Chapter 777
The two spent some time in the capital.

Until December [-]th, Hua Cuo still attended Yun Su's wedding.

Hua Cuo was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, and tied a red bow tie, which was a little more solemn and elegant.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

"I can't, don't mention me." Yan Xi solemnly confessed that she didn't want to cause any discomfort on such a happy day.

"What exactly happened?" Hua Cuo was full of doubts, what was it that would make her never see Yun Su, and make Yun Su never mention her.

"It's already passed, don't ask." Yan Xi didn't want to say, and couldn't.

Don't ask any more questions about Huacuo, and went out with gifts and red envelopes.


A few days later, Yan Xi received an assignment and she was leaving the capital.

Hua sent her to the airport by mistake, and put a scarf on her: "Is it cold where you are going?"

Yan Xi said, "It's warmer than the capital."

Huacuo hugged her suddenly, he became more and more reluctant to part, afraid of parting.

Yan Xi also gave him a hug: "I'm about to board the plane."

Only then did Hua Cuo reluctantly let her go.

Yan Xi couldn't tell what he was feeling at the moment, some words had been brewing in her heart for a long time, she didn't know what Hua had wrong thoughts, but she was very clear about her own thoughts.

"Flowers are wrong, I can't wait for you, and you don't need to wait for me."

"I know, I understand, I can't wait for you, no matter what, I hope we will always be good friends, I hope you live well, and I don't want to lose my best friend." Hua Cuo showed a sincere smile.

"I don't want to lose you either, stop doing those things you shouldn't do." Yan Xi frowned.

"I don't think I've ever done anything I shouldn't. I just lied to you last time. In fact, you came back. I've always tried my best to protect myself, and I hope you do too." Hua Cuo stared at her deeply .

"I will. Goodbye." Yan Xi picked up the suitcase and left.

The smile on Hua Cuo's face gradually faded, watching her leave, watching her disappear into the crowd.


Yan Xi went to Country M first, but he never had the chance to come here before.

Yan Xi thought of Rui En, even after nearly three years, the memory is still clear and deep.

Based on the address, find Ryan's home address.

Ring the doorbell.

After a while, a middle-aged and elderly woman opened the door. She was wearing a thick coat, her face was wrinkled, and her curly hair was a little gray.

"You are..." The woman looked at Yan Xi suspiciously.

"Excuse me, is this Ryan's home?" Yan Xi asked politely.

The woman froze for a moment, with a sad look on her face, and then nodded.

"I'm Ryan's mother."

"Madam, hello, I'm Ryan's friend and colleague. When he had an accident, I was by his side. He needs me to tell you something." Yan Xi said.

"Come in, come in." The woman hastily opened the door.

Yan Xi followed the woman into the room, where two children were playing.

The woman asked Yan Xi to sit down, and she immediately called her son and daughter, telling them to come back now.

Yan Xi knew about Rui En's family situation. Rui En's father passed away very early, and he had an older brother and a younger sister. The elder brother was a doctor, married, and had two children.

After a while, Ryan's brother and sister came back.

"I'm very sorry, I was delayed due to certain things, and I didn't come to visit until today." Yan Xi apologized deeply.

"We can understand, does Ryan have anything to tell us?" Ryan's brother asked impatiently.

Yan Xi recounted the process of the terrorist attack three years ago.

Ryan's family members wept.

"Ruen was the first to discover the enemy and made the people in the church prepare for emergencies in time. He is a hero. Before he left, let me tell you that he has no regrets, so please don't be sad." Yan Xi probably guessed, Ryan's family opposed him taking the job.

"Thanks for telling us," Ryan's brother said gratefully.

"You're welcome." Yan Xi said.

After leaving Ryan's house, Yan Xi went to Lyon, country F, to meet her boss, Kevin Carney.


(End of this chapter)

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