Chapter 783
Yan Xi went to the bathroom to wash up before going to the dining room for lunch.

The people in the dining room saw that Yan Xi was covered in scars, and the combination of old and new injuries was wonderful, this newcomer must have been taught a lesson.

Just when everyone was about to laugh, they saw Claire, who was also covered in scars, with a gloomy face and blood on his neck. He was no better than this newcomer.

Everyone couldn't laugh anymore. This rookie had a fight with Claire. Although he didn't see the duel process, it seemed... Claire lost.

Yan Xi eats lunch alone, and every meal here is not life, but just to live.

After lunch, it's time for a walk.

Everyone is basking in the sun.

Yan Xi didn't go out, but went to the bathroom.

The bathroom is full of pungent smoke, and Amanda and others smoke here.

Smoking is prohibited in the prison, and there are no cigarettes, but some prisoners can get cigarettes.

Ordinary prisoners are afraid to provoke Amanda and others, so they will rush to solve the problem, and then leave quickly, let alone report.

Of course Yan Xi didn't pay attention to it, he just walked to the sink, turned on the tap, and washed his hands.

Amanda was puffing, walked over slowly, and handed a cigarette.

"Thank you, I don't smoke." Yan Xi didn't answer. He used to smoke for a while, but quit soon.

"You will fall in love with it in the future." Amanda put away the cigarette and said something meaningful.

The days here are too long, too lonely, too wretched, and something is needed to relieve this painful emptiness.

A brown-haired woman walked over and held out her right hand: "My name is Laura."

Yan Xi wiped off the water stains on his hand, and shook the other's hand: "You can call me Nancy."

From then on, Yan Xi officially became Amanda's 'follower'.

Amanda is only 28 and nine years old. She used to be a rich girl, but now she is also a rich girl. She just went to prison and has a family to protect her outside. She can get many things, such as cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, medicines, high-end snacks, etc. , These things are luxuries in prison, and some people can't even taste these things anymore.

When Yan Xi was with Amanda and the others, the people in Districts A, B, and C were unavoidably a little surprised. This newcomer is now an accomplice of Amanda and the others.

Claire never provoked Yan Xi again, but Laetitia would pay attention to Yan Xi occasionally.


Today's work, Yan Xi was assigned to clean up, and she was just like an ordinary worker, wiping with a rag.

Amanda had never done these kinds of labor, just leaning against the wall and watching others labor.

Of course Laura and the others don't know how to work, but they saw Yan Xi working hard.

"Nancy, are you too boring?" Laura joked, it's not just boring here, every minute and every second is suffering, so some people are willing to work.

Yan Xi didn't speak, not because she was bored, but because she was depressed, anxious and unable to vent. She was here for nearly a month, and what murdered her was not emptiness, but a heavy 'crime'.

After getting along with each other, Laura and the others roughly understood Yan Xi's character, dull, cold, and boring.

The morning labor is over and it's lunch time.

Yan Xi no longer eats lunch alone, but with Amanda and the others every time.

At this time, a female prison guard came over and took Amanda away.

Laura and the others showed a clear expression.

"Where is she going?" A trace of doubt flashed in Yan Xi's eyes, he didn't know Amanda and the others.

"Someone wants to see Amanda." Laura didn't say much.

In Nuvash Prison, once convicted and imprisoned, it is difficult to see outsiders. Whether it is family members or lawyers, they have to go through layers of applications before they can see prisoners.

Almost every month, Amanda's mother and elder brother will come to see her, which shows how powerful Amanda's family is.

But every time Amanda sees her family, she comes back in a bad mood, no, she's always been in a bad mood, only worse.

No one had ever mentioned what Amanda had committed to jail, and Amanda would never have brought it up.

After lunch, it's time for a walk.

Amanda and the others did not go out, but smoked and drank in the bathroom, and some even smoked powder. Only these things could slightly relieve the spiritual emptiness.

Yan Xi neither smokes nor drinks, nor does he smoke fans.

Amanda handed Yan Xi a package of extravagant candies.

Yan Xi didn't answer, "I don't need it."

Amanda took a puff of smoke and looked at Yan Xi incomprehensibly. In the prison, only tobacco and alcohol can ease the pain. Almost no one does not smoke or drink.

"Who were you before?" Amanda was curious. Nancy never mentioned the past, nor did she say what she had committed, or how many years she had been in prison. She knew nothing about Nancy.

