I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 776 Yan Xi Chapter 10

Chapter 776 Yan Xi Comes Back 10
The next day, Hua Cuo pretended to call Nie Shen again, saying that he just found out that Yan Xi was back, and that he would go to your house with Yan Xi tomorrow.

So, in the afternoon, the two took a taxi to the neighborhood of Nie Shen's house.

To avoid suspicion, Yan Xi went in first, Hua Cuo went in later.

When Nie Shen heard the guard's announcement, he couldn't wait to go out.

Seeing Yan Xi alive in front of him, Nie Shen was too excited to speak.

"Uncle Nie." Yan Xi felt ashamed, after three years of seeing each other, his temples had faint traces of gray, as if he had aged a bit.

"Yan Xi, come in quickly, it's cold outside." Nie Shen finally had a happy smile on his face.

It was much warmer in the room, the two sat in the living room and chatted for a while, and the flowers came by mistake.

After Hua Cuo greeted Nie Shen, she sat on the sofa on the other side and deliberately distanced herself from Yan Xi.

Nie Shen felt strange, why every time Yan Xi came to him, Huacuo always appeared?

"Hua Cuo, when did you know about Yan Xi..." Nie Shen didn't dare to say that dead word, and now he still has lingering fears when he thinks about it.

"Not long ago, I was frightened by her." Hua Cuo didn't show his expression. If she didn't come back, he really didn't know what to do.

Nie Shen took a look at Hua Cuo. During the three years since Yan Xi disappeared, although Hua Cuo performed tasks as usual, he became a little reticent and quiet. Today he seems to be cheerful.

He doesn't know Hua Cuo's personal affairs, but he has never heard of Hua Cuo having a girlfriend. Now counting, Hua Cuo is 33 years old.

As a senior agent of the National Security Bureau, after the age of 40, he rarely performs field missions. Because of physical fitness, mental state, family factors, personal wishes, etc., he usually turns to logistics work or changes jobs.

"Yan Xi, have you ever thought about changing jobs?" Nie Shen asked tactfully, he didn't want her to continue her current job, he couldn't afford to lose her again.

"Not yet." Yan Xi didn't know how to explain, she probably knew what Nie Shen was thinking.

Nie Shen was very worried. He would not stop her from choosing what kind of life she would choose. He could only hope that she would always protect herself.

Nie Shen suddenly remembered something, should she tell Yan Xi, did she know?

"Yun Su is getting married next week, do you know?" Nie Shen always had a trace of regret in his heart, that Yan Xi and Yun Su had no fate.

"Understood, congratulations to him. But you don't need to convey it to him for me." Yan Xi smiled, Yun Su didn't pursue Cheng Yuan's affairs with her, she thought the best way was to say goodbye forever, and let the secret be buried forever.

Nie Shen laughed, after so many years, the two of them should have let go, why is Yan Xi still unwilling to face Yun Su?
Of course, he was very happy about Yun Su's marriage, and he had to be a witness that day.

He had met Yun Su's fiancée, Miss An Jia, a smart and strong woman, generous, with an extraordinary temperament, she was a perfect match for Yun Su, and they had a smart and lovely son, so they were considered happy.

"Yan Xi, do you have someone you like? It's not an ordinary friend, it's a boyfriend." Nie Shen became concerned, for fear that she would be alone all the time and have no scruples. Her job was unstable and it would be difficult to get a boyfriend.

Yan Xi paused, not knowing how to answer.

Hua Cuo has a calm expression on his face, but his heart is no longer calm. Is he the one she likes?

Nie Shen waited for a while. If not, she could just say no, but after thinking about it for so long, she might or might not be sure.

"Since you don't want to talk about it, I won't ask." Nie Shen expressed his understanding, and he didn't want to get involved in the young man's affairs, he just cared about it.

Yan Xi pursed his lips, she didn't know how to deal with her relationship with Hua Cuo.

Hua Cuo felt a little lost in her heart, why was she silent?Her boyfriend is him!In fact, she can tell the chief, so that they can be together openly!
"I hope you have someone you like. If you can, it's best to bring him to see me." Nie Shen smiled. He believed in Yan Xi's vision, but he still wanted to see.

Yan Xi still didn't say anything, you've seen him countless times, so you don't need her to bring it.

Huacuo's heart is shouting, I am right in front of your eyes!
In the evening, Hua Cuo and Yan Xi stayed for dinner and sat there until nine o'clock before saying goodbye to Nie Shen.


The two took a taxi back, and when passing by a pharmacy, Hua made a mistake and asked the driver to stop for a while.

"I'm going to buy something." Hua Cuo got out of the car and went to the pharmacy to buy something.

Yan Xi waited for him in the car, looked out the car window, what medicine was he going to buy?

After a while, Hua Cuo came back, but saw that his hands were empty, did he put them in his pockets?
Back at the apartment, after taking a shower, wait for her in the room.

When Yan Xi came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, she was wearing a white long-sleeved nightgown and her short hair was still wet.

Hua took the hair dryer by mistake, stood behind her, and helped her dry her hair.

Hair is short and dries quickly.

Hua Cuo put down the hair dryer casually, hugged her from behind her, and kissed the back of her neck gently.

Yan Xi felt his intention: "I don't want to stitch your wound."

Hua Cuo's voice was hoarse: "The wound has healed, as long as you treat me lightly."

Yan Xi's face darkened.

Hua Wrong's hand stretched out to her collar. The neckline of her pajamas was so wide that her shoulders were exposed with a slight tug.

Hua Cuo reached out to caress her back, and when he touched an obvious scar on the back shoulder, he paused.

"No." Yan Xi frowned.

Hua Cuo stopped her movements, moved her palm away, and saw a hideous scar on her back shoulder. It was hard to imagine the serious injury she had suffered.

"Don't look." She knew there was an ugly scar there.

Hua Cuo suddenly lowered his head, kissed the scar very devoutly, and said, "This is your merit, more honor than any medal."

Yan Xi was stunned for a moment, and felt the touch on the back of his shoulder.

Hua wrongly took off her shirt, put her arms through her waist, and fell on the bed with her, with him on the bottom and her on top, and then lifted the quilt to cover her.

"Now is not the time." Yan Xi looked depressed, not daring to press on the wound on his abdomen, and when he was about to stand up, he pulled him back again.

"It's time, my wound has healed, if you don't believe me, take a look." Hua Cuo took her hand and placed it on his abdomen.

The corner of Yan Xi's lips twitched, and he looked already emotional.

Hua Cuo's eyes were blurry, and his voice was sexy and intoxicating: "Yan Xi, I feel a little uncomfortable."

Yan Xi's heart moved, so he responded without hesitation.


(End of this chapter)

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