I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 803 A New Life 07

Chapter 803 A New Life 07
Seeing the chaotic scene, Yan Xi thought to himself: "The flowers are wrong, stop, they are the police."

"What?" Hua Cuo kicked a man away before realizing, police?

Five or six policemen were lying on the ground, and another five or six policemen were holding guns, surrounding the scene of the fight, using guns only when necessary.

"Hands up, don't move!" the policeman with a gun yelled.

Yan Xi frowned, had no choice but to let go of the man, and then raised his hands.

Hua Cuo's face was a bit ugly, he was the only one who said this to others.

One of the policemen looked at Yan Xi in disbelief, and asked tentatively, "Are you...Miss Yan?"

Yan Xi looked at the policeman. He looked familiar in his 30s, but he couldn't recognize him for a while: "Who are you?"

"I'm Zheng Gu!" Zheng Gu looked excited. It was about 11 years ago, but he was deeply impressed.

"You are...Officer Zheng?" Yan Xi remembered that he was the policeman who investigated Han Ziming's drunk driving case.

"It's me! What happened?" Zheng Gu was still holding up the gun, but he didn't put it down, and pointed at Yan Xi.

"It should be me who asked you, what happened?" Yan Xi felt puzzled.

"Someone called the police just now, saying that there are two human traffickers who are abducting and selling babies here." Zheng Gu thought badly, did he catch the wrong person, and the human traffickers escaped?

Yan Xi and Hua Cuo's faces were immediately covered in black lines, abducting and selling babies?Traffickers?
Finally understand the strange behavior of the doctor just now!

Yan Xi said, "There are no traffickers, those are my children."

Zheng Gu breathed a sigh of relief, and put down the gun: "Misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding, put down the gun."

"Captain, but they attacked the police." The policeman lying on the ground had a bruised face and a swollen nose, and he couldn't help being angry.

Hua Cuo said: "Who knew you were the police, and suddenly rushed over to grab me, shouldn't I resist, are the police as inferior as you?"

The policemen lying on the ground were speechless. As policemen, they were easily beaten to the ground, which was too embarrassing.

Zheng Gu said: "Misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding, just do what should be done, it's all gone."

The other policemen put away their guns and helped up their companions on the ground, but fortunately, they were only injured on the skin.

"Miss Yan, I'm very sorry for causing you trouble, but I still need to record a statement and investigate it as usual." Zheng Gu said that when he received a call to the police, his superiors were very concerned about this matter, and human traffickers have always been the focus of crackdown. .

"Officer Zheng, can I have a chance to speak?" Yan Xi looked serious, and it was possible to find out that she had no children.

Zheng Gu didn't know why, but he also nodded.

The three of them walked outside the emergency center, and it was already past one o'clock in the morning.

"That baby is indeed not my child, but..." Yan Xi recounted the process of finding the baby, and showed the cardboard box and note as evidence.

Zheng Gu looked surprised, it turned out to be an abandoned baby, but Miss Yan's behavior was against the law.

Zheng Gu pondered for a moment, looked at Yan Xi and Hua Cuo, and said, "Actually, you can hand over the baby to the police station or the Public Security Bureau first, and then apply for formal adoption procedures."

Yan Xi said, "We are not married."

In China, the conditions for adoption applications are very strict, such as marital status, family status, economic conditions, etc., and the conditions for unmarried children to adopt children are even more stringent.

Zheng Gu was silent, he couldn't ask others to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to apply for a marriage certificate tomorrow.

Yan Xi said, "Besides, we don't want others to know that the child is adopted."

Zheng Gu understands that if the news of the adoption spreads, some people may criticize and even affect the child's growth.

(End of this chapter)

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