I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 799 A New Life 03

Chapter 799 A New Life 03
"Every year from now on, you will give me a birthday present, okay?" Hua Cuo looked at her intently with eyes full of expectation.

"Hua Cuo, do you know what you're talking about?" Yan Xi looked serious. According to the average life expectancy, she has already passed half of her life, and there is still the second half of her life to say whether it will be long or short. She needs to plan for her future life , the previous life has passed, and some things have changed.

"Of course I know, I am very clear and serious, I don't want to be separated from you again, we will be together in the future." Hua Cuo walked forward and hugged her, now there is nothing hindering them from being together, and he doesn't have to say anything What if I'm not here, don't feel sad, it's my choice or something against my will.

"Huacuo, have you considered it?" Yan Xi frowned, he was a little rash, had he considered the future?

"I should ask you this question." Hua Cuo was a little disappointed, had she thought about being with him forever, even for a while.

"I don't know what will happen to me in the future, let alone what you want." There are some feelings that she can't bear, or can't give him what he wants.

"No matter what you are, I want to be with you forever. We dedicate our youngest time to our mission. I want to love you for the rest of my life. No matter what form it is, friends, confidants, relatives, and lovers can all be .” He doesn’t care about the form, he only cares about her.

Yan Xi was silent for a long time, he could feel Hua Cuo's liking for her, and she also liked him, but there are some things that just need to be liked.

"Don't you ever think about getting married and having children?" Yan Xi thought of meeting Yun Su that day, she had never seen Yun Su like that, so warm and happy.

"My life is not about getting married and having children, but about being with you. If you like children, we can adopt one." He couldn't let her go, and even if she wanted to have children, he wouldn't tell her that he was far away in Italy of embryos.

Yan Xi was silent for a long time again, Hua Cuo had been with her for so many years, she didn't know what kind of feelings she had for Hua Cuo, first of all she could be sure that there was a deep friendship, maybe there was family affection and love, he was like a family member, always Waiting for her at her home, living together, going through daily life, facing each other day and night.

Maybe she is already too familiar with and used to the wrong flower, assuming another person, she may not be used to it.

In the end, Yan Xi reached out and hugged him, responding.

Hua Cuo was so excited that she finally agreed that she would never be separated from her again.


At night, Huacuo turned on his laptop and showed her the plan of the hairdressing and styling shop.

The plan has more than 20 pages, including design style, investment budget, various hairdressing equipment, employee requirements, profit and loss estimates, etc.

Yan Xi looked it over carefully, she didn't understand this industry, but it seemed feasible.

"Do you have so much money?"

"The annual salary of a senior agent of the National Security Bureau is quite high. I have worked for so many years, and I must have it. However, I have never done business. If I fail, I may be penniless." Hua Cuo did not think about it .

Yan Xi didn't have any good advice. Although she was studying financial management, she only had theory but no practice. She had never done business, especially in the service industry.

Still, she will support him.

"I can invest half."

"Do you have so much money?" Hua Cuo looked at her in surprise. Interpol's annual salary is very low, a thankless job.

"My parents left some money for me." Yan Xi was a little embarrassed, at her age, she still used her parents' money.

"Then what if it fails..." Hua Cuo suddenly felt a heavy responsibility, and she even took out her parents' money.

"Then do it again." Yan Xi understood very well that everything has two sides, and nothing can be accomplished overnight.

"Again? Are your parents rich?" Hua Cuo couldn't understand it, she said it so lightly.

"You can do it a few more times." Yan Xi said, although it's hard to believe the wrong plan, but I believe he will succeed if he comes a few more times.

"..." Huazuo was stunned, her parents are really rich, no wonder she doesn't care about the annual salary.

Yan Xi was a little worried, Hua Cuo already had a goal, and she didn't know what to do yet.


The next day, Huacuo checked the road section of Jingyang City on the Internet, and first of all, he wanted to find a prime location.

I considered the shops in the colorful square a long time ago, but I don’t know if there are any shops suitable for opening a hairdressing and styling shop for rent.

In the evening, Hua made a mistake and said that he was going to Binfen Square to have dinner, and take a look at the lot and shops by the way.

I haven’t been to Binfen Plaza for a few years. It’s almost located in the center of the city. Most of the people who come here are middle class, and the rent of shops is relatively expensive.

The wrong target is the middle class, and the high-end luxury market needs time to accumulate.

"There is still a store name missing, do you have any suggestions?"

"I'm not good at Chinese, so I don't have any suggestions." Yan Xi said that there was nothing he could do to help.

"It's better to combine our names." Hua Cuo had a whim.

"Don't! That would be vulgar and ugly!" Yan Xi resolutely refused, no matter which word she combined with his name, there was no sense of fashion, and she didn't want to see her name on the signboard.

Hua Cuo's face darkened, vulgar and ugly?
The commercial area of ​​Colorful Plaza has five floors. The restaurants and brands are also aimed at middle-class customers. There are already two hair salons here. If another one is opened, it may cause an oversupply.

But doing business now, unless he has amazing ideas and ideas, finds a new way, and creates an invention that changes the world, he can only survive in the competition.

He thinks he has neither amazing talent nor a shrewd business acumen, so he can only start from the bottom, from the most ordinary.

After dinner, the two walked around a few times.

They didn't leave the square until 10:30, when the square was about to close.

Sitting in the taxi, Hua Cuo said: "Now we settle here, it is very inconvenient to not have a car, we can't always take a car."

"Then go buy a car tomorrow." Yan Xi had long wanted to buy one.

"What car do you want to buy?" Hua Cuo looked happy, and they were planning for the future.

"An ordinary one will do." Yan Xi said, it's just used as a means of transportation.

"I think so too." Hua Cuo agrees, he doesn't have any requirements for the car, as long as the performance is decent, it's not for racing.

"I'm going to apply for the driver's license test tomorrow." Yan Xi thought to himself, there was finally something he could do.

"Don't you have a driver's license?" Hua Cuo remembered that she had never seen her drive, but she must have a driver's license for her previous job.

"No, foreign driver's license is invalid in China." She went abroad that year, and only had an Italian driver's license, which is useless here.

(End of this chapter)

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