I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 797 A New Life 01

Chapter 797 A New Life 01
It was almost ten o'clock when Nie Shen and Hua Cuo came down.

Hua Cuo smiled all over his face, and at the last moment, he said loudly: "Uncle, let's go first."

Yan Xi was startled, and looked at Hua Cuo and Nie Shen in disbelief. Why did Hua Cuo suddenly call him Uncle Nie Shen?

Nie Shen felt a little stuck. Hearing this uncle, he couldn't hear it well.

It was dark outside, and the night was a bit chilly.

After walking out of Nie Shen's house, Hua Cuo seemed to be able to see her doubts, so he explained: "I have resigned, and I am no longer a subordinate of the director, so I am called uncle."

Yan Xi nodded, expressing his understanding.


It was a rare sunny day in April this morning.

Yan Xi said he was going out for a while, and he wore a solemn black suit.

"Where are you going?" Hua mistakenly saw that she had changed clothes.

"Tomb-sweeping." Yan Xi said, today is Tomb-sweeping Day, and for so many years, due to various reasons, she seldom went to worship her parents, let alone on Tomb-sweeping Day.

Hua Cuo was stunned for a moment, sweeping the grave?She only thought of her parents. Her parents were former agents of the National Security Bureau and should be buried in the capital, not in Jingyang City.

"I will go with you."

"No need." Yan Xi glanced at him, and he followed to do something.

"I'll go out by the way, I'll go with you!" Hua Cuo immediately went to change clothes, how could he not go with her, if she wanted, her parents would be his parents!
Hua Cuo also wore a solemn black and went out with her.

Yan Xi went to the flower shop first and bought carnations and sunflowers.

Today is Ching Ming Festival, a holiday, many people go to the cemetery to visit graves.

Yan Xi and Hua took a taxi to the National War Cemetery by mistake.

When Yan Xi was about to get out of the car, Hua Cuo said to wait.

"I saw Yunsu's family. Yunsu should be here too." Huacuo looked out the car window. He had attended Yunsu's wedding before and went to his daughter's full moon wine, so he recognized his family.

Yan Xi followed Hua Cuo's line of sight, and gradually saw Yun Su in the crowd.

The woman beside him was beautiful and beautiful, and they were a perfect match. He was holding a little girl and holding a little boy. Although he was serious, his deep eyes were full of warmth.

The Cheng family is a wealthy red family in the capital. Most of their deceased relatives are soldiers, and most of them are buried in the National Cemetery.

It wasn't until the Cheng family left that Hua Cuo and Yan Xi got out of the car and walked into the cemetery.

The parents were buried together, and the tombstone has experienced 17 years of wind and rain.

Yan Xi put down the carnations and sunflowers.

"What do I call your parents?" Hua Cuo was very serious. If possible, he wanted to marry her.

"No need to address you." Yan Xi originally came by himself, but he insisted on following.

"I remember your parents. They came to the orphanage with you, and I even talked to them." Although I can't remember her parents clearly, the impression is very deep.

"Then you should call me uncle and aunt." Yan Xi said.

Hua Cuo's face was weird, and he wanted to call his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

During the Qingming Festival, it rained a lot, and today is a rare sunny day.

The two stood for a while, Yan Xi said, "Let's go."

Huacuo left with her. He hoped that his life would be longer, and that after his death, he could be buried with her.


A person came alone and put down a bouquet of white gladiolus in front of the tombstone of words and words, and saw carnations and sunflowers in front of the tombstone.

Yun Su was a little surprised. For so many years, he would come every Qingming Festival, but he had never seen her come to worship.

Carnations are flowers for mothers, and sunflowers are flowers for fathers.

Already guessed who came to worship.


(End of this chapter)

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