I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 798 A New Life 02

Chapter 798 A New Life 02
During their stay in the capital, Yan Xi and Hua Cuo often went to Nie Shen's house for dinner, and stayed in the capital for a while before returning to Jingyang City.

In April, the weather in Jingyang City is quite warm and the temperature is suitable.

At twelve noon, the plane arrived at Jingyang City Airport.

The two took a taxi and went back to Tianhe Xiaoyuan.

Through the car window, I saw the buildings and streets outside, everything was so familiar.

"Yan Xi, shall we settle down in Jingyang City in the future?" Hua Cuo looked at the scenery outside the car window.

"Tentatively, do you want to live with me?" If there is no accident, she will settle down in Jingyang City, but I don't know what his plan is.

"Of course." Hua Cuo looked at her fiercely.

Yan Xi didn't say anything, but he didn't know what to say about some things.

Seeing her silent, Hua Cuo felt a little uneasy.

"Yan Xi, I'm already 37 years old. I don't have a house, a car, no savings, and no job..." Hua Cuo suddenly felt that she had nothing but her.

"Except for a house, I don't have anything." Yan Xi said, she has worked for so many years, but she hasn't made much money.

Hua Cuo reached out and hugged her, even if there was nothing, he still had her.

The driver of the car glanced at the car mirror, looked at Hua with contempt and made a mistake. A man is 37 years old. He has no house, no car, no money and no job. Is this woman a fool?It turned out that the house is only worth money now!Do you know how high the property price is? !

When we arrived at Tianhe Xiaoyuan, the driver stopped the car.

The driver looked at the nearby neighborhoods. The houses here are more than 3 square meters. Even a house of 300 square meters is worth more than [-] million!
Hua Cuo got off the car first and took the luggage from the rear compartment.

Yan Xi paid the driver.

The driver looked at Yan Xi strangely, and even asked the woman to pay the fare.

Yan Xi felt baffled why the driver kept staring at her.

After picking up the luggage, I returned to my long-lost home. The room was clean and tidy, as if it hadn't been cleaned for two or three years.

Yan Xi took a wrong look at Hua, did he often come to her house when she was not around?
Back home, no job, no plan, Yan Xi didn't know what to do for a while, and she didn't have a diploma, she was expelled from Jingyang University, and dropped out of the School of Economics at the University of Verona, Italy.

"Wrong flower, what are your plans?"

"I plan to open a hair styling studio." Huacuo is full of hope and longing for the future.

Yan Xi looked at him in surprise, was he joking?This plan is a bit...too lofty.

Seeing her disbelief, Hua Cuo said seriously: "I'm serious, I had this plan a long time ago, I have planned for many years, and I have a specific plan."

Yan Xi couldn't believe it.

"Would you like to have a look at my plan? I'll show it to you tonight. It's in the computer." Hua Cuo was beaming. He had worked in the National Security Bureau for so many years, and his deposit had basically never been touched. If it was not enough, he would sell his apartment in the capital. Housing prices in the capital are very high now, the apartment lot is about 200 per square meter, and that apartment sold for at least [-] million.

Although Yan Xi couldn't imagine it, he would support him.

Hua Cuo went to clean up first, and hadn't come back for a long time, thinking of the things in the drawer.

"Yan Xi, open the drawer and have a look."

Yan Xi opened the drawer and saw two gifts inside, representing two years.

"Wrong flower, thank you."

"You're welcome, you still owe me two gifts." Hua wrongly smiled, and asked for gifts again.

Yan Xi always remembered it, but he didn't expect him to miss it all the time.

(End of this chapter)

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