Yan Xi was just silent. If she spoke out, Amanda and the others might regard her as an enemy, and she might even become the enemy of the entire C area.

The bathroom door was kicked open suddenly.

Laetitia, Claire and the others rushed in, snatched the alcohol and tobacco from the sink, and fought with Laura and the others.

Laura kept swearing and swearing, and greeted each other with fists and feet.

"S`hit!" Amanda kicked a person away, pinned a person's head, and pushed her head into the water in the sink to submerge.

Yan Xi also got into fights with others, even if he faced Laetitia, he didn't lose.

But Claire didn't seem to dare to provoke Yan Xi any more, and just deliberately dealt with Laura and the others.

In an instant, the entire bathroom was in chaos, just because of these things that can be seen everywhere outside.

"Unexpectedly, you became Amanda's running dog!" Letitia sneered with a half-smile.

Such words would not anger Yan Xi, and Yan Xi would not respond to such a topic.

Laetitia was nearly 1.8 meters tall, but she was much thinner than Claire. Although her strength was not as strong as Claire's, her fighting skills were even better than Yan Xi's.

Laetitia grabbed Yan Xi's arm and pushed Yan Xi against the wall: "Leave Amanda, I won't touch you."

Yan Xi still didn't respond, his body exerted all his strength, he got rid of Laetitia's restraint, and punched Laetitha in the face.

Laetitia took a few steps back, her expression instantly became stern and terrifying, and then rushed over to fight Yan Xi.

Both of them are like ferocious beasts, it seems that they must fight to the death.

Amanda and the others also lost the lottery, but compared to the previous fights, this time it seems to be more violent and fierce. It was because there was Laetitia before, but now Laetitia is not available. Even if they lose this time, they will not lose It's too embarrassing.

Panting for breath, Yan Xi felt that Laetitia was not afraid of death, but in fact, Laetitia was the real beast.

Laetitia kicked Yan Xi down.

Yan Xi knocked down on the corner of the wall, his bones seemed to be falling apart.

"Retreat!" Laetitia gave an order.

Claire and others withdrew one after another, taking away a lot of tobacco, alcohol and medicine.

Although Amanda and the others were angry, they had never been so happy, and it seemed that the loss this time was not so embarrassing.

Because almost every time Laetitia came to grab something, they were defeated in embarrassment.

But there is nothing to do, this is a prison, these things will be confiscated, and they will be punished.

The prison guards knew that they were hiding cigarettes and alcohol, but they just turned a blind eye. They also knew that Laetitia and others would come to rob them, but they turned a blind eye.

There was a fight just now, and everyone has not recovered yet, sitting on the ground casually, smoking and drinking.

Yan Xi stood up, walked to the sink, and washed off the dirt. Blood oozes from the scraped area on his arm, and the dust on the ground is stained.

Amanda glanced at Yan Xi, Nancy didn't want these things, why did she fight Laetitia so desperately, and made Laetitia an enemy, it was totally unnecessary.

Until the end of the wind release time, everyone has to go back to the cell.

Amanda walked to Yan Xi's side, and said in a teasing tone, "What do you want?"

Yan Xi was silent for a moment, then said, "A pen, and a notepad."

Amanda raised her eyebrows, it's that simple?
Back in the cell, everyone is in their cell, waiting for the time to pass, which is an ordeal.

Yan Xi did push-ups on the ground every day. She didn't know how many and how long she did it until she was sweating profusely and fell on the ground exhausted.


In October, the weather began to turn cold, and the prison uniform had been replaced with long sleeves.

Yan Xi was assigned to the plantation again, and she had already learned how to grow certain vegetables.

Amanda has nothing to do, but she also grows vegetables with Yan Xi, you know, she has never grown vegetables before.

Two or three of the guards guarding the plantation were male guards, watching the female prisoners bend over, stand up, sprinkle water, turn the soil, and so on.

Yan Xi noticed a gaze, and saw a male prison guard smoking a cigarette, and smiled maliciously at her.

Yan Xi frowned, she had been paying attention to this male prison guard for a long time, he often observed her intentionally or unintentionally, and also observed some female prisoners.

Some of the female prisoners seemed terrified of him, but others seemed happy to make eye contact with him.

"Who is he?" Yan Xi asked Laura beside him.

