Chapter 795
At 12:30 noon, Yan Xi woke up, but saw a naked body lying beside her, her face turned dark.

Yan Xi got up and got dressed.

Hua Cuo also woke up. Originally, he wanted to wake up earlier to get dressed, but she woke up earlier.

Hua Cuo didn't move, seeing her as if nothing had happened, could it be that she allowed him to sleep naked in the future, that would be great.

Yan Xi went to the bathroom to wash up.

Hua put on her clothes by mistake and knocked on the bathroom door: "Can I come in?"

"No!" Yan Xi was frightened, she closed the door in the bathroom, of course no one was allowed in, isn't he talking nonsense!
"Why not?" Hua mistakenly saw that it was getting late, and there was only one bathroom in the apartment, which could be shared.

"I'll be constipated if you come in." Yan Xi said coldly.

Hua Cuo looks depressed, is she joking?
Yan Xi spent about 10 minutes in the bathroom before coming out.

Hua Cuo said: "Today is Sunday, the director is on vacation, so you can go to the director's house early. Let's go out for lunch first, then go shopping outside, buy some things, and then go to the director's house, okay?"

"You decide." Yan Xi went back to his room to change clothes.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the two went out for lunch and then went to the mall for a stroll.

Huacuo used to have the habit of buying, buying, and buying. Now he tries not to buy things randomly. He wants to save money, and if he buys it, he will take it back to Jingyang City. Why not go back to Jingyang City and buy it again.

"Do you want to ask Shang Moyan to go to the director's house tonight?"

"You decide." Yan Xi didn't care, Hua Cuo and Mo Yan were colleagues.

"Did you know? Mo Yan is already married, and his daughter should be almost two years old!" He went to drink a wedding banquet, and the next year he went to drink a full moon wine and gave red envelopes.

Yan Xi was a little surprised, remembering the last time he met Mo Yan, it seemed that it had been six or seven years.

So, Hua Cuo called Nie Shen and asked Nie Shen if he wanted to call Moyan.

Until 04:30 in the afternoon, Yan Xi and Hua went to Nie Shen's house by mistake.

After seeing her for the first time in two years, Yan Xi was filled with guilt. Nie Shen always cared for her so much and used his authority to help her many times.

"Uncle Nie."

"Yan Xi, come in quickly." Nie Shen smiled kindly, unable to hide the joy on his face.

Go and sit down in the living room.

Hua mistakenly gave the things to the servant, walked over and sat beside Yan Xi naturally.

Nie Shen took a look at Hua Cuo, but really didn't know what to say, Hua Cuo was a little different from his ideal son-in-law.

He was very snobbish about this matter, and hoped that Yanxi's future husband would be excellent, upright, strong, gentle, capable, and of an extraordinary family background.

But the consequences of expecting too much...

Nie Shen looked at Hua Cuo, and was a bit reluctant in terms of excellence and ability.

In terms of integrity, Hua Cuo is not a bad person, but he is a bit cunning.

In terms of strength, his mind is very tenacious, but he doesn't do much.

In terms of gentleness, Hua Cuo is a thick-handed and carefree person.

If you talk about family background, don't even mention it, if you don't even have a family, how can you have a family background.

He knew that Yun Su's standard could not be used to judge others.

But seeing Yun Su and An Qing loving each other, having both children and happiness, he once thought that it would be great if that person was Yan Xi, then Yan Xi would not have to suffer so many dangers and disasters.

But the world is impermanent, some people seem to be destined to go through this life, they are born with this kind of people.

Nie Shen sighed inwardly, but since Yan Xi likes Hua Cuo, it is enough to overcome all the shortcomings of Hua Cuo, no one is perfect, not everyone is so blessed by Yun Su.

Hua Cuo sat upright, feeling a little uneasy, why did the director keep looking at him?Is there any dissatisfaction with him?

Hua Cuo didn't know that Nie Shen was not satisfied with him.

"Huacuo, I saw the resignation application you submitted. In fact, you can be transferred." Nie Shen said. Now that Huacuo and Yan Xi are together, he has a lot of selfishness and hopes that they will be safe.

"I've thought about it very clearly. I'm on vacation now, so I don't talk about business." Hua Cuo winked secretly, and said in private.

Nie Shen understood instantly, is there anything Yan Xi can't hear?

"Yan Xi, have you been busy lately?" Nie Shen has been very worried. It is too dangerous to perform field missions, and even sent her to jail for more than a year for no reason.

"I'm not busy. I've been free recently. I've already resigned. I'm planning to go back to Jingyang City and make plans." Yan Xi explained that Nie Shen didn't know she had resigned yet.

Nie Shen was a little surprised, but of course he was happy about it, no wonder Hua Cuo resigned, presumably Hua Cuo wanted to go back to Jingyang City with Yan Xi.

"Have you ever thought about staying in the capital?" Nie Shen hoped in his heart that he would be able to see her often, and would not have to resign if he made a mistake, and could be transferred to a stable position.

"Not yet." Yan Xi said, her home is in Jingyang City, there is another reason, she does not want to meet Yun Su, she never tests human nature, although Cheng Yuan is dead, but the secrets she knows can still be used by the Cheng family. create a threat.

Nie Shen didn't force himself, the transportation was convenient now, and it was very fast to go to Jingyang City from the capital. He was about to retire soon, so he could visit Jingyang City often.

At this moment, Mo Yan and his wife came with their daughter.

Mo Yan and his wife greeted Nie Shen respectfully, and asked their daughter to call him Grandpa.

The little girl's pronunciation was not standard, but the word "Grandpa" made Nie Shen smile kindly.

"Yan Xi, long time no see." Mo Yan looked at her, as if he hadn't seen her for six or seven years.

"Long time no see." Yan Xi looked at his... wife in surprise, there seemed to be a slight difference in height between Mo Yan and his wife.

"This is my wife." Mo Yan introduced, Yan Xi hadn't met his wife yet, and he wanted to send her a wedding invitation when he got married, but he couldn't contact her, Hua mistakenly said that she had a mission.

"Hello, you can call me Shen Yue." Shen Yue is very bright and bright, and her appearance is also bright and beautiful. It can be seen that her clothes are very tasteful.

"Hello, you can also call me Yan Xi." Yan Xi smiled slightly.

"My daughter, Mo Ran, Ran Ran, is called Auntie." Mo Yan led his daughter who was less than two years old.

"Hey, eh, eh..." The little girl wore shofar braids and was a bit bloated in thick clothes. She was almost two years old and began to learn to speak.

"Well, Ranran." Yan Xi tried his best to show a friendly smile, for fear of scaring the little girl.

"This is Uncle." Mo Yan pointed to Huacuo next to him.

"Call me Uncle!" Hua Cuo immediately corrected him, he is not that old!
"Bobo, Bobo..." The little girl was not afraid of making mistakes at all, and only listened to her father.

"..." Huacuo's face darkened, why did he call him Auntie Yan Xi, but Uncle?
Everyone laughed.

Yan Xi took a look at Mo Yan, after not seeing him for so long, Mo Yan seemed to be much more cheerful.

Mo Yan and Shen Yue sat on the sofa beside them with their daughter.

It was only then that Mo Yan noticed that Hua Cuo and Yan Xi were sitting together, they were very close, and Hua Cuo looked at Yan Xi with affectionate eyes from time to time.

Mo Yan was surprised, what is the relationship between Hua Cuo and Yan Xi now?
It was getting late, Nie Shen assigned Hua Cuo and Mo Yan to help in the kitchen.

(End of this chapter)

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