Chapter 780
The woman was wearing an orange prison uniform, handcuffed and fettered, and made a harsh metallic sound with every step.

Cell 127.

The female prison guard released the prisoner's handcuffs and shackles, pushed the prisoner into the cell, and closed the iron door that locked automatically.

The cell was narrow, dark and damp, with only an iron bed less than one meter wide, off-white pillows and bedding.

Yan Xi's expression was gloomy, his eyes were dark and cold, he sat on the edge of the bed with his head buried, looking at the gray-black concrete floor.

clang clang!

There was a knock on the iron door outside.

The iron gates are all iron gates, and you can see the situation in the opposite cell at a glance.

Yan Xi ignored the commotion outside and fell into deep thought. She had no idea who framed her and why?She didn't have a Swiss bank account at all, and someone pretended to be her to open an account and transferred 2000 million US dollars into it.

Until twelve o'clock at noon, it's time for lunch and wind.

With a click, the iron doors of all the cells were automatically unlocked.

Almost all the prisoners were out, most heading to the dining hall for lunch.

However, a group of people did not leave the cell, but came to the door of Cell 127.

Yan Xi didn't go out.

A hot woman pushed open the iron door.

A prison is like a cage for a group of wild beasts. There will also be overlords and cliques.

Yan Xi looked up.

None of the six people are good stubble.

For the newcomers who have just arrived, of course, give her some color.

"What's your name?" The woman who seemed to be the leader was called Laetitia, she was full of arrogance, she spoke French, and she glanced at Yan Xi unkindly.

"What's the matter?" Yan Xi's voice was hoarse and deep.

"Come out." A woman showed a weird smile and hooked her fingers at Yan Xi.

Yan Xi glanced at the narrow cell, then got up and walked out.

The passage in the prison area is quite spacious, five people surrounded Yan Xi, and Laetitia watched the play outside.

"I'll give you two options, you can get down on your own, or we'll beat you down." A black woman clenched her fists and made a bone-cracking sound.

"I admit defeat." Yan Xi didn't want to fight, she knew she couldn't beat them.

"Oh, get down then." Letitia laughed.

The other five also laughed.

The empty prison area was filled with harsh laughter.

Yan Xi's eyes darkened, and she just stood still. She could be beaten to the ground, but it was absolutely impossible for her to fall down by herself.

Seeing that Yan Xi didn't move, the laughter of several people stopped, and their eyes gradually became fierce and bright, as if they saw some prey.

Laetitia winked.

The black woman punched Yan Xi's head.

Yan Xi turned his head to avoid it for a moment, and at the same time swept the black woman down with his legs.

None of them expected Yan Xi's reaction speed, after all, Yan Xi didn't look like someone who could fight.

However, several people reacted quickly, especially the black woman who fell,
"Oh, there seems to be something wrong!" Laetitia sneered.

The other five people immediately besieged Yan Xi at the same time. They were the bosses of Area C, and almost all the newcomers had been taught a lesson by them.

No matter how tough Yan Xi is in a fight with disparity between the enemy and himself, he will soon be defeated.

"Bitch!" The black woman kicked Yan Xi down as revenge.

Within 5 minutes, Yan Xi was beaten to the ground.

The five people didn't intend to stop, they continued to punch and kick Yan Xi.

Until there was a knocking sound.

Only then did a few people stop.

"All go to the dining room for lunch!" A female prison guard held an electric shock baton and slammed on the iron door, making a screeching sound.

Several people glanced at Yan Xi who was covered in bruises before leaving arrogantly.


Yan Xi slowly got up, his face was covered with bruises, his eyes were filled with bottomless black, the beast hidden in his heart seemed to wake up at any moment.

Yan Xi walked out of the cell and went to the dining room.

The dining room is large, brighter and more spacious than the prison cells. Prisoners line up to get their meals, and then sit down to eat in groups of three or four.

Generally, prisoners who are alone are isolated, cowardly, and have no sense of existence, just like the bottom of the food chain in the laws of nature.

The dining room not only has the prisoners from Block C, but also Blocks A and B, and everyone notices the newcomers.

Some prisoners in Area C showed mocking or knowing expressions.

Laetitia and the others are the bullies in Area C, and they will give the newcomers a big blow.

As long as the newcomer submits and lies obediently on the ground, allowing them to punish them, they will generally not beat the newcomer to death.

But looking at the scars on the newcomer's face, as well as the scars on Laetitia's face, it was obvious that the newcomer dared to fight back and beat Laetitia and the others.

Yan Xi took the tray and lined up to get the meal, listening to the voices around him.

Most people speak French, followed by English, and a few German, Finnish, and Spanish. Yan Xi can understand a few words.

After taking the meal, Yan Xi looked around the dining room, all the tables were occupied, so he walked to the corner and chose a table with only one white woman.

This Caucasian woman's figure is slightly thin, she eats silently with her head down, and she has a very low sense of presence.

Just as Yan Xi sat down, the Caucasian woman gave Yan Xi a flustered look, then picked up the plate and left in a hurry.

