Chapter 763
"Individual portable anti-aircraft missile, this should be the FIM-92 Stinger missile, as long as it is locked by it, it will basically not escape the fate of explosion." Mo Yan said that this kind of missile is widely used, with all-round detection and self-guiding capabilities , with a comprehensive identification friend or foe system.

Hua Cuo frowned and carefully browsed through each report. More than 300 police and Interpol casualties?
"Interpol is also involved in the investigation of this terrorist attack. I don't know if Yan Xi is involved." Mo Yan saw the words "Interpol."

"Definitely not!" Hua Cuo said subconsciously, she is not Interpol, she is just an employee, and Interpol generally does not participate in operations, only responsible for investigation and assistance.

Mo Yan froze for a moment, Hua Cuo's tone seemed a little angry, he was just talking casually.


After Huacuo finished writing the report, she went to Nie Shen's office to report on the mission.

Nie Shen looked heavy and tired, showing a bit of old age, as if he was listening.

After a long time, Nie Shen took a look at Hua Cuo. Hua Cuo probably didn't know about it yet, so he didn't want to say it.

Hua Cuo finished speaking, and after waiting for a while, Nie Shen did not speak.


"Is there anything else?" The implication is that you can go out if you have nothing to do.

Hua Cuo hesitated for a moment, and said, "When I was looking at the case just now, I saw the file of the terrorist attack in country B. I don't seem to be high enough to open it."

Nie Shen didn't speak for a long time, and his expression was extremely complicated and sad. Earlier, he sent people to country B to investigate the matter. Although Yan Xi had no chance of surviving, he still couldn't accept it.

Hua Cuo's heart tightened, and he had been waiting for Nie Shen to speak. In fact, he wanted to know the contents of the file. It should not be considered a secret. Not only the National Security Bureau has files, but also the Public Security Bureau, Interpol Huaguo Central Bureau, Justice Bureau, etc. There will be files.

"What's your relationship with Yan Xi?" Nie Shen looked at Hua Cuo. After so long, does Hua Cuo still like Yan Xi?

"Why do you ask like that? She and I have always been very good friends." Hua Cuo's heart was trembling. Why did the director suddenly ask this question? Didn't he ask it before?

"Sit down." Nie Shen glanced at the chair in front of the desk.

"I can stand up." Hua Cuo looked relaxed.

"Sit down." Nie Shen said again.

Hua Cuo didn't dare to disobey, took a step forward and sat down on the chair.

Nie Shen took out a file from the drawer and pushed it in front of Hua Cuo.

It is the paper file of the terrorist attack in country B. The file is a bit thick, with a combination of graphics and text.

Hua Cuo was a little hesitant. He opened the file, page by page, until he saw the list of victims.

Nancy, whose real identity is Yan Xi, a native of China, 28 years old, a senior employee directly under the general secretariat, drove a helicopter and crashed into the Luodi Sea during the terrorist attack in country B.

Hua Cuo froze, he was doubting the authenticity of this file, he couldn't believe what he saw, the helicopter that crashed must not be her.

"I don't believe it either." Nie Shen seemed to see through Hua Cuo's thoughts.

Hua Cuo didn't say a word, left Nie Shen's office, and kept calling her, only a blunt voice answered him, and turned off the phone.

Maybe her phone is lost.

So, use all contact methods to contact her, other phone numbers, email addresses, social accounts, etc.

Hua mistakenly bought a plane ticket and flew to country B.

He didn't believe this so-called real file. Before she left, she had promised him that she would do everything in her power to protect herself.

She always said the same thing.

(End of this chapter)

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