Chapter 784
Recently, Amanda and the group seem to have developed courage. Facing Letissa and others, gangs in other districts, etc., they no longer blindly avoid or lose, and even initiate provocations, retaliating with fire.

"Now it's even harder for us to grab things." Claire is like a robber. In her eyes, Amanda is just a rich second generation who can't make a fortune. She hates people like Amanda. Even if she is in prison, she still has privileges, and outside people covered.

Letitia is neither angry nor angry, she likes to smoke and drink, and even wants to get fans, but these are not necessary, she doesn't care if she can grab something, she doesn't even care about winning or losing, she just wants to keep herself alive.

"If it weren't for that Asian woman, we would have grabbed more things. We must find a way to get rid of her!" Claire held a grudge and never had a chance to take revenge.

"Can you solve her?" Laetitia glanced at Claire.

Claire's face was ugly. She was confident that she could beat that Asian woman, but she couldn't bet on her life. That Asian woman was too ruthless!

Claire's eyes flashed a hint of viciousness. Since it can't be solved by fighting alone, there are other ways to solve it.


In the past few days, Claire has been secretly observing Yan Xi, but Yan Xi has always been with Amanda and the others, or is monitored by prison guards.

On this day, I finally waited for Yan Xi to place an order.

Claire led a few people to block Yan Xi. This Asian woman has been preventing them from grabbing things. It's time to show her some color.

"Where's Laetitia?" Yan Xi glanced around, only Claire and Laetitia were missing.

"There's no need for Laetitia to make a move." Claire smiled grimly. Since Laetitia doesn't make a move, she can only do it.

Yan Xi's face changed slightly, Claire came prepared.

Claire winked, and the three of them besieged Yan Xi together.

No matter how powerful Yan Xi is, she is hard to beat with two hands. In addition, Claire is powerful, she can even defeat Yan Xi, but she is not as ruthless as Yan Xi in some aspects.

Yan Xi knew he couldn't beat him, so he repeatedly tried to break free from the siege, but was stopped.

Claire slammed Yan Xi to the ground.

Yan Xi fell to the ground and glanced up. There was no camera in this blind spot, and there was only one behind.

Claire looked down at Yan Xi with a triumphant tone, "Are you begging for mercy?"

Yan Xi pursed his lips and did not speak, but stood up while leaning against the wall.

Claire got angry and kicked Yan Xi.

Yan Xi retreated subconsciously. Although he was still kicked down, he finally landed where the camera monitored him.

Claire and the others still did not let Yan Xi go, and went forward to continue besieging Yan Xi.

After a while, several prison guards appeared.

"Stop! Separate!" The prison guards rushed up with the electric shock baton, and one of them was Parker.

Claire and the others had no choice but to stop, all with ugly faces. Usually such a fight, as long as it is not too serious, does not cause serious injuries, and does not see it with their own eyes, the prison guards in charge of monitoring will turn a blind eye.

Parker took the lead in dragging Yan Xi, pressed Yan Xi against the wall, put an electric shock baton across her neck, and observed Yan Xi closely. Asian women were rarely seen in Nuvash Prison.

Yan Xi's face was cold, now she had injuries on her face, and her hair, which hadn't been trimmed for a long time, was a bit messy. It can be said that this was her most embarrassing and ugliest moment, but Parker still stared at her.

However, Yan Xi didn't know that Parker preferred this kind of woman, who had a kind of ascetic and sadistic beauty.

"Everyone will be locked up in a confinement room for ten days!" The head of the C district looked impatient. He really had no patience for these prisoners who often caused trouble.

Several prison guards took out the handcuffs, grabbed Claire and the others' hands, and dragged them to the confinement room.

Parker also clasped Yan Xi's hands behind his back with handcuffs, and dragged Yan Xi slowly. After a while, he separated a long distance from the people in front of him.

The location of the confinement room is far away from the prison area, in a remote and dark place.

Parker seemed to be in a good mood until Claire and the others disappeared.

He didn't take Yan Xi to the confinement room, but to the interrogation room next to the confinement room, and then closed the door.

Yan Xi's face changed slightly, she had never been to a confinement room, but this room was definitely not a confinement room.

There is an iron pipe on the wall of the interrogation room.

Parker took out another handcuff and put Yan Xi's hands on the iron pipe.

