Chapter 295

2010 12 Month 8 Day.

The Salt Lake City Jazz take on the aggressive Bulls.

From the lineup point of view, the Jazz definitely do not lose too much to the Lakers.

Not to mention, the team became single-core after Boozer left. As the absolute core of the team, there is no doubt that Williams averaged 20+10 per game.

The shooting guard Bell and the small forward Kirilenko's defense line are some of the strongest combinations in the league.

As for Millsap's rebounding and secondary offense, with the Jazz's newly introduced rookie center Jefferson, the Jazz's inside line should not be underestimated.

For the Bulls, the general fatigue problem among players began to become prominent due to the continuous battle.

In addition to Su Yi's heroic rush, Ross was also limited by hand discomfort and did not perform well, and UAE and Noah were also in poor condition.

Therefore, although the Bulls fought hard, they eventually lost to their opponents by 6 points.

In this game, Su Yi still scored 32 points, 14 assists, 11 rebounds and 1 block, and the triple-double miracle continued.

In the post-match interview, Xi Shuai changed his usual sternness. He praised his players because he saw how hard they were on the court.He attributed the loss to the unfavorable schedule.

And Su Yi didn't say much.

"It doesn't matter, we will definitely win the next game."

None of the reporters on the scene could doubt Super Su's words, because he still scored a beautiful triple-double today.

If Su Yi can maintain this data until the end of the season, then even if the Bulls lose the championship, Su Yi's experience is enough to become an interesting story this season.

When everyone returned to Chicago, all the players, including Su Yi, were coaxed back to their homes by Xishuai.

Xishuai understands that his players not only need physical rest, but also need to adjust their state.

The team's schedule has been a little tight lately, so he had to make some changes.

After all, training is about winning.

Su Yi returned to his residence, and just after changing his clothes and taking a hot shower, the phone rang.

Look at the caller ID.

It turned out to be mildew.

Su Yi has not contacted Taylor for a long time, because he has been too busy recently.

Ever since that night's romance, he had always thought that Swift would forget him.

"Hey, sweetheart, I guess you miss me." Su Yi's mouth was sweet.

"Hee hee, I think we still have a tacit understanding. Originally, I wanted to wait for you for a few more days, looking forward to your call, but I checked your schedule online and found that you are indeed busy playing games during this time. So , I forgive you, mua~, dear, tell the truth, do you think I don't?"

Swift's sweet kiss made Su Yi a little angry unconsciously, but she was a little wary in her heart.

He is a professional fish farmer, and he doesn't want to be Taylor's boyfriend.

"Well, to be honest, I've been a little busy lately, and I really don't have time to think about anything other than the game."

"Darling, I know you just lost the game, you must be very depressed. Would you like to come to my villa and sit, I can comfort you, hee hee."

Mildew's soft voice eased Su Yi's inner irritability a little.

Feeling loved can really heal a lot of things.

However, Su Yi is really in no mood today, because he needs enough rest to deal with the next game.

"Baby, I'm really sorry. I'm really not in the mood today. I'll definitely accompany you next time, and I'll bring you some surprises and gifts. What do you think?" Su Yi said while calling Yawn, he is really tired today.

Behind the data of triple-doubles in every game, there is exponential physical overdraft and exhaustion.

Su Yi is not the sperm body of Big Bug, Harden, and Oakley who don't care about their bodies.

"Humph! I'm angry...beep, beep, beep." Taylor hung up the phone in a fit of anger.

However, Su Yi had no time to imagine her angry appearance, so she put on pajamas and slept comfortably.


Slept through noon the next day.

Su Yicai went to the team training hall to continue his devil training.

And his other friends are basically warm by his girlfriend's side.

Except for Ross.

Mr. Rose arrived at the arena earlier than Su Yi.

Xishuai is instructing him on how to protect his body.

These things, in fact, Su Yi has said many times before, but Ross did not take it to heart.

However, Su Yi was very happy to see that Ross could pay attention to these details at the moment.

Two days later.

ATT Center Arena.

Happy Bull vs. San Antonio Spurs.

The troika is getting older, but the experience is getting richer.

On the court, Tim Duncan still stood on the inside line of the Spurs like a needle in the interior, making Su Yi not dare to hit the basket easily.

The French small sports car Parker, although the oil is insufficient, can still play a role that cannot be underestimated.

At the moment, Yaodao has very little hair left, but his skills are becoming more and more superb, and his breakthrough and shooting skills are more stable and mature.

Although injuries have been hampering the dreaded "GDP combo", the 2010-11 season was the last they could possibly win.

It can be seen from the firmness in the eyes of old Duncan that they are still fighting for the championship, although the honor in their hands is enough to enter the history of the NBA.

This may be the desire to win that the winner must have.

As for Richard Jefferson, who was opposite Su Yi, he was completely abused by Demon Su from the beginning.

Shooting is disrupted.

The breakthrough was stolen.

The defense was passed with ease and even got slammed to the floor twice.

Jefferson was screaming in his heart.

Are you really a striker?
Are you sure you're not Iverson?

Is that kind of ball-handling skills and speed that a 2.03m big man should have?

God, Mom, Jefferson wanted to go home and cry under the covers.

However, in the same way, the old Duncan also used the ball without emotion to keep the Spurs in the lead.

Although the stone Buddha is old, the future really cannot belong to anyone, as long as the old stone Buddha has not retired.

In Su Yi's eyes, Duncan is more like a sophisticated shooting machine, polishing his talents and skills without being fancy, so simple but so practical.

Like a terrifying swordsman, he won't even let blood smear on the blade after he kills the opponent with one knife.

Therefore, the feeling that Shifo brought to UAE and Noah was despair.

No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't score in the hands of Shi Buddha, and Shi Buddha in their inside line was giving anything and everything at his fingertips.

The two teams maintained this stalemate and continued to consume the time of the game.

In the blink of an eye, three periods have passed.

At 87:77, the Bulls are already 10 points behind.

Although Su Yi scored 28 points.

The old Duncan quietly scored 32 points, in addition to 13 rebounds and 2 blocks

For those two caps, the United Arab and Noah are one each.

Everyone knows that the Bulls have to fight hard.

(End of this chapter)

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