I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 802 A New Life 06

Chapter 802 A New Life 06
The door of the emergency room was closed, and the doctor was standing at the door, as if afraid that the two of them would rush in and snatch the child.

"Doctor, he was just joking with you. He really wanted a girl, but it turned out to be a boy, so he always said it was a daughter." Yan Xi explained.

"Did you give birth to the child?" The doctor looked at Yan Xi calmly.

Yan Xi was silent for a moment, then nodded, "Of course."

"What are you doing with the cardboard box?" The doctor glanced at the cardboard box, X brand rice cooker.

"I don't have money to buy a stroller, so the cardboard box is used to put the child in, so that it is convenient for the child to sleep." Yan Xi's face remained unchanged, and it was really unreasonable to hold a cardboard box in the middle of the night.

The doctor glanced at Yan Xi again, he couldn't tell from the clothes that she was really poor, but he vaguely saw the brand logo on the watch this woman was wearing.

"How much is your watch?"

"Fake, 95 yuan." Yan Xi said, this doctor's eyesight is too good.

Doctors are skeptical, and traffickers can't afford such a tasteful watch.

Hua took a wrong look at Yan Xi, she was better at lying than him.

"How is the child?" Yan Xi asked worriedly.

"The child is fine and healthy, just hungry." The doctor said that the two didn't even know that the child was hungry.

Hearing this, Hua Cuo and Yan Xi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, at least the child is not sick.

"Why did you send the child to the hospital?" A look of doubt flashed in the doctor's eyes. Human traffickers are generally afraid to come to the hospital.

"Just now the child cried a lot. He choked and suffocated for a while. I patted him on the back. The child seemed very uncomfortable." Yan Xi said.

The doctor didn't say anything. The child's throat was a little red and swollen, which should be caused by choking.

Yan Xi said, "It's late and the child is hungry, can we pick him up?"

The doctor said: "Observe for a while, do you want to go in and feed?"

Yan Xi's expression froze instantly, feeding?

Hua Cuo's face is also stiff, this kid can only drink milk powder!
The doctor became suspicious again. She had just given birth to a child, so she must have breast milk. If this woman does not breastfeed, she must not be her biological mother.

At this time, more than a dozen plainclothes policemen rushed over, and human traffickers have always been the focus of investigation!Kidnapping babies is a heinous crime!

Several plainclothes police rushed to arrest Hua Cuo and Yan Xi.

A plainclothes policeman grabbed Yan Xi's arm, intending to push Yan Xi down backwards.

Yan Xi resisted subconsciously and pushed the man down with his backhand. The man screamed in pain and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

"Don't move!" The two policemen yelled, they didn't expect this woman to be so powerful, so they rushed up to fight Yan Xi.

Here, three or four policemen fought Hua Cuo, but Hua Cuo quickly beat them to the ground.

The doctors and nurses around were all terrified, and they backed away one after another. They didn't expect that the current human traffickers are so powerful!
Hua Cuo didn't know what happened, so he yelled at the doctor and nurse: "Hurry up and call the police!"

Everyone is dumbfounded, they have already reported, and the police are here!Traffickers are attacking the police!

Yan Xi threw a policeman down, there was a clang, the sound of metal hitting the ground, and he saw a handcuff on the man's waist.

Yan Xi was stunned for a moment, then quickly helped the man up, and said, "I didn't do it on purpose, did you get hurt?"

The man was dumbfounded, he was beaten up by the traffickers, he was already ashamed, and the traffickers said it wasn't intentional? !

(End of this chapter)

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