Chapter 764
Huacuo stayed up all night, her mind was full of her figure.

It has been more than two months since the terrorist attack occurred.

Country B is still very chaotic and volatile.

Hua mistakenly went to the National Central Bureau of Interpol Country B, and learned about the so-called specific situation, but he still didn't believe it.

"Fall into the Lodi Sea, and it's basically impossible to find it." Taric was full of sadness and guilt. He was the one who let Nancy drive the Navy II. The Lodi Sea was deep and there was an undercurrent, and it had been more than two months.

Hua Cuo didn't speak. After leaving the Central Bureau, he bought a heavy hammer and went to the martyr's cemetery in country B. When he found her tombstone, he smashed it without hesitation.

She is not here, this tombstone is meaningless!

Huacuo went to the Luodi Sea, an endless blue sea, sparkling on the surface of the sea, seemingly calm, but there was a dangerous undercurrent hidden under the water.

Hua mistakenly took off her jacket, jumped into the sea, and swam to the boundless sea.

After swimming for an unknown amount of time, it was already dark and he was exhausted, so he floated back slowly, sat by the beach, and looked at the sea in the dark night.


Hua went to Lyon in country F by mistake, but she was not found.So he went back to the country of Hua, and went to the house on Tongjing Road.

After half a year, the longan tree in the courtyard was covered with small white flowers, and weeds grew in the flower beds.

Later, Hua went to Jingyang City by mistake, and the house was covered with dust, so lonely and desolate.

Hua applied for a vacation by mistake, and within a few days, an invitation was received in the mailbox, saying that Ye Piaopiao and Qin Hao were getting married.

Hua Cuo did not accept the invitation, but only replied with a congratulatory message, and gave a wedding gift on the wedding day.

On this day, the wind and the sun are beautiful, and it is a good day. Many couples choose to get married on this day.

Huacuo just stood in a hidden place outside the church, watching Ye Piaopiao and Qin Hao step into the marriage hall.

After the wedding ceremony, Hua mistakenly called Ye Piaopiao.

"Happy wedding."

"Oh my god! Huacuo! I received your gift! Thank you!" Ye Piaopiao was extremely excited. She hadn't contacted Huacuo for several years, but she still sent an invitation.

"You're welcome, did Yan Xi give you a wedding present?"

"No, maybe she doesn't know, and I can't get in touch with her." Ye Piaopiao said, and she hadn't been in touch for several years, Yan Xi was a bit cold, not to blame, but because of Yan Xi's personality.

"..." Hua was silent.

"What's the matter? Are you still in touch?" Ye Piaopiao asked, remembering that Hua Cuo and Yan Xi had a very good relationship in the past.

"I will contact you occasionally." Hua Cuo said.

"Is she okay now?" Ye Piaopiao was a little depressed, Yan Xi actually contacted Hua Cuo instead of her.

"Very good." Hua Cuo forced a smile.

"That's good. I heard she said she went abroad a few years ago. Is she still abroad? Which country is she in?" Ye Piaopiao recalled this old thing, and said that she went abroad to get married.

"She's still abroad, in... Italy." Hua Cuo's voice was hoarse.

"Oh, what's wrong with your voice?" Ye Piaopiao vaguely heard it.

"Throat is a bit uncomfortable, it's okay. Congratulations on your marriage."

"Oh, thank you." Ye Piaopiao's tone was a little helpless.

"What's wrong? I don't seem very happy."

"No, I'm pregnant, so let's get married first." Ye Piaopiao is 32 years old this year, and originally planned to get married next year, but unexpectedly got pregnant unexpectedly, so she got married this year.

"Really? Congratulations." Hua Cuo suddenly remembered when the frozen embryo in Italy was born.

"Thank you." Ye Piaopiao responded with a smile, although the baby came early.


(End of this chapter)

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