"I advise you not to do this." Yan Xi said in French.

"You will want me to do this in the future." Parker laughed. The prisoners here have been imprisoned for at least ten or eight years. He is making a contribution.

"I advise you to let me go." Yan Xi's voice was freezing cold.

Parker chuckled, he had his eyes on this Asian woman for a long time, how could he let this opportunity go, if she didn't resist, he could of course let her go, but he had seen this woman fight before, and he was not confident that he could subdue her.

Parker put the electric shock rod on the table, and untied the belt impatiently.

Yan Xi was expressionless, watching Parker's every move, even if her hands were confiscated, she still had countless ways to kill him.

For example, kick his chin with his leg, bend his head back, and snap his neck.

For example, if she sweeps her legs and makes him fall in front of her, she can put her foot on his throat and let him suffocate to death.

For example, grab the iron pipe behind you, jump up vigorously, pinch his neck with your feet, and then twist his neck.

However, she cannot blatantly kill people.

Parker's pants were half torn off, and then he walked up to Yan Xi, intending to take off Yan Xi's pants.

Parker's hand hadn't touched Yan Xi yet.

Yan Xi raised his leg and kicked hard, hard on Parker's fat stomach.

Parker fell, knocking over the chair behind him, and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

"Bitch!" Parker suddenly grimaced, got up in pain, walked forward angrily, raised his palm, intending to slap Yan Xi.

However, Yan Xi raised his long leg again and kicked him underneath.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" Parker let out a miserable scream, his face was distorted, and he covered his lower body and rolled to the ground.

"Ah! Bitch! You bastard!" Parker screamed and cursed, curling up in pain.

Parker's screams were so loud that the prison guards were attracted.

"what happened?!"

There was the angry voice of the female prison guard.

Parker gritted his teeth tightly, not daring to cry out.

A female prison guard ran over, knocked on the door with an electric shock baton, and kicked the door open without hesitation.

Parker curled up on the ground, half of his trousers were taken off, and he covered them with his hands, his face flushed and distorted.

A female prisoner was tied to an iron pipe.

Seeing the situation in the interrogation room, the female prison guard's face darkened, and she had roughly guessed what was going on.

In fact, all the prison guards are tacitly aware of the relationship between the male prison guard and the female prisoner. As long as there is no big disturbance and it does not affect the operation of the prison, everyone should not see it.

The female prison guard took out the key, walked over to uncuff Yan Xi's handcuffs, and took Yan Xi away.

Parker gritted his teeth and stared at Yan Xi's back. He still had a lot of time to deal with this Asian woman!

The female prison guard didn't say a word, she put Yan Xi into the confinement room and left.

The confinement room is only about four square meters, including the bed, toilet and sink. There is a camera in the corner of the ceiling.

It was cold and damp, and there was a musty smell of gray walls. There were many neat horizontal lines drawn on the walls, or the numbers one, two, three, four, which should have been used by former prisoners to count their days.

The brig had only one light bulb, no windows, and only a single brick-sized vent high up in the wall.

The iron door of the confinement room is tightly closed, and the outside cannot be seen. There is only a small window for sending things in.

There is still dust on the bedding, which has not been cleaned for a long time.

Yan Xi no longer had the right to dislike him, so he picked up the quilt and shook it up, trying to shake off the dust as much as possible.

Until the evening, the light bulb on the ceiling turned on automatically, emitting a yellowish shimmer.

There was a clear sound of footsteps outside, stopping in front of the door.

A set of clothes and a box of dinner were placed on the small window of the iron gate, followed by the sound of distant footsteps.

Yan Xi took clothes and dinner.

The dinner was already cold, and I ate it like chewing wax, just to fill my stomach, without any taste at all.

There is only a change of clothes and a towel, no body soap, toothpaste or toothbrush.

Yan Xi tore the towel in half, and used half of it to clean the bed and the floor.

Then do push-ups on the ground. During the confinement, only physical work can pass the time.

Until he was sweating profusely, the sweat fell on the ground drop by drop, until he fell on the ground exhausted.

Turning on the faucet, the whole head was placed in the sink, and the cold water drenched the hair.

The water in the sink rose slowly, covering his face and calming himself down.

It wasn't until he was almost suffocated that Yan Xi raised his head, the water flowed down the ends of his hair, dripping into the sink.

