I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 768 Yan Xi Chapter 02

Chapter 768 Yan Xi Comes Back 02
Huacuo is like a bird clinging to a person, reaching out to wrap her arms around her waist, and leaning on her body.

Yan Xi hesitated for a moment, then reached out and hooked his shoulder.

Hua Cuo was full of joy, and got closer to her more intimately, with her head resting on her shoulder, her hair was very short, even shorter than his.

"Yan Xi, you look good with short hair too."

"Really?" Yan Xi just thought it was a bit troublesome to have long hair, so he cut it off.

"Well, did you unwrap your birthday present?"

"Not yet." She knew he would put presents in that drawer every year.

"Yesterday was your birthday. You are 31 years old. Happy birthday." Hua Cuo said in a long tone. He had never celebrated her birthday with her, and he was absent every year.

"..." Yan Xi wanted to say thank you, although she didn't mind the age, why did he emphasize the specific age?

The two just sat on the sofa and watched TV all morning.

Until eleven o'clock at noon.

"I'm going to buy vegetables, what do you want to eat?" Yan Xi hadn't cooked for a long time, so he tried to cook some simple dishes.

"I'll go grocery shopping with you."

"The wound on your abdomen has just been stitched up, so it's not suitable for walking."

"It's okay, let's walk slowly." Hua Mi didn't want to be separated from her for a moment.

So, the two went out together.

For so many years, this road seems to have changed little.

The two walked to the vegetable market slowly, and under Hua Cuo's guidance, Yan Xi bought a lot of vegetables.

Back home, under Hua Cuo's guidance, Yan Xi cooked a lot of dishes in a hurry.

After lunch, Yan Xi asked him to rest, after all he was injured.

"Let's take a nap together." Huacuo took her hand, she must have taken care of him for a long time last night.

"Why are you sleeping in my room?" Yan Xi was a little depressed, there was also his room here.

"When you were in the capital, you slept in my room. I thought I could sleep in your room here." Hua looked at her innocently.

Yan Xi was in a complicated mood, and there were some things that were inappropriate to say at this time.

"Now that you're hurt, I might accidentally press on your wound."

"How come, you won't be all on top of me." Huazuo blinked her eyes, usually she slept peacefully, as for the moment when she was on top of him, it was not convenient for him now.

Yan Xi's face turned black, what did he mean by this.

Finally, the two of them lay down in bed and took a nap.

Usually Yan Xi doesn't have the habit of taking a nap, but yesterday she rushed back by plane and tossed and tossed until midnight at night, so she was also a little sleepy.

"Yan Xi, thank you for coming back." Hua Cuo wanted to hug her sideways, but there was a wound on her abdomen, so she couldn't lie on her side, she could only lie on her back.

"Do you really want to relapse? Or..." Yan Xi frowned, or did he really have no regard for life and death?
"I'm sorry, I lied to you." Hua wrongly told a lie, he won't relapse, but if he can't wake up, then he can't wake up, but it turns out that he woke up, so whether he lied to her has become It doesn't matter, what matters is that she is back.

"How do you know... I'm still alive." She never told anyone, and she has been receiving messages from him for nearly three years.

"I guessed it." He didn't know, he even thought that she was buried in the Luodi Sea like others, but he couldn't accept it, so he kept deceiving himself, she must still be somewhere in the world, maybe she lost her memory, maybe Can't reveal his identity, maybe even leave everything behind and start a new life, etc., he has assumed countless possibilities.

(End of this chapter)

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