Chapter 785
At the end of October, the weather is already very cold.

A thick prison uniform was issued, which can still resist the cold now, but after a while, it will be colder and snow will fall.

There is no sunshine today, and it is a bit cold, which makes people more irritable and depressing.

It's time to let the air out, and Laura seems to be in a bad mood, instead of going outside, she smokes in the bathroom.

Amanda got a lot of stuff again, and everyone was wearing long sleeves and coats, which made it easier to hide more things.

Laura swallowed a pill and felt a little excited.

"Nancy, do you want to take a puff?" Laura took a puff of smoke, and put the smoked cigarette to Yan Xi's lips.

"I used to smoke, but I quit, and I don't want to do it again." Yan Xi smelled a strong smell of nicotine, and she was inhaling second-hand smoke.

Laura continued to swallow the clouds, feeling a little flustered.

Yan Xi saw a bag of pale yellow, powdery stuff on the sink, and guessed it was heroin of low purity.

Occasionally, someone came into the bathroom, and when they saw Amanda and the others, they pretended not to see them, went to the bathroom in a hurry, and left.

Julian's face was dull, her long hair covered half of her face, her eyes were red and swollen, she covered her nose with her hand, there was some blood on the back of her hand, and her nose was bleeding.

Julian didn't dare to look at Amanda and the others, but just hung her head, walked to the sink, turned on the faucet, and cleaned the nosebleed.

Yan Xi secretly glanced at Julian, she never tested her humanity, because under certain circumstances, she herself would lose her humanity, such as this moment.

"Is this heroin?" Yan Xi picked up the bag of powdered things.

"Well, do you want to smoke some?" Amanda was very generous. She didn't touch heroin, but there are many addicts in prison.

"What number is the heroin?" Yan Xi asked again, judging by the color and condition, it should be number two or number three.

"Number three."

"No. [-] heroin, as long as you smoke it three or four times, you will become addicted. You can also put it in cigarettes, or dissolve it in water. Will you be insane if you overdose at one time?" Yan Xi knew this, but asked deliberately come out.

"Of course I will. The purity of No. [-] is relatively high. If you suck this pack at once, you will be insane even if you don't die. In fact, I can still get No. [-]." Amanda said, but it is not necessary, No. [-]'s sea` Luo`in, as long as you take it twice, you can become addicted, and it is very difficult to quit after taking it for a week or two.

Yan Xi casually put the package back on the sink, then turned around.

Julian kept her head down. She was like a numb shell. After washing off the blood, she left the bathroom with her head down.

"Want some wine?" Laura finished her cigarette and drank again.

"No." Yan Xi has no feeling for alcohol, although it is difficult for her to get drunk.

"It's better to drink some wine in winter, it's not so cold." Laura unscrewed the cap of the bottle, the mouth of the bottle was very small, and she only drank a little.

"It's not winter yet." Yan Xi said.

"It's almost here." Laura raised her head and took a sip. This kind of foreign wine has a high alcohol content and is very exciting to drink.

Yan Xi looked gloomy, winter brought her too many good memories, she didn't want to recall them.

The wind time is coming to an end, and everyone got up to pack their things.

"Where is the bag of powder?" Laura looked at the sink, and usually everyone was responsible for hiding some things.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay. Although there were a few people who would attract fans, they would definitely not hide it, because there was no way to hide it. Everyone knew everyone's details, and they knew exactly what was hidden.

"Who took it?" Laura's expression changed.

Several people said no.

There are so many things, the most expensive is this packet of powder. Usually they only smoke a very small amount, and most of them are used to exchange items with prisoners in other districts. Because it is difficult to get drugs, Amanda can only get them because of her connections.

"So many people have entered the bathroom just now, someone may have taken it." Amanda frowned.

"Who is so bold? Write down who went into the bathroom just now, and torture them one by one!" Laura suddenly became angry. This kind of thing had never happened before. Except for people like Laetitia, who would dare to steal theirs? thing? !
"Don't waste too much time, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble, be more careful next time." Yan Xi said in a timely manner, because she knew who took it.

"Forget it, it's just a bag of powder." Amanda didn't care about this thing, and it would be really difficult to alarm the prison guards.

"S`hit!" Laura swears. Although she doesn't smoke fans, this pack of fans can be exchanged for a few packs of cigarettes and a few bottles of wine.


November [-]st.

The TV in the dining room is broadcasting the Halloween eve of country F. Even if the weather is cold, it can't resist the enthusiasm of the people of country F for Halloween.

People paint exaggerated makeup, wear devil masks, wear exotic costumes, and hold jack-o-lanterns, carnival on the streets to welcome the arrival of Halloween.

But the prisoners sitting in front of the TV did not have the slightest joy, which seemed to reflect their misery.

"Nancy, does your country celebrate Halloween?" Laura asked, not knowing where Nancy was from.

"I don't celebrate." Yan Xi didn't want to recall it, but he was impressed. She would not take the initiative to celebrate Western festivals. Someone once celebrated Halloween with her, and she cheated him in the end.

"I hate Halloween." Laura looked at the picture on the TV with hatred in her eyes. In prison, she hated every holiday!
Yan Xi was getting more and more panicked, she couldn't imagine that year after year, she would also hate Halloween.

Lunch time is over, and it's time to relax outside.

The sun at noon is relatively warm, and everyone stands in the sun to keep warm.

Yan Xi looked up and saw Parker smoking on a high sentry post.

Laura followed Yan Xi's line of sight, and said in a contemptuous tone, "The trash can in the prison pollutes the sight line."

Amanda took a look: "He will disappear from your sight soon."

"Huh?" Laura raised her eyebrows in confusion.

"Recently he has taken drugs. As long as his superiors find out, he will be taken to a drug rehabilitation center or even dismissed." Amanda has long noticed that it is easy to tell whether a person has taken drugs.

"No wonder his face is sallow recently, and his abdomen is also discouraged. I thought he couldn't handle it." Laura said mockingly.

Immediately, a sternness flashed in Laura's eyes, and she lowered her voice: "Amanda, can you get some number four?"

Number four's heroin is basically difficult to quit. Even if he quits in a drug rehabilitation center, with Parker's character, he will definitely relapse, which will completely destroy Parker.

Amanda seemed to know Laura's intentions, and said, "Don't do such a thing, it's not good for you."

Laura's tone was cold: "There is nothing worse than now, anyway, I can't get out."

Amanda's eyes drooped, she didn't speak, and she didn't agree.

Yan Xi glanced at Amanda, Amanda had a chance to go out, or was waiting for the opportunity.


(End of this chapter)

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