I dried my hair with a towel. There is no bathroom here, so I can only wipe myself with a wet towel.

No matter the time of day or place, the brig is silent and the light bulbs are on all night.

Yan Xi was lying on the bed. In such a quiet and oppressive environment, she fell into deep thought again and couldn't fall asleep for a long time.

The ten-day confinement was extremely long, and every moment was testing her willpower.

Every morning, Yan Xi would draw a circle on the wall to count the days.

Then look at the vents in the wall, only a ray of sunlight seeps in there, even if she can't touch it, and it slips away quickly.

In such a dark and oppressive space, it was even more difficult for her to calm down, so she kept doing push-ups and handstands, trying not to let fear occupy her mind.

Day after day until the tenth circle is drawn.

Yan Xi was locked up for ten days, and his complexion turned gray without sunlight.

With a click, the female prison guard opened the door of the confinement room.

"Come out!" The female prison guard's tone was very bad, after all, there is no need to be polite to a prisoner.

Yan Xi went out and finally saw the bright and bright space, his eyes suddenly felt a little unaccustomed to such bright light.

The female prison guard took out the handcuffs, clasped Yan Xi's hands, and dragged Yan Xi back to the prison area.

On the way back to the prison area, I met Parker, or Parker was waiting here on purpose.

There was a fierce light in Parker's eyes, and he stared at Yan Xi viciously. This Asian woman made him almost unable to move. He suffered from pain for a whole week and was ridiculed by other male prison guards.

Yan Xi also saw Parker, this kind of thing has no place to appeal, it even became a kind of unspoken rule in the prison.

The female prison guard brought Yan Xi back to the prison area, and walked through the long passage, just like the first day Yan Xi came here.

But at this moment, the prisoners in the cells on both sides did not dare to laugh or show their middle fingers.

Claire and the others had already returned to the cell, staring at Yan Xi who was passing by, causing them to be imprisoned for ten days.

Laetitia didn't care, she just glanced at Yan Xi lightly.

Amanda and Laura were rarely happy, and during the ten days without Yan Xi, something seemed to be missing.

Yan Xi returned to cell No. 127, took out the ballpoint pen and notepad hidden under the bed, and wrote down some things.

At six o'clock in the evening, the iron door of the cell unlocked automatically.

Amanda, Laura and the others came to the door of Yan Xi's cell.

"Welcome back, no, no one wants to come here, but it's better than a brig." Laura was in a brig, too, and stayed there for 20 days, when she almost committed suicide.

In the silent and cramped confinement room, I would keep thinking wildly, thinking that I would spend the rest of my life in prison, with nothing to love, like a walking dead, and life was meaningless.

In the end, the reason why I did not commit suicide was because I was afraid of pain. The first hit to the head was too painful.

The only consolation in prison is to have friends with her, of course, she also wants to have a lover, she is bisexual.

But not many women here are gay.


Go to the dining room for lunch.

Yan Xi noticed Claire's hostility, as well as Parker who was standing near the dining car.

She wasn't afraid of Claire, but she was very upset with Parker.

"Claire has a strong sense of revenge." Amanda also saw Claire, and she also suffered from Claire's hands before.

Yan Xi had already seen it.

Laura had already guessed that Claire must have led people to surround Nancy before, otherwise, with Nancy's character, how could she be imprisoned together with Claire and the others.

Yan Xi looked around the dining room and saw Julian sitting in the corner, eating lunch silently with her head buried.

After lunch, we went outside to let the wind go.

It's getting colder and colder, and everyone in the prison hates summer and winter very much.

It's hot in summer and there is no fan.

Winter is cold, and there are often not enough clothes and quilts to keep out the cold, let alone heating.

Yan Xi noticed a gaze, looked up, and saw Parker standing on a high sentry post, looking at her unkindly.

Yan Xi frowned, Parker was like a poisonous snake waiting for an opportunity, this person's revenge mentality was more terrifying than Claire's.

Amanda still stood on the chair so defiantly, looking at the sky outside through the high-voltage barbed wire, even though there was nothing.

"Here, I have never hated winter so much." Laura's face was full of irritability and disgust, no, she hated any season, and the long prison days were driving her crazy.

When Yan Xi heard it, she suddenly felt fear, fearing that one day she would turn into Laura, lose all faith and will, and even lose the meaning of life.


(End of this chapter)

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