Chapter 794
The next morning, the morning light overflowed.

Hua Cuo was refreshed. She was so enthusiastic last night that he almost couldn't stand it. Fortunately, he is strong and strong.

The two went out for breakfast, to the same bakery they had been to ten years ago.

Ten years later, the bakery is still there, and so many people still come to buy bread.

The taste of the croissant is still the same, and now it tastes more like nostalgia.

After breakfast, Hua Cuo suggested: "Why don't we go to Chamonix."

So, the two went to Chamonix by car.

It was winter when I came ten years ago, and now it is early spring in March, but it is still very cold.

The snow season in Chamonix lasts for 9 months from September to April of the following year.

The continuous snow-capped Alps are like an undulating white train.

The two took the cable car up to the Aiguille du Midi in the Alps, where they can overlook the scenery of the Alps.

Hua wrongly looked in one direction, and couldn't help but think of a person. The Alps have been passing through northern Italy, and Chamonix just borders Italy, and that direction is Italy.

He admitted that he had ulterior motives, and he was the one by her side at the moment.

"Yan Xi, let's take a photo, shall we?" Hua Cuo took out her phone, remembering that she didn't want to take pictures at that time.

Yan Xi has no interest in taking pictures, but now that she is no longer an employee of Interpol, it doesn't matter. Besides, she and Hua have known each other for so long, it seems that they haven't taken pictures.

"Try to make me look better, and delete the ugly ones." Yan Xi doesn't ask how good-looking she is, she is self-aware of her appearance, but she can't make it too ugly.

"You have to believe in my photography skills, I will definitely keep your most beautiful moment." I also want to keep his most handsome moment.

Hua Cuo looked like she liked it, not only took a picture, but also took a dozen pictures with her.

After taking photos and watching the scenery for a while, I took the cable car down.

They didn't wear much clothes when they came, it was rather cold here, and it was getting late.

Back down the mountain, I hiked at the foot of the mountain again, walking the road I used to walk.

He didn't go back until it was about to dark.

After returning to Lyon for dinner, the two went back to the hotel.

"Shall I send you the photos?" Hua mistakenly held the phone and was sifting through good-looking photos.

"Send it to me." Yan Xi suddenly felt that today's photo had a special meaning.

Huacuo immediately sent all the photos to her.

Yan Xi picked up his phone to check, maybe she has average aesthetics, and her photography is not bad.

Yan Xi remembered something, but hadn't told him yet.

"The flower is wrong, I have resigned, and I am no longer engaged in field missions." She still doesn't know what she will do in the future and what kind of work she will do.

Hua Cuo was stunned for a moment, and looked at her in surprise. He supported any choice she made, but in fact she no longer engaged in dangerous work, so of course he was even more supportive.

"I forgot to tell you, actually I have already submitted the resignation application, and it should be approved soon." He will submit the resignation application immediately tomorrow.

"Are you going to resign too?" Yan Xi looked at him in surprise, such a coincidence?

"Well, I have thought about it for a long time, and I have thought it very clearly." Hua Cuo was very serious, he was never a great person, he did not have noble dedication.

The country instilled patriotism in him, but in fact he is a very selfish person.

Once he didn't know what to do, maybe he would stay in NSA, field duty, until he died accidentally, or got old, or got injured, and then worked in support, or transferred to some office position, until he retired, and played by the rules career.

However, he met her, he wanted to be with her, he didn't want to die, he didn't want to do a dangerous job, it was as simple as that.

Hearing this, Yan Xi thought that since he had thought clearly, then it would be fine.

"I will go back to Jingyang City." Although I don't know what to do in the future, I should settle down in Jingyang City.

"I also want to go back to Jingyang City, let's go back together." Hua Cuo pretended, she said she would go back to Jingyang City, why didn't she say us?Does she not want to take him back?

"Oh, I want to go to the capital first and visit Director Nie." She is not in a hurry to go back to Jingyang City, and now she has a lot of time.

"I also have to go to the capital to go through some resignation procedures. The resignation procedure of the National Security Bureau is a bit troublesome. Let's go back to the capital together." Hua Cuo continued to put on a show.

"I want to go back tomorrow." There was no need to stay in Lyon, she wanted to see Nie Shen earlier.

"I also want to go back tomorrow. I'm booking a ticket online now." Hua Cuo took out his laptop, connected to the Internet, and logged into the booking website.

Yan Xi glanced at him, what does he mean?Live with her?

"I booked a ticket for [-] o'clock in the afternoon tomorrow, and I will go to the capital at [-] o'clock in the morning the next day, is that okay?" Hua Cuo asked.

"Yes." Yan Xi nodded.

Hua Cuo was extremely surprised and excited in her heart, she didn't refuse, she tacitly agreed to be with him in the future.

Huacuo is full of expectations and yearning for the future, and is already planning his future life.


At noon the next day, after the two had lunch, they boarded the flight to the capital of China.

After spending the night on the plane, the plane arrived at the Capital Airport on time at eight o'clock the next morning.

Late March in the capital is still quite cold and the snow is melting.

After breakfast, the two took a taxi back to the apartment.

The apartment is clean and tidy. It took me a while to come back and clean it last month.

Back home, Hua Cuo felt very comfortable, took her and his luggage into the room, and hung the clothes in the suitcase in the closet.

Yan Xi called Nie Shen and said he was going to visit this afternoon.

Hearing Yan Xi's voice, Nie Shen was extremely moved and happy. Although Hua Cuo had already learned about her situation, it was good that she was safe and sound.

After hanging up, Yan Xi looked at Huacuo and said, "I'm going to Director Nie's house this afternoon."

Huacuo hung up his clothes and said, "I'll go with you."

"Go together?" Yan Xi was not sure, should they go together, and then enter the door separately, or go in together?
"Let's go together." Hua wrongly smiled, the director already knew about it, and he didn't object.

Yan Xi immediately understood that Nie Shen already knew about it. In fact, she suspected that Nie Shen knew about it a long time ago, but she just didn't expose it, but Huacuo had to cover it up.

"It's still early, let's sleep for a while." Hua Cuo said, not long after sleeping on the plane, the jet lag has not adjusted.

After taking a bath, in broad daylight, the curtains were drawn, and the two of them lay down on the bed.

Filled with joy, Hua Cuo reached out and hugged her: "Yan Xi, you still owe me two birthday presents."

Yan Xi didn't expect him to think about the birthday present, but she did remember it, but she didn't even say happy birthday, she really shouldn't.

Sleeping at home, Hua Cuo said, "Yan Xi, I want to sleep naked."

Yan Xi thought about the future cohabitation life: "I hope you get used to sleeping with clothes on."

Hua Cuo moved uncomfortably, and was not used to wearing clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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