Yan Xi didn't care, the whole table was hers now.

I don't know if it was because the lunch was unpalatable, or because she was in a bad mood and finished the first meal like chewing wax.

After lunch, it's time to relax outside.

The prisoners in the three districts are released in one place, which is just a concrete open space surrounded by barbed wire.

There are only a few benches fixed on the ground, and there is nothing. After all, most prisoners are restless, especially those like Laetitia. Anything can be used as an attack tool.

Autumn in country F is the most colorful, romantic and beautiful season, but here there is only darkness, restlessness and despair.

Letitia is about 37 and [-] years old, and she is considered a big shot in District C. She doesn't look fierce, or tall and mighty, but has an ordinary but hostile face, and she has a strong and intimidating aura.

Yan Xi stood under the sunlight, but the bright sunlight couldn't illuminate her eyes, there was only an almost gloomy silence.

Laetitia and the others walked over and surrounded Yan Xi again.

This time, it was not only the six people from Area C, but also other people from Areas A and B, obviously with Laetitia.

"Two choices, which one do you choose?" The black woman's eyes were stern, and she still remembered being swept away by Yan Xi at noon, which made her fall to the ground in embarrassment.

Yan Xi didn't answer, but just glanced at Laetitia and said, "One on one, if I lose, I surrender. Otherwise, don't mess with me again."

Laetitia raised her eyebrows, looked at Yan Xi again, and finally looked at Yan Xi's badge, YanXi, she remembered the name.

But the black woman said: "We are more keen on gang fights. You can also find accomplices. We welcome you to challenge anytime."

In District C, who dares to challenge them, even the 'rich second generation' like Amanda, dare not challenge them.

As a newcomer, Yan Xi, of course, couldn't find a friend in an instant, and it was obvious that there was nothing to discuss.

Yan Ximo was silent, and just looked at Laetitia, the decision was in Laetitia's hands.

The expression on Laetitia's face was mysterious, and she glanced at a few people for the last time, and said, "Who will fight her?"

No one could have guessed that Laetitia would agree. This Asian-faced woman looked quite quiet and quiet. The group fight just now failed to test her strength, but she was a little courageous.

The black woman took a step forward, a defiant gesture.

The others immediately booed and retreated one after another, giving way to the duel between the two.

People around are watching, and occasionally there will be such a fight, but it is usually a fight between two gangs, two people of equal strength fighting, and it is still rare to see a newcomer like this now.

The black woman is stocky, almost 1.8 meters tall, with her hair in a braid.

Although Yan Xi is 176cm tall and of medium build, compared to black women, Yan Xi is slightly short.

The black woman learned the lesson from noon, pretended to punch, and actually kicked Yan Xi.

Yan Xi also stretched out his leg in an instant, and with a thud, their calves collided together.

The strength of the black woman almost swept Yan Xi to the ground, and Yan Xi took a step back to stabilize himself.

After trying out a move, the two formally confronted each other. They punched to the flesh, fought hard, and tried their best. This was not only a duel, but also a matter of dignity.

The prisoners in the three districts were all watching, some were standing on the bench, some were booing, some were laughing, as if they were watching a beast fight.

"Knock her down!"

"Claire! Down with her!" The accomplice standing on the side of the black woman shouted loudly.

Black women are powerful, but they are not as good as Yan Xi in terms of skills. After all, Yan Xi has learned formal fighting.

The two were evenly matched, and they fell to the ground and wrestled with each other.

Yan Xi's face was sombre, his right hand held the opponent's wrist, his left hand was suppressed by the opponent, unable to move.

The black woman pressed Yan Xi firmly, and pulled Yan Xi's left arm to the ground.

If it's strength and endurance, Yan Xi can't fight, so he can only attack the opponent's weakness as much as possible, such as bending the opponent's fingers sinisterly.

"Bitch!" The black woman cried out in pain, her fingers were bent backwards, and she let go of Yan Xi's arm.

Yan Xi was relieved, turned over in an instant and pressed against the opponent, and punched the opponent in the face without hesitation.

The black woman suddenly looked fierce, and suddenly stood up and sat up, hitting Yan Xi's head hard with her head.

Yan Xi's head shook, the pain made her dizzy.

The black woman took advantage of this to push Yan Xi down and punched Yan Xi in the face.

Yan Xi quickly turned his head to avoid it, and the other party's fist hit the rough concrete floor, and blood beads instantly appeared at the knuckles of his fingers.

The black woman was completely angry, she suppressed Yan Xi's left hand with one hand, grabbed Yan Xi's hair with the other, and was about to hit Yan Xi's head on the ground.

Yan Xi grabbed the opponent's neck with his right hand, stabbed the opponent's throat with his index finger, and stabbed the aorta with his middle finger.

"I'll kill you!" Yan Xi's eyes were burning with fire, and he stared fixedly into the other's eyes.

The black woman can't breathe, but she can definitely beat this Asian woman to the head, even to death during the time she is suffocating!

(End of this chapter)

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