Chapter 778
Time flies like a fleeting horse, and the world is changing every day.

Hua Cuo spent most of her time on missions, and would wait for her in Jingyang City or the capital when she was on vacation.

Missing her a lot of the time, he would put her birthday present in a drawer, waiting for her to open it.

She will also send him a birthday present on his birthday.

Although he is full of confusion about the future, he is extremely determined and yearning.

This year, Huacuo returned to Jingyang City, and learned that Ye Piaopiao had opened a coffee shop, the business was booming, and she was about to open a branch.

This year, Hua Cuo returned to the capital and learned that Yun Su's daughter was born, so he went to drink a full moon wine.

Mo Yan and his girlfriend also came to drink the full moon wine.

"Yun Su, your little princess is so cute." Mo Yan hugged her lovingly, making a limp ball, as if she had integrated the good genes of her parents, with big black and white eyes, long eyelashes, and her mouth spit out occasionally. With bubbles, very cute and natural.

This year, Mo Yan was going to get married. After Huacuo received the invitation, he wanted Yan Xi to attend the wedding with him, but Yan Xi had a mission to attend, and thought that Yun Su would definitely attend, so she probably wouldn't come.

In the end, Hua Cuo went to the banquet alone.

Mo Yan joked, "I'm already married, but you don't have a girlfriend yet."

Hua Cuo just smiled and didn't speak.

This year, Mo Yan finally got his wish and had a little princess.


On this day, Huacuo returned to Jingyang City, and there has been no news of her for nearly half a year.

Suddenly received her message, only four words: we break up.

There was no warning message, and he didn't know what to do in an instant.

Tried to call her phone number, he was answered with an empty number.

Contact her with various contact methods, the email address is invalid, and the social account has also been cancelled.

Hua Cuo's mind was in a mess, not knowing what happened or where she was.

After waiting for a week without a clue, when he was panicked, he received a call from Nie Shen, asking him to come to the National Security Bureau immediately.

Hua Cuo took the plane back to the capital that day, and the bureau chief suddenly called him back. He vaguely felt that it was related to Yan Xi.

Hua Cuo hurried to Nie Shen's office, eager to know what happened, but afraid of hearing bad news.

"What's your relationship with Yan Xi?" Nie Shen asked solemnly again.

"You have asked many times, can't you see it?" If the director can't see it, why ask him again and again?

Nie Shen had mixed feelings of joy and sorrow. There was a certain gap between Huacuo and his imagined standards, but in fact Huacuo was not bad.

Hua Cuo has been waiting for Nie Shen to speak, every minute and every second is extremely long.

"Yan Xi is in Nuvash Prison in Country F." Nie Shen frowned.

Hua Cuo secretly breathed a sigh of relief, the news is not too bad, but it is already very bad, I don't know how she is now.

"What's going on? Tell me."

"This is definitely a frame-up! It's definitely a conspiracy!" Hua Cuo said with great certainty.

(End of this chapter)

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