I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 771 Yan Xi Chapter 05

Chapter 771 Yan Xi Comes Back 05
Yan Xi hesitated for a moment, then agreed.At that time, because of her mission, she didn't check her mailbox to prevent her identity from being leaked, so she didn't know until recently.

"Then do you mind telling Ye Piaopiao and the others about our relationship?" Hua looked at her wrongly. His relationship with her had never been made public. It was the objection from Director Ji before, but there was no need to hide it from others.

Yan Xi didn't think of this question for a while, but since Hua Cuo didn't mind, she didn't have to hide it: "I don't mind."

Hua Cuo was overjoyed, as if she finally got her approval.

After breakfast, Huacuo went to the balcony and called Ye Piaopiao.

"Wrong flower! Is it you?" Ye Piaopiao was obviously very pleasantly surprised, and there was no contact for several years, and the time passed in the blink of an eye.

"Well, are you free tomorrow? Call Xiaoxia and Qin Hao, no, it's your husband, come out for dinner together." Hua Cuo said.

"Of course I'm free, even if I'm not free, I still have to be free. Why did you suddenly ask us out for dinner?" Ye Piaopiao felt strange, and seemed very happy to hear Hua Cuo's voice.

"I want to officially introduce my girlfriend to you." Hua Cuo couldn't hide a smile in her tone.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Ye Piaopiao asked in surprise, but it was not surprising, how could Hua Cuo not have a girlfriend.

"Well, I've had a girlfriend for a long time." Hua took a wrong look at Yan Xi in the room.

"Is Yan Xi coming? She's so far away in Italy." Ye Piaopiao thought to herself, Yan Xi probably won't come.

"She's back, of course she's here." Hua Cuo said with a smile, otherwise how could she make a formal introduction.

"Really, that's great! I haven't seen her for many years!" Ye Piaopiao was very happy, and she couldn't usually contact Yan Xi, let alone meet her.

Huacuo chatted with Ye Piaopiao for a long time before hanging up, and agreed on a time and place to meet.


The next day, Sunday.

At noon, we agreed to have lunch at Liyuan Restaurant.

Ye Piaopiao and Qin Hao, as well as Zhuang Xiaoxia and her husband, arrived very early. Everyone was looking forward to seeing Yan Xi, Hua Cuo and his girlfriend.

From a distance, I saw Yan Xi and Hua wrongly approaching. I haven't seen him for about six or seven years. Both of them have changed a lot, especially Yan Xi who has cut his hair short, so he almost couldn't recognize him.

Zhuang Xiaoxia's face was full of surprise, and she waved her hands impatiently: "Yan Xi, the flowers are wrong, this way!"

Yan Xi and Hua wrongly walked over and saw Zhuang Xiaoxia's belly bulge slightly, he couldn't help being a little surprised, and saw a strange man sitting beside Zhuang Xiaoxia, this should be Zhuang Xiaoxia's husband.

The man held down Zhuang Xiaoxia's overly excited behavior: "Don't move around, don't forget that you are pregnant."

"Got it! Yan Xi, Huacuo, I'm so glad to see you!" Zhuang Xiaoxia is almost 30 years old, her personality and appearance haven't changed much, she's still the same carefree.

"I'm very happy too. Long time no see." Yan Xi smiled lightly and looked at everyone present.

"Yan Xi, Huacuo, it's been a long time!" Qin Hao looked at the two with some surprise, it was really too long since they had seen each other.

"Yan Xi, your new hairstyle is very handsome." Ye Piaopiao looked at Yan Xi in surprise, Yan Xi's face was relatively three-dimensional, and his short hair was somewhat cold.

"It's very old." Yan Xi smiled, she kept this hairstyle for almost three years.

"Yan Xi, Hua Cuo, let me introduce you, this is my husband." Zhuang Xiaoxia pointed to the man beside her.

"Hello, I'm Zeng Qiliang. I've heard my wife mention you just now." Zeng Qiliang has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and his personality is quite bold.

(End of this chapter)

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