Chapter 790
In October, the weather turns cooler and the leaves of the trees start to turn yellow.

One day, two prison guards came up to Yan Xi and said, "Someone saw you."

Yan Xi was taken aback for a moment: "Who?"

The prison guard didn't say anything, but just took Yan Xi away.

Through layers of iron gates, he walked out of the prison area, a place Yan Xi had never seen before.

The prison guards took Yan Xi to an interrogation room, did not handcuff her, but let her sit down.

After a while, a man about 40 years old walked in and sat opposite Yan Xi.

The man was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, looking like a gentleman from country F, with a serious expression: "I'm Jeffrey White."

A trace of surprise flashed in Yan Xi's eyes. She had never met the Secretary-General of Interpol, but of course she knew his name.

The supreme leader of INTERPOL is the Chairman, followed by the Secretary-General.

"Secretary-General White?" Yan Xi was not sure. The Secretary-General was elected every four years. If there were no accidents, Jeffrey White would still be in office.

"I believe in you." Jeffrey stared at Yan Xi with blue eyes, and said these words solemnly.

"If you believed me, I wouldn't be here." Yan Xi didn't mean to be sarcastic at all, but just stated the facts.

Jeffrey was silent for a moment. The closing of the case back then was indeed too hasty. The evidence was solid and there were no doubts. The only doubt was that she firmly denied the crime.

"So, I'm asking you to get out of here."

"I don't understand." Yan Xi didn't understand why she left here without being cleared of the charges.

"There is a complex multinational high-tech case that requires a person who is proficient in computer technology, experienced, and completely unfamiliar. When I checked the personnel file, I saw you." Jeffrey said.

"Are you afraid that I will take advantage of this and escape?" As long as she leaves here, she has a way to hide her identity.

"You won't." Jeffrey laughed.

Yan Xi looked puzzled, why is Jeffrey so sure?

Seemingly seeing Yan Xi's doubts, Jeffrey said: "Last month I encountered a terrorist attack, and a man risked his life to save me, and he gave me some things to prove your innocence, although There's not enough evidence, but I believe it."

"Who?" Yan Xi frowned.

"His Chinese name is Hua Cuo." Jeffrey said, a person who can throw away his life just to prove justice, and he believes in the people Hua Cuo believes in.

"How is he?" Yan Xi's expression changed. He risked his life to save Jeffrey?
"He's fine, don't worry. He's here, do you want to see him?" Jeffrey asked.

Yan Xi was silent for a long time, and finally said: "No."

Jeffrey was a little puzzled, why didn't he disappear?According to his guess, the two are not only ordinary friends, they can be said to be close friends.

"So, accept my offer?"

"Accept." Yan Xi didn't hesitate, she had no choice.

"Well, I will find out everything for you. First transfer your identity to another prison. No one will know that you have left the prison. You only need to keep in touch with me. I will pass on the case information to you when the time comes. Now I will send someone to send you away," Jeffrey said.

Yan Xi couldn't tell how he felt at the moment, he couldn't talk about joy and relaxation, but he was extremely surprised and lucky that she could finally leave here.

"Any more questions?" Jeffrey looked at her.

"Under the bed in cell 127, there is a notebook, I need to take it away," Yan Xi said.

"Novash Prison stipulates that prisoners cannot take any items with them when they leave prison, and all items will be destroyed." Jeffrey said that Novash Prison does have this regulation, but it is not for this reason, because he has already taken it away.

Yan Xi didn't say anything, but Jeffrey could easily move her away, presumably it would not be difficult to allow her to take an item, but since it must be destroyed, it doesn't matter if you don't want it.

Immediately, Jeffrey sent someone to send Yan Xi away.


Jeffrey went to the reception room.

Hua Cuo has been sitting in the reception room, every minute and every second has become extremely long.

When she saw Jeffrey coming back, Hua Cuo stood up abruptly, but she was nowhere to be seen.

Jeffrey said: "She didn't see you, she has left the Nuvaches prison."

Hua Cuo's expression was gloomy, and he had expected this situation: "It's okay."

"However, I can show you one thing." Jeffrey handed over a notepad. For someone who could write such words, he was not only convinced, but also deeply shocked. It wasn't that she was so righteous and bright. But so tenacious and thoughtful.

Hua Cuo took the notepad in doubt, and when she opened the first page, she recognized her handwriting at a glance.

"Not for you, return it to me after reading." After finishing speaking, Jeffrey left the reception room, leaving room for Hua Cuo.

Hua Cuo looked at each text carefully. Most of the previous page numbers were diagrams about the relationship between the cases. Although they were only replaced by symbols, he knew the case clearly and could see it at a glance.

The second half of the memorandum recorded her psychological journey, and every word shocked him.

I've thought about jailbreaking a million times, but I know I can't.

It wasn't imprisonment that frightened me, but the fear of becoming a walking corpse, without will, thoughts, and convictions.

I never test my humanity, because under certain circumstances, I lose it too.

Amanda said: I can't understand why she is a loser in life, she just has a completely different life from others.

I can't understand it either.

It reminds me that there used to be countless choices, I can choose the easy life, why I choose the life I have now, I don't know.

I asked Amanda if she regretted it, and she said that three years ago, she would have said firmly that she would never regret it, but now she doesn't know.

It scares me, because right now, I'm also absolutely steadfast in saying never.

But I don't know if I can say so firmly that I will never regret it after being imprisoned for three years or even ten years.

I watched Laura commit suicide with such indifference that I don't know why I've become so insensitive.

I once made the law the only judge.Since you have violated the law, you should accept legal sanctions.

But Laura's death made me shake, what is the judge of the world.

Laetitia said: There is nothing more tragic than a wild animal trapped in a cage.

This made me understand that some people are born like this, no matter when and where.

Even if the time and place were changed and I chose life again, I would still have a similar life because I was born that way.

I actually hope that Laetitia escapes successfully. The beast should not be trapped in a cage. No matter she is unforgivable, evil, or fierce, this is the nature of the beast. The beast just obeys the laws of nature and the weak prey on the strong.

Even though I guessed that Letitia would fail or even die.Perhaps she also knew the ending well, but she still escaped from prison at all costs, even though she fell in a pool of blood in the end.


(End of this chapter)

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