I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 800 A New Life 04

Chapter 800 A New Life 04
The next day, the two went to the 4S auto shop to look at the car.

Neither of them had any special requirements for the car, as long as it was safe and functional, so they quickly bought a silver-gray car.

You can pick up the car after three days.

On the way home, he found a driving school closest to Tianhe Xiaoyuan. Yan Xi signed up for the driver's license test, and then went to the supermarket with Hua Cuo to buy daily necessities.

The next morning, Yan Xi went to the driving school to get acquainted with the procedure of the driver's license test, met her coach, and bought a book of test questions.

She doesn't have to practice driving, she just needs to wait for the written test and road test.

It was still early, Yan Xi went to the mall to buy two birthday presents.

When I got home at noon, Hua Cuo had already made lunch.

After lunch, Yan Xi took out two gifts.

Hua Cuo looked happy. The packaging of the two gifts is the same size and weight. What is it?
With anticipation, Hua Cuo opened the first gift.

His smile froze when he saw the items inside.


He has been sleeping naked recently, thinking that she has allowed it, but it turns out that she has ulterior motives.

Hua Cuo opened the second gift expectantly again.

However, when he saw the items inside, he became depressed again.

Or pajamas?

"Why are the two gifts the same?"

"It's not the same, the style is different, and the color is different." Yan Xi asked the shopping guide which two pajamas are the most comfortable, and hoped that he would wear them comfortably and sleep comfortably.

Flower error: "..."

Obviously they are all pajamas, but they all have the same function. In order not to receive gifts of pajamas every year, Hua made a mistake and decided to wear pajamas to sleep in the future.


In the afternoon, Hua Cuo and Yan Xi went out again, went to a square to look at the lot and shops, and had dinner outside by the way.

The two didn't leave until 10:30 in the evening, when the square was about to close.

After walking all night, Hua mistakenly said that he was going to eat supper.

Choose a dessert house.

Yan Xi wondered why he didn't gain weight after eating so much?And he has a sweet tooth.

After eating supper, it was past eleven o'clock, and the two went back for a walk to digest food.

When passing by a street in the dead of night, Hua Cuo suddenly stopped.

Yan Xi also stopped, what's wrong?
Hua Cuo asked: "Did you hear any sound?"

Yan Xi listened carefully, and seemed to hear a faint cry.

The two looked at the nearby lawn in unison.

The two looked at each other, then trampled on the lawn, looking for the source of the sound.

In the silent environment, the cry became clearer and clearer, it was the cry of a baby.

There is a cardboard box on the public bench, and there is a baby in the cardboard box.

Who would put a baby in a cardboard box here in the middle of the night?

Hua Cuo looked around, but there was no one there.

"This may be an abandoned baby. She seems to be crying very sad." Hua Cuo bent over to look at the baby, who was out of breath from crying.

There were no street lights on the lawn, so Yan Xi took out his phone to take a picture: "There is a note in the cardboard box."

Hua Cuo picked up the note and unfolded it. There was only one line: "Born on March 3, I hope kind people will adopt me. I am very grateful."

Only a month and a few days old.

The two looked at the note in shock, so surprised.

"What should I do?" Hua Cuo suddenly felt pity.

"I think send it to the baby safety island, or to the police station." Yan Xi is very rational, this is an abandoned baby, and they don't know the reason why the baby was abandoned.

Hua Cuo hesitated to speak, he knew he should do this, but this baby came so unexpectedly and coincidentally, as if it fell from the sky.

The baby's cries became louder and louder, and he suddenly coughed, causing his face to turn red.

Yan Xi saw that the baby seemed to be suffocating: "The flower is wrong! The baby is choking! It seems that I can't breathe!"

"Then what should we do?" Hua Cuo was startled.

"How do I know!" Yan Xi was annoyed, she knew what to do and wouldn't call him!

"If she is really choking, then pat her on the back! Or give her artificial respiration!" Hua Cuo immediately thought of the first aid method.

"Then hurry up!" Yan Xi was a little anxious, he couldn't breathe very badly!

"Me?" Hua Cuo looked disbelieving, he had never rescued a baby before.

"Hurry up!" Yan Xi urged Cui seriously, could it be her?

Hua Cuo was at a loss, and carefully picked up the baby, not daring to let go: "I don't have hands, you pat her on the back!"

Yan Xi was a little flustered, and quickly patted the baby's back lightly.

It seems to have no effect.

Hua Cuo said: "Hold her harder! I will hold her tightly!"

Yan Xi didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly patted the baby on the back hard.

The baby coughed and continued to cry.

Hearing the baby's cry, both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't cry, don't cry, if you cry again, you will be thrown away." Hua Cuo hugged the baby and gently rocked the baby.

Yan Xi watched silently, she didn't know how to coax a child, but how could anyone coax a child like this.

But Hua Wrong's words seemed to have taken effect, the baby's crying gradually died down, and the round eyes opened.

"Yanxi, she stopped crying." Hua wrongly smiled, coaxing the child for the first time was effective.

