I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 775 Yan Xi Chapter 09

Chapter 775 Yan Xi Comes Back 09
A week later, Hua Cuo's wound began to heal, and Yan Xi helped him remove the stitches and change the dressing.

A few days later, Yan Xi said that he was going to the capital to meet Nie Shen.

The winter in the capital this year does not seem to be so cold. It has not snowed in early December, but it is still a bit cold.

When the two returned to the apartment, Yan Xi called Nie Shen and said that he would go to his house tomorrow.

"Yan Xi, should I go with you tomorrow?" Hua Cuo was very conflicted. If he went, he would pretend nothing had happened with her, but every time he met her unexpectedly and visited the director at the same time, the director might get suspicious.

"You can do whatever you want." Yan Xi didn't care.

"Tell me." Hua Cuo insisted on giving her the decision-making power.

"Then don't go." Yan Xi said, it doesn't matter if he goes or not, anyway, he will see Nie Shen usually.

Hua Cuo looked gloomy, but he wanted to go with her.

When the two were lying in bed at night, Hua mistakenly picked up a few darts.

There was a dartboard on the wall in front of the end of the bed.

"Yan Xi, let's play darts. If I win, we'll go to the director's house together tomorrow. Otherwise, I won't go." Hua mistakenly distributed a few darts to her.

Yan Xi didn't answer, and looked at him speechlessly, how bored is he?
"We don't play the formal deduction rules, but simple bonus points." Hua Cuo said.

"You don't need to play anymore, you can go." Yan Xi thought it was childish.

"Alright then! But it's only ten o'clock, so let's compete on who is the best at darts." Hua Cuo was in high spirits.

"I admit defeat." Yan Xi didn't want to play with him, she was not bad at throwing darts, but he suggested that he should be better.

"Don't do this, we will play three rounds, one round and one round, two out of three rounds, and it will be over soon. If you win, I promise you one thing, if you lose, forget it." Hua Cuo said , such winning and losing conditions, no matter what, he is at a disadvantage.

"Bring it!" Yan Xi spread out his palm.

Hua Cuo looked happy and gave her a few darts.

The two sat up, just facing the dartboard on the wall.

"Throw one first and decide who comes first." Hua Cuo is used to sitting on the bed and throwing darts.

"You come first." Yan Xi didn't want to waste time.

Hua made a mistake to adjust the position, and threw the first dart very relaxedly.

With a bang, the first dart hits the center of the red inner circle, 50 divisions.

Hua Cuo was very proud: "50 points."

Yan Xi was very calm, it doesn't matter if she loses anyway.

Huacuo cast a second one, with a beep, 20 points without multiples.

Seeing this score, Hua Cuo paused for a moment, it was almost there!

Yan Xi chuckled inwardly, guessing that he wanted to shoot in the triple area of ​​20 points.

Hua Cuo narrowed his eyes and continued to throw the third dart.

Benedict!In the middle of the green outer circle, 25 divisions.

Huacuo was stunned again, why did he keep missing?

At present, Hua Mi has scored a total of 95 points.

When it was Yan Xi's turn, Yan Xi threw the first dart in a calm manner.

20-point no-multiple area.

Hua Cuo smiled immediately: "20 points."

Yan Xi continued to throw the second dart, which was still in the 20-point no-multiple zone.

Hua Cuo laughed even more happily: "Currently a total of 40 points."

Yan Xi moved his position, fixed his eyes, took aim, and threw the third dart steadily.

Triple zone of 19 points.

Hua Wrong's smile froze.


Hua Cuo was very depressed when he lost. If the difference was more than ten points, he would be convinced to lose, but the difference was only 2 points!

"Do you still want to play?" Yan Xi glanced at him, he wasn't very powerful, he just pretended to be very powerful.

"Of course, two wins in three rounds, I still have a great chance to win." Hua Cuo is full of confidence. It's just that I haven't practiced for a long time, and I'm a bit out of standard.

Take the darts off the dart board and proceed to the next round.

Yan Xi still let him come first.

This time, Hua Cuo was more focused. This was not a formal match, so he took aim and aim before throwing the first dart.

Very steadily hit the center of the red inner circle, 50 divisions.

50 points is not bad.

But Hua Cuo did not dare to take it lightly, and continued to focus on the center of the inner circle, and threw the second dart.

With a beep, it was still the 50th division.

There are currently 100 points.

Hua Cuo breathed a sigh of relief, looked at her proudly, and said, "Are you stressed now?"

Yan Xi looked disdainful, she felt no pressure at all, because she didn't suffer if she lost.

Huacuo continued to throw the last dart.

The moment the dart hit the dart board, Hua Cuo's expression froze.

The center of the green outer circle is 25 divisions, maybe he used too much force, and the dart wing is still trembling slightly.

However, Hua Cuo soon relaxed again. Although the vote was not ideal this time, she still had a total of 125 points, and she may not be able to exceed this score.

Hua Cuo kept staring at her, waiting for her to throw darts, she must not win, otherwise there would be no next game.

After Yan Xi took aim, when he was about to throw the first dart, his elbow touched the quilt.

But the dart has already flown out.

The dust has settled.

The position where the dart lands, the double area of ​​3 points, a total of 2 points.

"Haha, 6 points! 6 points!" Hua Cuo couldn't help laughing.

Yan Xi's face darkened.

"You're going to lose this game, do you want to admit defeat?" Hua Cuo looked terrified. The highest score on the dart board is 60 points. She needs to score 60 points twice to win. In the first game, she shot 20 points twice. None of the 3 times zone hits, so now the chances of hitting twice in a row are very slim.

Yan Xi didn't say anything, but proved it with practical actions.

Amid Hua Cuo's laughter, the second dart flew out like a sharp arrow.

The moment the dart hit the dartboard, Hua Cuo couldn't help but laugh.

20 points for triple zone, 3 points!
Hua Cuo looked at her fixedly, he couldn't believe that she could shoot another 60 points!
Under Hua Cuo's gaze, Yan Xi threw the last dart.

It's done!

In the triple area of ​​20 points, there are two blue darts.

Hua Cuo looked unbelievable, how is this possible? !

Hua Miu lost very unwillingly, 1 point!Only lost 1 point!
"Sleep." Yan Xi lay down.

"Let's play another game." Hua Cuo wanted to play again.

"Two out of three rounds, you lose and stop playing." Yan Xi lifted the quilt and covered it.

"Let's compete again. If you win, I will promise you one more thing." Hua Cuo was persistent, and he never won a game.

"You don't have to promise me." She didn't need to.

"If you don't agree, I'm going to kiss you." Hua Cuo suddenly leaned over and pressed gently on her body.

"Based on your current situation, I suggest you not to make too much movement. If your wound is opened, I won't stitch you up." Yan Xi advised.

Hua Zuo hesitated to speak, but in fact his wound has almost healed.

Hua Cuo bowed his head and kissed her, said good night, then lay down, turned off the lights and went to sleep.


(End of this chapter)

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