Chapter 781
Dangdang Dangdang!
There was the sound of electric shock rods hitting the iron door.

"Separate! Separate! Stand against the wall!"

Several prison guards rushed over immediately and forcibly pulled the two apart, and the duel ended temporarily.

The prison guards dragged Yan Xi, pressed Yan Xi against the wall, and placed an electric shock baton across Yan Xi's neck.

"No fighting! There will be another time, and you will be locked up in a confinement room!" The female prison guard warned coldly.

Yan Xi didn't speak, but was out of breath, with sweat dripping from his forehead, and he hadn't recovered from the fight just now.

Everyone stood against the wall, and the open space in the center was empty.

After standing for half an hour, the release time was over, and everyone went back to their cells to stay.

The cell is dark and damp, and there is no toilet. If there is no solution during the time of going out such as breakfast, lunch, dinner, ventilating, bathing, etc., then you can only endure it.

Yan Xi sat by the bed, lowered his head, and looked at the gray and black concrete floor.

There was no mirror in the cell, and even if there was a mirror, she didn't want to look in the mirror. There was probably a lump on her forehead, and there were many bruises on her face.

During the fight just now, the arm joints had been rubbed against the concrete floor, and the skin and flesh had been scraped, and the blood had already solidified, but she was not in the mood to deal with it without water and medicine.

In the evening, when it was time for dinner, the prisoners went to the dining room to eat.

Laetitia and the others didn't make things difficult for Yan Xi for the time being, they just gave Yan Xi a bad look.

In the dining room, Yan Xi's appearance not only attracted the attention of people in Area C, but even people in Areas A and B looked at Yan Xi intentionally or unintentionally.

After all, in the eyes of everyone, Claire is not easy to provoke, but this newcomer dared to fight with Claire, and he did not lose the wind. Although he was stopped by the prison guards halfway and there was no result of the duel, it is not necessarily that this newcomer will lose.

The dinner time is only one hour. After eating, you have to go back to the cell, then take the toiletries, and take a shower in batches, 20 people in each batch.

Yan Xi followed the team, took his clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Maybe it was because Yan Xi had a fight with Claire, Yan Xi was expressionless, and she looked a little cold with short hair. Everyone deliberately avoided Yan Xi and kept a distance when queuing.

The ten bathrooms are divided into two rows, and the bathrooms are only covered by a curtain. Whether it is spring, summer, autumn or winter, even if it snows, there is only cold water, whether you take a shower or not.

Generally in winter, many people only take a bath once a week.

There are also regulations on bathing time. If you don’t come out within 10 minutes, the prison guards will drag you out, regardless of whether you are dressed or not.

Yan Xi walked into the bathroom, took off his clothes, there were many bruises and scars on his body, turned on the water valve, and the cold water poured down from the top of his head, but it still couldn't calm her down.

There were 8 minutes left, and the prison guard habitually beat with an electric shock rod.

"8 minutes, hurry up!" The prison guard urged impatiently. There are thousands of people in the women's prison, but there are only three bathrooms, and the bathing time must be limited.

Just as Yan Xi walked out of the bathroom, a woman with long hair immediately went into the bathroom, racing against time to take a shower, especially for people with long hair, if they had to wash their hair, it would waste a lot of time.

There are two rows of sinks outside the bathroom, and the time for brushing teeth at night is also stipulated. After washing, the prison guards will lead a group of people back to the cell, and another group of people will take a bath in the bathroom.

Yan Xi followed the team back, and there was a male prison guard standing by the side of the corridor, staring at the female prisoners passing by.

One in four correctional staff in women's prisons is male.

All the female prisoners had just taken a shower, and their hair was wet. Many of them were very beautiful, and some even flirted with male prison guards.

After all, the prisoners here basically spend most of their lives here, or even their entire lives. It is difficult to meet the opposite sex, let alone meet their physical needs.


There are electronic clocks and surveillance cameras on the walls of the prison area.

Yan Xi glanced at the time, it was 09:30 in the evening.

The lights in the prison area are not turned off. Even when sleeping at night, the lights are turned on to prevent any movement of the prisoners, who may intend to escape, make trouble, commit suicide, or behave abnormally.

Yan Xi returned to the cell, lay down on the bed, lifted a corner of the mattress, and used the end of a toothbrush to write on the bed board, using symbols instead of names and locations.

List all the people involved in the investigation, as well as the arms dealers, and various relationship diagrams.

This person, or these people, must know everything about her and have her identity information.

Why choose her?Excluding retaliation first, no one will use 2000 million dollars to retaliate against her.

It is very likely that the matter was exposed and blamed on her.

At that time, it was discovered that a batch of arms had entered the Middle East illegally, which indirectly led to the massacre of Saada village.

When she and others were about to track down the arms dealer, Interpol suddenly wanted to arrest her on the grounds that she colluded with the arms dealer, provided the arms dealer with routes, and made huge sums of money from it.

Her first reaction was to run away. She had to find out about the matter. She investigated the employees and criminal police who worked with her. The time was too short to find out any suspicious persons.

At twelve o'clock in the morning, the lights were still on, and the prison area gradually became quiet, and everyone fell asleep.

Yan Xi lay on the cramped bed, looking at the gray ceiling, unable to fall asleep for a long time.


At six o'clock the next morning, the female prison guard came to knock on the iron gate again.

With a click, the iron doors of all the cells unlocked automatically.

Everyone went to the bathroom to wash up first, and then went to the dining room to have breakfast.

There were two televisions at the front and back of the dining room, showing the morning news.

Yan Xi chose an unoccupied table, and while eating breakfast, he watched TV news from Country F.

A group of people came over, and the table where Yan Xi was the only one was filled with people in an instant.

It can be seen that this group of people is another gang.

"I saw you fighting with Claire." The woman was speaking French, and she was quite handsome, with hair that was neither long nor short, and her brows were somewhat rebellious.

Yan Xi glanced at the other party, so what.

"My name is Amanda." The woman said her name generously.

"You can call me Nancy." Yan Xi chose a name at will, regardless of whether the other party has malicious intentions or not, since the other party has shown favor, she will also show favor.

"Nancy, why did you fight with Claire?" Amanda looked at Yan Xi with weird eyes.

"There's no reason, you know that." Yan Xi said, fighting here usually doesn't need a valid reason.

"Oh, can you beat Claire?" Amanda narrowed her eyes, and it is rare to see Asian women here, let alone powerful Asian women.

"I don't know." Yan Xi is really not sure, whether she wins or loses, she just doesn't want to be disturbed.

"Claire has killed people, murdered, sentenced to 20 years, she has the opportunity to leave here." Amanda said, not many people have the opportunity to leave here.

Yan Ximing understood that Claire looked only 27 or [-] years old. If Claire wanted to leave here, she had to make sure that she would not commit another crime. Claire did not dare to kill anyone.

(End of this chapter)

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