I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 774 Yan Xi Chapter 08

Chapter 774 Yan Xi Comes Back 08
"Have you ever thought about getting married and having children?" Ye Piaopiao asked again. After counting, Yan Xi and Hua Cuo are not too young.

"No." Yan Xi said without thinking, she didn't know if she would get married, but she couldn't have children.

Ye Piaopiao looked at Yan Xi suspiciously, Yan Xi answered too quickly and with certainty.

"Why are you together if you don't get married?" Ye Piaopiao was puzzled, the two of them didn't seem like casual people, and they were good friends at first, if they broke up, they might not even be friends.

"I don't know how to explain it, I don't want to say it." Yan Xi threw the tissue into the trash can.

After hearing this, Ye Piaopiao didn't ask any more questions. Sometimes Yan Xi was terribly rational and lacked sensibility.

"Let me tell you about my experience. I married Qin Hao because of an unexpected pregnancy. At that time, he was on the rise in his career, and I was also being promoted. My son came at the wrong time, and it didn't end right after birth. Although you can completely hand over the child to a nanny, but we all feel that as parents, we should take care of our children, and a nanny is just an auxiliary."

"Therefore, we must have a person who temporarily sacrifices his career. This kind of thing is usually sacrificed by a woman. Even if he is very considerate and caring for me, I am still unwilling to sacrifice, so we have a cold war. The final result is that I compromised, because My position is not as high as his, I don’t make as much money as him, and my career advancement is not as important as him.”

"I'm not angry with Qin Hao. In fact, he has done a good job. He only goes out in the morning after making breakfast, and comes back from get off work an hour early in the evening to take care of the child. It's just that I have to compromise in the face of reality." Since the child was born, she has never talked to anyone People have confided these things, and are much more comfortable saying them now.

Yan Xi listened silently, she didn't have this kind of experience, so it was difficult for her to understand the fluttering mood, but she understood how much courage and unwillingness it takes to compromise.

"Piao Piao, you are amazing."

"I have let myself go and relaxed, but I still have a little grievance in my heart. But now, because of your words, the last bit of grievance is gone."

Ye Piaopiao smiled, she was still the confident, proud, and unrestrained Ye Piaopiao.

"Although there is a nanny at home to help take care of the children, I still try to reduce my workload and spend more time with the children's growth. In fact, this is also very fulfilling."

Although she was flustered and upset at the beginning, she even hated children at one point, because of her children, she sacrificed her career.

Thinking about it now, I am horrified.

Later, seeing her son's limp ball, crawling, laughing, and clinging to her, the first sentence she learned was to call her mother, and she had a sense of accomplishment and strong family affection.

"After I put my son in kindergarten next year, I will quit my job and open a cafe."

Ye Piaopiao is still in high spirits. She has been preparing for the cafe plan for more than a year. Instead of re-entering the workplace and struggling, it is better to start her own business.

"That's good." Yan Xi expressed his support, Piao Piao is a very motivated person.

The two chatted in the bathroom for a long time before going back.

The cutlery on the dining table has been removed and hot tea has been replaced.

"Why did it take you so long to come back?" Qin Hao looked at the two of them, they must have talked about something unknown.

"Did you pay?" Ye Piaopiao asked.

"Not yet, don't worry." Qin Hao poured her a cup of hot tea.

"Yan Xi, how long have you stayed in Jingyang City?" Ye Piaopiao asked, if you have time, you can make another appointment.

"Maybe I'll leave in a few days." Yan Xi wanted to go to the capital to meet Nie Shen.

Ye Piaopiao was a little bit reluctant, so she could only silently bless her.


(End of this chapter)

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