Chapter 779
"I know it must be a conspiracy. It is very likely that it was framed. Last week, Yan Xi was sent to the criminal court. After only two interrogations, he was convicted. Because when the Interpol was chasing Yan Xi, she There was an escape behavior, and it took nearly a week before he was arrested. In addition, Interpol found out that Yan Xi suddenly deposited 2000 million U.S. dollars in his private account in a Swiss bank." Nie Shen was very worried, and all kinds of evidence were very unfavorable to Yan Xi.

"An acquaintance must have framed Yan Xi, why did he frame Yan Xi? It is very likely that he is an insider who really provided routes for the arms dealer. This person must be familiar with Yan Xi, or even Yan Xi's friend or colleague." Hua Cuo made many mistakes in an instant. hypothesis.

"The incident took place overseas, and the country of Hua has no law enforcement power, so it cannot intervene in this matter. Besides, it has already been convicted, and the result is undoubtedly life imprisonment. It is difficult to reverse the case." Nie Shen didn't know if he was lucky, if he was in China, he would definitely be sentenced to death, Country F does not have the death penalty, so there is enough time to investigate and reverse the case.

But he couldn't wait for a moment. Most of the Nuvash Prison in Country F were Class A criminals, and there were frequent fights and riots, because there was almost no chance to come out after entering, which made the prisoners imprisoned inside unscrupulous.

"As long as we find enough evidence and find out the real ghost, the case can be overturned." Hua Cuo said firmly, he believed her very much, she was being framed and humiliated.

"The evidence collected by the Interpol and the police of Country F all points at Yan Xi. The real culprit can be impeccable, and he must be hiding very deeply. You don't know anything about this case now, and it may be a while. No evidence can be found, and it will even take a long time to fight against nothing, it may take a year, two years, or even don't know how many years." Nie Shen looked at Hua Cuo slowly, this is the moment of testing.

"I know, I have confidence, patience and perseverance. I'm never afraid of fighting against time. The only thing I'm afraid of is that she doesn't want to wait for me." Hua Cuo's heart was trembling, he couldn't imagine how she would spend in prison, Nuwa The notoriety of the prison spread far and wide.

"I'll send you five cronies to secretly investigate this matter. If you need anything, just ask me." Nie Shen looked serious. As the director of the Huaguo National Security Bureau, it is inconvenient for him to intervene in this matter, which is related to international diplomatic issues.

"Yes!" Hua Cuo solemnly accepted the order.


August fall.

The Nuvash prison in Country F is divided into a men's prison and a women's prison. The criminals detained here are basically Class A major criminals, and most of them are sentenced to life imprisonment.

Compared with the men's prison, the women's prison is not large, but there are thousands of female criminals. There are ten prison areas from Area A to Area J.

In the dark and violent prison area, all the prisoners are wearing orange prison uniforms. There are nearly two hundred female prisoners in Block C. They are not lifeless or dull, but have different expressions, or have fierce eyes, or are full of blood. With hostility, some people even wore heavy makeup and showed mocking smiles.

Since Noise Prison is full of serious offenders, each prisoner has a cramped solitary cell.

Two tall female prison guards escorted a woman through the long prison area.

The newcomer came, and the female prisoners in the cell saw it one after another. Some whistled, some gave the middle finger, and some spoke some dialects that others could not understand, but according to the tone, it was by no means pleasant.

(End of this chapter)

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