"..." Yan Xi was speechless, it was just a coincidence.

"She appeared here and was met by us again, such a coincidence, so unbelievable..." Hua Cuo said, as if it was destined, as if it was a gift from heaven to them.

Yan Xi understood what he meant, but: "We don't know if the baby has any disease, why it was abandoned, and whether the baby's biological parents will find the baby back in the future."

"Diseases can be cured, and her crying is so loud, she should be very healthy. If she hadn't met us, she might have suffocated to death, and her parents would see the news of the death of an abandoned baby tomorrow. Besides, since her Parents abandon her, then there are consequences of abandonment. If we send her to a baby safe or the police station, and her parents don't come to claim her, she will be sent to an orphanage, and life in an orphanage is... very bad. "Hua Cuo's voice was weak, nothing bad, just very unhappy.

Yan Xi was stunned for a moment, thinking that Hua Cuo spent her childhood in an orphanage, and how lucky she was.

"Flowers are wrong, I'm not yet mentally prepared to be a mother." It was too sudden, and she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to do it well.

"I'm already mentally prepared to be a mother and a father!" Hua Cuo said, not at first, but in an instant.

"I'm serious!" Yan Xi's face darkened, now is not the time to joke!
"I am also very serious." Hua Cuo is very serious, and he is confident that he can do well.

Yan Xi was silent for a moment, she had never thought of having a baby, but she didn't resist, besides, as Hua Cuo said, this baby came so unbelievably.

"Huacuo, since we adopted this baby, we have to assume the responsibility of parents. We must be careful, this is a life."

"I know, I'm very cautious!" Hua Cuo was solemn and firm.

"Then now we are parents, biological parents." Yan Xi looked serious. They had just returned to Jingyang City, and no one knew about it, so they could completely hide it.

Hua Cuo was stunned for a moment, biological parents?He thought of the embryo far away in Italy, wondering if it had been born.

"Yan Xi, if, if you had a biological child, would you adopt this baby?"

"If there is no such thing, why ask?" Yan Xi didn't understand why he made such an assumption.

"Since it doesn't exist, it's just an if, can you answer me?" Hua looked at her fixedly.

Yan Xi thought for a while: "This baby is completely different from whether we can have a biological child, two lives, two independent individuals. Could it be that we have a biological child, so we abandon this non-natural baby?"

"Of course not." Hua Cuo said without hesitation.

"The transmission of life, whether it is the gene or the spirit, I pay more attention to the latter." Yan Xi said, maybe because of her parents, she didn't know that she was not the biological child of her parents. It was discovered by accident during the investigation.

But this is not important, she did not inherit the blood of her parents, but she inherited the spirit of her parents.

Hearing this, Hua Cuo figured it out in an instant, why should he bother with others, why should he get himself into entanglement, the person standing beside her at this moment is him.

Thinking of this, Hua Cuo felt suddenly enlightened.

"Then let's go to the hospital first!" Hua Cuo said, she didn't know if the child was sick or not. In Huaguo, baby girls were often abandoned, or babies with diseases were abandoned.

Yan Xi took the cardboard box and note, these 'crime tools' might be useful.

The two immediately got into a taxi and went straight to the hospital.

Sitting in the car, Hua Cuo was holding the baby all the time, the baby didn't cry or fuss, and was very well-behaved when his eyes were open.

"I haven't named her yet, what name do you think of?"

"I didn't expect that." Yan Xi had no idea for a while.

"It's better to use our name combination, wrong word? wrong love? wrong thought..."

"No! It's vulgar and ugly!" Yan Xi immediately interrupted him, Hua Cuo's Chinese level was even lower than hers.

Hua Cuo's face darkened, vulgar and ugly?
"Be careful when choosing a name. The name will last a lifetime. You can be named Hua." Yan Xi said that children usually take their father's surname.

"The surname Hua is ugly, but the surname is nice." Hua Cuo said, in the future, the child will be called Miss Hua, Miss Hua, that will be really vulgar and ugly!

"The surname is not the point. The surname Hua can also be nice. The important thing is to combine it with connotations. Don't take any wrong words." Yan Xi's face is gloomy. Is it wrong for Yan Xi to love flowers?
Hua Cuo said: "Wrong words? Wrong words? Wrong words? Wrong words..."

Yan Xi's face darkened: "No! The surname is Hua."

Hua Cuo thought hard, racked his brains, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration: "I thought of a name that has connotations and is nice! Words, thoughts, mistakes, reflections on mistakes, take this as a warning."

As soon as Yan Xi heard it, thinking about Hua Cuo did have some connotations, but, Yan Si Cuo, did he want to express Yan Xi's yearning for Hua Cuo?Yan Xi felt very frustrated: "Don't be named Yan."

"The surname sounds nice, just use this name, Yan Sicuo, Si Cuo, and you will be called Si Cuo in the future." Hua Cuo said to the baby.

At this time, the baby cried again.

(End of this chapter)

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