Chapter 786
It has been raining recently, and the weather has become gloomy and cold, making it even colder in the cell.

In such weather, many prisoners will become depressed and negative. I heard that a female prisoner in Block F committed suicide, and a female prisoner in Block H attempted suicide and suffered from serious mental problems.

Lola looks depressed, smoking and drinking non-stop, and occasionally swallowing a pill.

It was drizzling outside, so I could only watch TV in the dining room during the wind break.

Today's airing time is not over yet, and a voice suddenly came out from the radio in the dining room: Everyone goes back to their rooms immediately, everyone goes back to their rooms immediately...

"All go back!" The prison guards took the electric shock batons and drove them back to the prison area.

In less than 5 minutes, everyone returned to the cell in the prison area, and the iron door was automatically locked.

Everyone didn't know what happened, and the entire prison area was noisy, discussing what happened.

Until the voice came out again on the radio: All the wardens stay in the prison area, and all the male prison guards go to the men's prison immediately...

Hearing this, everyone vaguely guessed what was going on, and discussed it one after another.

"What happened to the men's prison?"

"All the male prison guards are going to the men's prison, where there is a high possibility of riots."

"Someone escaped from prison?"

"Whenever we plan a riot..."

"Quiet! Don't make noise!" The warden took the electric shock baton and knocked on the iron door vigorously, making a bang bang bang.

The entire prison area gradually fell silent.

Suddenly, there was a bang.

Everyone paused, listening to the voice more quietly and attentively.

Then there was another bang bang bang.

This is gunfire.

The warden's face was serious, and he regretted keeping them quiet. They shouldn't have heard the gunshots, which might arouse the prisoners' escape mentality.

Everyone fell into dead silence, and a riot broke out in the men's prison.

Riots generally occur in summer or winter, especially around Halloween and Christmas. Such festivals arouse the unwillingness and restlessness of prisoners.


The riot in the men's prison lasted until late at night, and the armed police were dispatched before it subsided. This riot was very serious and caused many casualties.

The women's prison has been in a closed state, no dinner, no bath, no chance to go to the bathroom, so I can only endure it.

It was not until the next morning that order was restored in the prison.

The prison was released on time at six o'clock in the morning, and everyone went to the bathroom enthusiastically, and then went to have breakfast.

Prisoners from several districts gathered in the dining room to discuss yesterday's events.

Since each prison area is managed separately, and the women's prison and the men's prison are completely separated, it is difficult to pass on news, and there is no way to know the situation in the men's prison.

Area F is the closest to the Men’s Prison. News came from Area F that there was a prison escape riot in Area H of the Men’s Prison. Prisoners held many prison guards hostage. Although they were suppressed in the end, many prisoners and policemen died in the riot. , one of them was still Parker.

Although I don't know if the news is true or not.

Laura still laughed sarcastically: "Parker can only use his lower body to conquer some women, but he can't conquer men. He must have thought that those prisoners would let him go if he showed his buttocks."

Hearing Laura's bottomless sarcasm, the corners of everyone's lips twitched.

When Yan Xi heard the news, he was a little surprised. She didn't know if Parker's death was related to drug use. She originally wanted to use Julian's hand to destroy Parker.

Maybe Julian will be charged with murder, and even Julian will fall into the abyss again.

See, in this case, she'd murder innocent Julianne too, and she'd be dehumanized too.

Therefore, it is best for Parker to end up like this now.


It was still raining outside, and the room was a little cold, and the news from country F was playing on the TV.

Lola was smoking and drinking in the bathroom again, and Amanda wasn't here.

Yan Xi walked out of the bathroom and saw Amanda standing in front of the iron gate leading to the outside.

The door is the vent, it is very cold to stand here, and the cold wind blows in mercilessly.

Yan Xi walked over and looked at the continuous drizzle outside.

Amanda leaned against the wall, there were too many complicated emotions in her blue eyes.

"Nancy, do you have a chance to get out of here?"

"I don't know." Yan Xi's voice was low, but she would do her best to go out and give her life meaning, no matter when and where.

"My family is very rich, my older sister and older brother are very happy and successful, but I am a different kind. I originally had a perfect fiancé, in short, in the eyes of everyone, he is perfect, and I think he is perfect too, I don't know if he loves me or not, but I don't love him."

"I used to have a smooth sailing life, like my sister, noble, beautiful, kind, married and had children with the person I love, have a husband who dotes on me, two lovely children, enjoy happiness and wealth, envious eyes of others, This is the winner of a woman's life!"

"But I was rebellious, rebellious, and evil. I abandoned my perfect fiancé, didn't obey my parents' arrangements, and didn't follow my sister's life. I insisted on doing something earth-shattering, something different, and ended up on the path of evil. Now I The end is a complete loser!"

Amanda was suppressing pain, struggle and unwillingness in her heart.

"Do you regret it?" Yan Xi asked.

"If you asked me three years ago, I could have answered with great firmness and never regretted it! But at this moment, I don't know." Amanda was full of confusion. Was she wrong?
Amanda looked at Yan Xi and asked the same question: "Nancy, do you regret it?"

Yan Xi's heart trembled violently. If she had followed Nie Shen's wish, accepted Yun Su's suggestion, and even been with Hess, or Gu Jinluo, Lan Muge, or someone else, then she would not have engaged in This job will not exist today.

At this moment, Yan Xi said firmly: "Never."

But I don't know if she will say so firmly that she will never regret it three years later, or even ten years later.

"Why should my sister be considered a winner in a woman's life and I be considered a loser in life? I just had a completely different life from hers! I admit that I sinned in some things, but I don't regret myself The life I chose, why does everyone think that I deserve it and that I deserve it? I don’t want to have a happy life, but I have come to a dead end! I can’t understand.” Amanda said.

Yan Xi was silent, and she couldn't understand it either.

Breeze time is over.

Yan Xi went back to the cell, and took out his pen and notepad.

I saw the date displayed on the electronic clock in the prison area, November [-]th.

She doesn't want to remember today, her 34th birthday, which was a day she hardly ever remembered until someone reminded her every year and gave her a birthday present during the mission.


(End of this chapter)

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