I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 770 Yan Xi Chapter 04

Chapter 770 Yan Xi Comes Back 04
The next morning, Hua Cuo was injured and couldn't run with her, so he made breakfast slowly, and then went downstairs to buy a newspaper.

The two eat breakfast together.

"Han Mengli is married!" Hua Cuo looked at the report in surprise.

"..." Yan Xi was speechless, Han Mengli got married when she got married, and it was none of his business.

"Did you know? Han Ziming died in a car accident the year before last, and Han Mengli became the sole heir of Han's business." Hua Cuo said, Han Ziming is useless to be alive.

"Now I know." Yan Xi was a little surprised that Han Ziming died like this, but after thinking about it, he wasn't surprised at all. If he walked too much at night, something would happen sooner or later.

"Did you know? Han Mengli's husband is just a manager of Han's company. It is said that he came from a grassroots background in a remote mountainous area. He worked hard all the way to a prestigious university and then became the general manager of Han's company." Hua Cuo thought to himself, he seems to be considered Grass roots.

Yan Xi ate breakfast in silence, he was really not interested in these topics, Hua Cuo always liked to watch these news.

Hua Cuo suddenly remembered something, should I tell her?

"Has Yun Su contacted you?"

"No, what's the matter?" Yan Xi glanced at him, why did he ask.

"Last week, he sent me an invitation. He's getting married next month. Do you want to attend with me?" Hua Cuo didn't want to go at first, but now that she's back, he's in the mood again.

"He didn't send me an invitation, you go by yourself." So she didn't go.

Hua Cuo looked gloomy, then should he go or not.

"Did you know? He has become a major general now." Hua Cuo glanced at her quietly. Yun Su was promoted to such a high military position at such a young age. At present, almost no one in China can match him. In addition, the Cheng family is very prominent. Yun Su can be said to be the proud son of heaven.

"Now I know." Yan Xi was not surprised, when he learned that Yun Su was from the Cheng family, he had already anticipated his future.

"He also has a son. I met him once. His son looks very, very similar to him. It is almost carved out of the same mold." Hua Cuo said, Yun Su's son is only three or four years old, and even his personality is the same as Yun Su's. very similar.

"He has a son before he gets married, won't it affect his promotion?" Yan Xi thought of this question. Yun Su is a soldier, and military marriages cannot be divorced. Having an illegitimate child may affect his reputation.

"Isn't that the point? The point is that his son looks a lot like him!" Hua Cuo emphasized, did she hear the point? !
"Oh." Yan Xi had never seen it before, so it was hard to imagine.

"He's not married yet, so it's his and his girlfriend's child. It's not an affair, so it won't affect his promotion, and he's marrying his son's mother." Hua Cuo said, as if he was the eldest son of An's family in the capital. Miss.

"Oh." Yan Xi understood.

Huacuo looked at her, and saw her expression was calm, now Yun Su has a new life, she once said that she hurt Yun Su, no matter what it is, after so many years, Yun Su must have let go.

"Today is Saturday, how long will you stay?" Hua Cuo asked hesitantly, is she on vacation recently?

"I don't know." Yan Xi said, he hadn't received the task yet.

"Piao Piao got married more than two years ago, and Xiao Xia also got married last year. They even sent me an invitation, and they should have sent you an invitation too. Why don't you invite me out for a meal?" Hua Cuo thought that she hadn't seen her for many years.

(End of this chapter)

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