Laura took a look, showing contempt and disgust in her eyes, and whispered in a strange tone: "Parker, he has deals with many women here."

Yan Ximing understood.

Laura suddenly approached Yan Xi, and whispered in Yan Xi's ear in an ambiguous tone: "If you need it, you can consider me."

Yan Xi's expression remained unchanged, but his voice was light: "No need, thank you."

Lola is making fun of herself, it's full of women, but they're not saints, and homosexuality is common here.

There will also be some women who have relationships with male prison guards, which have nothing to do with feelings, but just a transaction to meet their physical needs. If they meet generous male prison guards, they will also get some cigarettes, alcohol, snacks, supplies, etc. Why not do it.


Time has become extremely long and boring.

Yan Xi became a friend of Amanda and the others, and in addition to fighting against Letitia and the others, he also provoked people from other districts, Yan Xi has changed from a newcomer to someone who cannot be provoked.

Laetitia and the others would occasionally come to grab things, as well as the gangs in Area A and Area B, and sometimes challenge Amanda and the others, but with Yan Xizai, the situation seemed to have improved.

Within a month, Amanda gave Yan Xi a ballpoint pen and a notepad.

"Thank you." Yan Xi hid the ballpoint pen and notepad.

Yan Xi writes something almost every day, whether it is important or not.

As the time passed, it became difficult to analyze the case, because there were no more clues, and she was thinking hard here without any results.

She began to feel a little fear. She was not afraid of the life here, but afraid of the hopeless future.

A click.

The iron door of the cell unlocked automatically.

Hear this harsh sound of unlocking and locking every day.

Yan Xi, Amanda and the others went to the dining room to have lunch.

There were two male guards in the dining room, one of whom was Parker.

Parker was wearing a straight police uniform, but it couldn't hide his somewhat spectacular belly and hideous face.

Yan Xi secretly glanced at Parker, and Parker's gaze followed a white woman with long blond hair.

The woman's hair is very long, covering half of her face, her face is dull, and she is sitting there silently eating lunch, a person with a very low sense of existence.

Yan Xi didn't know the woman's name, but he knew which cell she was in.

"Who is in Cell 105?"

"105? The one with long blond hair? Julian." Laura didn't remember who was in which cell, especially a small person like Julian, but after two or three years here, she basically knew who was in which cell.

Julian looked a little cowering. After finishing her lunch, she placed the dinner plate in the designated place, and then left the dining room.

After lunch, it's time for a walk.

Yan Xi, Amanda and others went to the open space outside and occupied a bench.

Amanda didn't sit on the bench, but stood on the seat of the chair and sat on the back of the chair. With this unruly and rebellious posture, she could see the people in the entire open space.

Yan Xi looked around, but did not see Julian.

A gust of cold autumn wind blew, and a few leaves climbed over the wall and floated in.

"Winter is coming soon." Laura is already in her 30s, and her eyes are full of unwillingness, loneliness, and heavy regret.

Amanda stood firmly on the horizontal bar of the back of the chair, looked out through the high-voltage barbed wire, but the fence was too high, and she couldn't see anything, only the boundless sky, but it didn't belong to her.

"Nancy, do you want to escape from prison?" There was a flash of madness and determination in Laura's eyes, she was fed up with the life here!

Yan Xi's expression was gloomy. She thought about escaping from prison thousands of times. She wanted to go out and find out everything, but she knew that it was almost impossible to escape from prison successfully, and she might not be able to find out the real culprit, and she might even fall into a fugitive.

Maybe one day, she will actually escape from prison, whether she succeeds or not.

Amanda got down and sat on the backrest of the chair.

It's not that I haven't tried jailbreaking. Last year, a jailbreak riot was launched, but it failed in the end.

Novash prison, whether it is a women's prison or a men's prison, riots occur almost every year, and people escape every year.

Of course, there are also very few people who successfully escaped from prison, but most of them were captured in the end, and even died at gunpoint because of resisting arrest during the arrest process. There are only a handful of people who have truly escaped from prison.

The air time is over, and everyone has to go back to their cells to stay.

When passing by the aisle of the prison area, Yan Xi took a look at Cell 105, saw Julian lying on the bed, covered with a quilt, and heard a faint sob.

Laura turned a blind eye, showed no sympathy, and even laughed mockingly.


(End of this chapter)

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