Chapter 791
Looking at the blue sky, the ever-flowing road, and the tall buildings, Yan Xi felt extremely lucky. It was only a year and two months old, and at this moment she could still firmly say that she would never regret it.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Yan Xi had already forgotten how long she hadn't looked in the mirror. In the prison before, she basically didn't know how to look in the mirror, and she didn't even dare to look at her own face seriously.

I haven't had my hair cut in over a year and it's shoulder length.

Yan Xi freshened up.

Open the package Jeffrey gave her.

Various documents, bank cards, passports, laptops, mobile phones, cash, etc., a brand new identity.

After a while, a case was received from Jeffrey. It was a high-tech crime with very complicated circumstances. It was initiated in country Y, and spread across many developed and developing countries.

Jeffrey has dispatched a number of criminal police and employees to investigate secretly, but no strong evidence has yet been found.

Yan Xi frowned, and contacted the investigator in country Y first.

At ten o'clock the next morning, Yan Xi bought a plane ticket and went to country Y.

Although it hasn't snowed yet in country Y in early November, it is already quite cold.

Country Y's MI[-] was also investigating this case, Yan Xi thought of someone.

Turning on the laptop, she tried to contact Zhong Manyao anonymously, but she couldn't get through, but got a shocking news.

In December last year, Zhong Manyao was shot and died at the age of 38 while performing a mission.

Yan Xi was stunned for a moment, unable to calm down for a long time.

Some people are born like this, no matter what the ending of life is, they still have no hesitation.


The sun was shining today, Yan Xi put on makeup, dressed up meticulously, put on a black coat and gloves, and went out.

When passing by a flower shop, Yan Xi paused and saw the dazzling array of flowers in the flower shop.

"Miss, what flowers do you need?" The clerk greeted warmly.

"Let me see." Yan Xi walked into the flower shop, only remembering that Zhong Manyao said he didn't like roses.

Most of the stores are roses, lilies, lavender, tulips, etc., which mean beautiful flowers.

Yan Xi saw a warm and unique flower, but didn't know what it was.

The flower is as big as two palms, like a flower ball. The bract leaves are wrapped with many stamens that move closer to the center. The color of the bract leaves changes gradually, including lavender, light pink, and purple red.

"what is this flower?"

"This is the emperor flower, which is produced in South Africa. It was airlifted from South Africa yesterday. The emperor flower needs a warm, slightly dry and sunny environment to grow. The climate of country Y cannot produce emperor flowers." The clerk patiently introduced.

"I want a fuchsia, please wrap it up for me." Yan Xi deliberately chose a warm fuchsia, Zhong Manyao should like it.

"Okay." The clerk smiled. Emperor flowers are relatively expensive, and generally few people buy them, and they are of high ornamental value.

The clerk used large green leaves to set off the flowers, and tied a red ribbon, which was very elegant.

Yan Xi didn't know how much it was, and was surprised when she paid, but instead of using her money, Jeffrey gave her a bank card.

After leaving the flower shop, Yan Xi took a taxi to a cemetery.

It took a long time to find Zhong Manyao's tombstone.

Yan Xi put down the emperor flower.

There is an epitaph on the tombstone: A hero's life is always short but brilliant.
A hero's life is always short and brilliant.

In line with Zhong Manyao's personality, even the epitaph is so arrogant and tall.

Yan Xi stood there for a long time, remembering that Zhong Manyao still owed her money, how could she die before paying back the money.


 PS: Is there any mistake in that sentence in English? The author is not good at English, so I translated it directly from Chinese.

(End of this chapter)

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