I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 767 Yan Xi Chapter 01

Chapter 767 Yan Xi Comes Back 01
The room is full of bright morning light, and the sweet aroma wafts from the kitchen.

Hua Cuo walked over step by step, and stood silently at the door of the kitchen, looking at the familiar back. She cut her hair short, showing her slender neck, and wearing a white sweater...

Yan Xi sensed movement behind her, and subconsciously looked over.

The two immediately looked at each other.

Hua Cuo's heart trembled suddenly, it was like a dream at this moment, he didn't want to wake up, she disappeared for almost three years.

Yan Xi moved his lips, wanting to say something, but didn't know what to say.

Hua Cuo walked over slowly, as if afraid of disturbing her, until he came to her, opened his arms and hugged her gently, resting his head on her shoulders, his voice was hoarse and uncertain: "You are back ?"

Yan Xi also hugged him, sighed slightly in his heart, and said, "Huacuo, I'm back."

Hua Cuo seemed very tired, the weight of her whole body was on her body, he didn't ask why she disappeared for so long, as long as she came back, it would be fine.

The two hugged each other quietly for a long time.

Yan Xi said, "I'm cooking porridge."

Hua Cuo still did not let go, and asked in a low voice: "I am more important, or cooking porridge is more important?"

Yan Xi was a little helpless, he was sometimes naive: "I cooked it for you."

Hua Cuo let go of her hand, but was still leaning against her side.

Yan Xi used the induction cooker to cook the porridge at regular intervals, usually it would not be burnt, and he only needed to stir it occasionally.

"It's almost ready to eat, you go wash up first."

"Are you really back?" Hua Cuo still felt that it was a beautiful dream, touching her temperature and breath.

"I'm back." Yan Xi looked at him seriously, he seemed to have lost some weight.

"Why do they all say that you disappeared in Luodihai." In fact, he believed it, but he was unwilling to accept it and pretended that she was still alive.

"I lied to everyone." Yan Xi didn't know how to explain, the matter was a bit complicated.

Huacuo hugged her again. Fortunately, she lied to everyone, and he would not be angry at her deception. He felt extremely grateful.

Yan Xi let him hug him, but the porridge was already cooked: "Go and wash up, you can have breakfast."

Only then did Hua Cuo let her go and went to the bathroom. When he saw himself in the mirror, his face was a little ugly, which didn't fit his image.

So he quickly washed up, shaved off the messy stubble, combed his hair neatly, and then went back to the room to put on his shoes and change into neat attire.

On the dining table were two bowls of steaming sweet porridge and several pieces of bread.

Hua Cuo was eating porridge while looking at her opposite.

Yan Xi felt a little uncomfortable being watched by him: "What are you looking at?"

Hua Cuo finally showed a smile: "I want to make up for the time I didn't see you before."

The corner of Yan Xi's lips twitched, seeing that his bowl had bottomed out.

"Do you still want to eat porridge?" Yan Xi ate it, it wasn't bad, and the taste was okay. He was lethargic yesterday and had a fever last night, so he must be very hungry.

"More." Huacuo went to the kitchen to fill a bowl of porridge.

This breakfast has been eaten for a long time, anyway, the porridge in the pot is still warm, so you can eat it slowly.

Hua ate three bowls of porridge by mistake, when he was about to eat the fourth bowl.

Yan Xi couldn't help reminding: "Don't eat too much, I'll stitch up your wound, if your stomach is too distended, it may rupture the wound."

Only then did Hua Cuo stop: "Then I'll eat later."

After breakfast, the two sat on the sofa and watched TV.

(End of this chapter)

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