Chapter 796
"Yanxi, look at how cute Ranran is." Nie Shen loves children very much, thinking that Yanxi is already 35 years old, and he is no longer engaged in dangerous work, so he can consider having a child.

"Very cute." Yan Xi smiled, Mo Yan's daughter looks a bit like her mother.

"Go play with auntie." Shen Yue encouraged her daughter to go over.

It wasn't long before the little girl learned to walk, she walked up to Yan Xi like a duckling, and grabbed Yan Xi's clothes.

"Eh, eh, eh..." Mo Ran looked up at Yan Xi with his little head up.

Yan Xi was a little overwhelmed, and let the little girl tug at her clothes.

"Yan Xi, she wants you to pick her up." Even Nie Shen could tell.

"I've never hugged such a small child before, I'm worried that I'll fall her." Yan Xi didn't dare to hug her, because if she fell, Mo Yan might kill her.

"It's okay, you hug her, she's wearing such thick clothes, she won't be broken." Shen Yue was very casual
When the child's mother mentioned it, Yan Xi was a little embarrassed, so he bent over and picked up the little girl.

"Hey, eh, eh..." Mo Ran seemed to be very happy, dancing, his fat little hands grabbed Yan Xi's cheeks, and pulled Yan Xi's hair.

Yan Xi didn't dare to let go, he couldn't stop him, so he could only let the little girl pull.

Shen Yue saw her daughter's actions, and immediately walked over: "You little bastard! Who told you to pull Auntie's hair!"

Shen Yue picked up her daughter and threw her on the sofa.

"Sit still and don't move!"

Xiao Moran sat on the sofa and moved around, because she was wearing bulky clothes, and her movements were inconvenient.

"Sorry, I didn't leave a good impression on you." Shen Yue looked at Yan Xi apologetically.

"Too heavy, Ranran is very lively and cute." Yan Xi said hastily.

Shen Yue glared at her daughter, lively and cute?That is ADHD.

Nie Shen was a little disappointed, Yan Xi didn't seem to be touched by the child, thinking that Yun Su's son was already in elementary school, and his daughter was also in kindergarten, Yan Xi didn't even seem to have the idea of ​​getting married.


In the kitchen, Hua Cuo and Mo Yan are helping to cook.The servant is over 60 years old, and his hands and feet are not so dexterous.

"Hua Cuo, what's the matter with you and Yan Xi?" Mo Yan looked at Hua Cuo strangely, he thought Hua Cuo was destined to be single in this life.

"We've been together for many years, and you didn't have a girlfriend back then." Hua Cuo said, Mo Yan dared to flirt with Yan Xi in front of him at that time!
Mo Yan's face darkened, it turned out that Hua Cuo had already had an affair with Yan Xi!

But so what, he is married and has a little princess. After so many years, Hua Cuo is still having an affair.

Mo Yan suddenly remembered an old thing: "Does Yun Su know that you are together?"

Hua Cuo was silent, after so many years, Yan Xi still didn't want to face Yun Su, so he never mentioned Yan Xi in front of Yun Su.

No matter what happened back then, now that Yun Su has a family, he should have completely forgotten about Yan Xi, so don't mention it again.

"Don't tell me."

"Why?" Mo Yan was puzzled, although Yun Su and Yan Xi had been together before, but after so many years, and Yun Su was married, there was no need for Hua Cuo to have an affair.

"Things are not that simple, don't make trouble." Hua Cuo frowned.

"Could it be that... back then you seized love and pried Yun Su's wall?" Mo Yan was taken aback, but no matter how it looks, Yun Su is more powerful than Hua Cuo. Yun Su didn't break up, Yan Xi is now the major general's wife!

"If only things were that simple." Hua Cuo's face darkened. If he wins love, he doesn't have the confidence to win Yun Su!

"Could it not only took love with a sword, but also slandered Yun Su, and Yun Su turned against you?" Mo Yan had a brain hole again, Hua Cuo was very cunning.

"If Yun Su and I turn against each other, can I still attend his wedding? Can I still drink his daughter's full moon wine?" Hua Cuo was so angry, did Mo Yan use his brain?Where did he turn against Yun Su?
Mo Yan was taken aback for a moment, yes, Hua Cuo and Yun Su were still called brothers before.

"Why is that?" Mo Yan was even more puzzled, Yan Xi and Yun Su were not stingy people, they were friends even after goodbye.

"I don't know, this has nothing to do with me, and it has nothing to do with you, don't talk nonsense, don't mention Yan Xi in front of Yun Su, don't disturb Yun Su's life." Hua Cuo warned very seriously.

Mo Yan understood a little bit, it had nothing to do with others, it was Yan Xi and Yun Su's own problem.

He is not a talkative person, since he can't speak, of course he won't talk much.

Dinner is ready in no time.

Hua wrongly took out the dishes and saw the little Mo Ran dragging Yan Xi, Yan Xi looked at a loss.

Hua Cuo was stunned, thinking of the embryo far away in Italy, he has never dared to inquire about the news, Hess promised never to see her, never let her know, so he pretended it never happened.

"Wrong flower?" Mo Yan called him.

Hua Cuo reacted and put the dishes on the table.

After dinner, they sat in the living room and chatted for a long time.

Until 09:30, Xiao Moran started to feel sleepy, and Mo Yan and Shen Yue said goodbye to Nie Shen.

Yan Xi and Hua Cuo are going back too.

Nie Shen heard that Hua Cuo still called him Director, now that Hua Cuo has resigned and is no longer his subordinate, besides, Hua Cuo is already with Yan Xi.

"Huacuo, come up to the study with me." Nie Shen walked up the stairs.

Hua Cuo's heart tightened, he glanced at Yan Xi, and then followed Nie Shen upstairs.

Going to the study, Nie Shen closed the door.

There was silence in the study.

"Hua Cuo, how long have you been with Yan Xi?"

"Seven years!" Hua Cuo remembered clearly what the director was going to say.

"Have you kept it from me for so long?" Nie Shen's expression darkened.

"Didn't you always know?" Hua Cuo said, otherwise, why did the director ask him many times about his relationship with Yan Xi before.

"But you deliberately concealed me. Is this what Yan Xi meant, or what you meant?"

"Yes... I mean." Hua Cuo was extremely annoyed, how could he have thought of hiding from the director?
Nie Shen was furious, Hua Cuo was very cunning, how could Yan Xi be deceived by Hua Cuo?

"I didn't hide it from you on purpose, because of the nature of the job, I was worried that you would object, so..." Hua wrongly explained.

Nie Shen sighed, and now it doesn't help.

"So, how long will you and Yan Xi be together?" Nie Shen was a little worried. Yan Xi and Yun Su were very good at first, but they broke up in the end. For young people in this era, falling in love is like a joke. .

"I don't know how long, I hope until the moment my life ends." Hua Cuo is extremely serious and firm, as long as she doesn't refuse, he wants to be with her forever.

Nie Shen was silent for a long time, and finally said, "Call me uncle from now on."

Hua Cuo was overjoyed, and shouted openly: "Uncle!"

Nie Shen's face darkened, that's all, the most important thing is that Yan Xi likes it.

(End of this chapter)

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