handsome. Without comparison, there would be no harm!

In the past three months, the most important case was undoubtedly that country B was attacked by terrorists, causing countless casualties, making the originally turbulent country B even more precarious.

I have seen news reports in the past two months, but I don't know the details of the incident.

Hua moved the mouse by mistake, and clicked into the file of this terrorist attack, but he couldn't open the file, and he didn't have permission?
"Moyan, can you open the terrorist attack files of country B?"

"Why not?" Mo Yan has also read the news reports, and it's not a confidential file, why can't he open it.

Mo Yan switched the webpage, logged in to the system, and clicked into the electronic file, but it really couldn't be opened.

Hua Cuo asked: "Have you opened it?"

Mo Yan felt strange: "I don't have permission. According to the permission level, it seems that only the director can open it."

Hua Cuo felt an inexplicable unease in his heart. He opened the webpage and searched for reports and videos about the terrorist attack in country B.

In the video, the whole scene is in chaos, the square and the church are almost in ruins, there are screams, gunshots, and explosions. These are real guns and live ammunition, which is as dangerous as a battlefield.

When Mo Yan heard the sound, he sat on the swivel chair and turned around. When he saw the picture in the video, he couldn't help sighing: "Hua Country is still safer."

Each video is only one or two minutes long, and it was shot intermittently. In addition, the sky was a little dark and the picture was a little blurry.

The video captured in the sky is even more blurred, and several helicopters are constantly being attacked by missiles. This is not a drill, not a special effect, but a real occurrence.

There was no sound, only missiles piercing the sky, and the helicopter exploded and disintegrated.The tail of one of the helicopters was hit by a missile, and the tail broke off and crashed into the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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