I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 773 Yan Xi Chapter 07

Chapter 773 Yan Xi Comes Back 07
Ye Piaopiao found it inconceivable, why did Yan Xi like flowers?But she will also give blessings, in fact, Hua Cuo is quite a good person, the most important thing is that Yan Xi likes him.

Ye Piaopiao thought of Dr. Yin, and now she and Qin Hao and Yin Zimo have become friends.

June [-]th has passed. Last year, Yin Zimo and a female reporter came back from Africa. They got married at the beginning of this year and invited her and Qin Hao to the wedding. Yin Zimo and the female reporter were talented and beautiful. Not long ago, Yin Zimo's wife was pregnant.

At this moment, the waiter served the food, and the lunch was quite enjoyable.

After eating, Ye Piaopiao said she was going to the bathroom and asked Yan Xi to accompany her there.

Ye Piaopiao and Yan Xi went to the ladies' bathroom.

There is no one in the restroom.

"Do you still remember Dr. Yin? He got married at the beginning of this year, and his wife recently became pregnant, did you know that?" Ye Piaopiao recalled that year, Yan Xi said to go abroad to get married in order to avoid Yin Zimo.

Yan Xi was a little surprised, but not surprised, and smiled: "Now I know."

"Don't you feel it?" Ye Piaopiao raised his eyebrows, Yan Xi seemed very happy.

"Yes, congratulations." Yan Xi said.

Ye Piaopiao was speechless, no matter what, it was half of the past, but now it's okay, they both have their own lives and their own destinations.

"You really got together with Hua by mistake?" Ye Piaopiao still couldn't believe it.

"Yeah." Yan Xi was washing his hands, so there was no need to hide it.

"Why are you with him?" Ye Piaopiao couldn't figure it out.

"I...don't know." Yan Xi couldn't answer for a while, and she didn't know how she and Hua got together by mistake.

"I don't know? Then do you like Hua Cuo?" Ye Piaopiao couldn't laugh or cry, the two had known each other for so many years, and they remembered that they had a good relationship before, maybe Hua Cuo already liked Yan Xi at that time, but Yan Xi was hard to guess.

Yan Xi was also asking himself, does she like flowers wrong?Maybe it's not like I like it very much. I used to think it was very easy to be with him. Maybe it's because Hua Cuo has a cheerful personality, and he doesn't shy away from talking to him. Maybe it's because Hua Cuo is as vulgar and ordinary as her.

At least she can't face the high-ranking and extraordinary Yun Su, it will make her overshadowed.

I also don't like the unreasonable and endless Hess, which will make her feel very tired.

"I like it." Although it feels a little heavy now, it is undeniable that she likes flowers.

"How long have you been together?" Ye Piaopiao asked again, although it was a bit hard to imagine that Yan Xi would like Huacuo.

"It's not that long." Yan Xi thought about it, she and Hua Cuo had been together for more than three years, but the real time together was only a handful.

"Where do you live? Are you in Italy?" Ye Piaopiao asked like a love expert.

"Because of work, we don't often live together." Yan Xi said.

"In this way, it is equivalent to a long-distance relationship, so when you live together, who will do the housework and who will cook?" Ye Piaopiao asked with concern, these trivial things in life are very important.

"Usually he does the cooking. As for the housework, he's better than me." Yan Xi was a little embarrassed. She did the housework very casually, but she did it more meticulously.

"You...how often?" Ye Piaopiao lowered her voice, even though there was no one else in the bathroom.

"Huh?" Yan Xi looked at Ye Piaopiao in confusion.

"Well, sleep, how often." Ye Piaopiao's eyes were ambiguous, as if you understood.

Yan Xi was stunned for a moment, she didn't want to answer this kind of privacy question, she and Hua Cuo had been separated for nearly three years, and he was injured again recently, so she was too embarrassed to say it out.

Ye Piaopiao looked at Yan Xi, unable to read Yan Xi's expression, but the number of times can't determine the quality, the most important thing is: "How did you feel at that time?"

Even if Yan Xi had a thick skin, he couldn't stand the frankness of a middle-aged woman like Ye Piaopiao.

"I feel okay, I don't know how he feels." Yan Xi was a little embarrassed.

"He must feel very good." Ye Piaopiao laughed, Hua Cuo had been single before, maybe Hua Cuo had imagined Yan Xi at that time.

Yan Xi was silent, and took a tissue to wipe his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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