Chapter 296 Big! Reverse! Turn!
87: 77.

10 minutes left.

Old Duncan was expressionless, showing no joy in the victory he was about to reap.

This is Shi Fo, a top student in psychology, who won't let himself relax until the end of the game whistle blows.

And this opponent is the most terrible enemy.

This is like a race between the tortoise and the hare. If the rabbit does not slack off and despise its opponent, the probability of the rabbit winning is infinitely close to [-]%.

Su Yi was a little anxious.

In this game, the "GDP combination" played quite well, so he led the Spurs to suppress the Bulls for three quarters.

Now that the game is heating up, Su Yi intends to give them some color.

As a result, under the negligence of the black and white small forward Jefferson, Su Yi made a quick jumper and hit a three-pointer.

And then, the old Duncan was like A Gui, a victorious general in the Qing Dynasty, and he didn't see any fancy moves, and he hit two points with one hit.

To be honest, in Su Yi's eyes, old Duncan's way of playing is like a shooting machine with precise settings, which is what Su Yi admires the most about Shi Buddha.

Terrible stable feel, and always calm psychological quality.

Truly a dynasty shaper.

However, just after Su Yi passed the midfield, facing Jefferson who was running towards him, he got a chance to make a three-point long shot with a lightning-fast pass.

At the same time, Jefferson, caught off guard, sat down on the floor.

French small sports car Parker immediately flew over.

About four steps away from the three-point line, Su Yi squatted slightly and then suddenly jumped high. His movements were quick and elegant, and he sent the basketball into the sky before Parker arrived.


The score is only 6 points away.

The Bulls' counter-attack momentum is starting to take off.

Then, in the next round, the old Duncan made a foul from the UAE at the free throw line, then hit a hard mid-range shot, hit a 2+1, and made a steady free throw.

The score gap returned to 9 points.

Black and white fans cheered loudly for the team.

"Tim, blow up that Oriental, you are the strongest!"

"The Holy War Dynasty, unstoppable!"

"The Spurs will win!"

The Spurs fans shouted more and more arrogantly, even with some abusive words to the UAE.

Alian blushed.

In this game, he was indeed hanged by Duncan.

The disparity in their strength makes the United Arab helpless.

And the mockery of him by the fans made this introverted man feel wronged and unwilling in his heart.

As a result, this was exchanged for the wrath of Super Su.

After Su Yi passed Jefferson in one step, he got rid of Parker's entanglement, then stepped into the restricted area, and then jumped up against the stone Buddha, soaring so violently.

Shi Buddha's eyes were sharp, and he also stood up. A pair of iron claws had already intercepted Su Yi's trajectory.

Although Duncan is old, he is strong when he is old.

The two collided fiercely in the air.

Su Yi was hit with all kinds of meat and eight elements. This was the first time he experienced the horror of the stone Buddha.

Beneath that cute appearance, Duncan has a physical quality comparable to that of a beast.

However, what Duncan didn't expect was that Su Yi didn't force it.

As soon as the basketball was drawn to his abdomen, Su Yi, with his strong waist and abdomen, made a beautiful pull-rod movement and escaped the containment of the stone Buddha.

When it was about to land, Su Yi switched the ball to the other side, and then made a beautiful little throw, sending the ball firmly into the basket.


The cheers in the audience came to an abrupt end, like a croaking duck being strangled by the throat.

All Black and White fans grow their mouths in disbelief.

Their god actually lost to Super Su!

And hit this ball, the score gap between the two teams returned to 7 points.

Popo called a timeout just in time.

He could see Su Yi's anger.

The whole league knows a common sense, don't provoke two people on the court, otherwise it will be a big trouble.

The first is Kobe Bryant.

The second is Kobe's little brother Su Motou.

Bobo felt it was necessary to give Su Yi a time to buffer his emotions.

After all, the behavior of fans can be tolerated in the eyes of any professional basketball player.

It is rare to see a star who smashed his parents in anger like Westbrook.

As professional basketball players, the pursuit of victory on the court is their only professional requirement.

You see, not a single fan scolds Su Yi.

Su Yi's handsome and unreasonable appearance made him avoid being complained about by anyone.

Anyone who sees Su Yi will feel good in his heart.

Therefore, if the United Arab can understand this, they can understand that the fans' psychology is actually very simple: "Yin value is justice."

To be honest, old Duncan is cute and cute, and he is also very popular.

However, after Su Yi's tough dunk, the Spurs fans finally stopped taunting, because they truly realized that the Chicago Bulls are a respectable enemy.

Thibodeau smiled and nodded.

This is the team leader in his mind.

However, Tim Duncan is like an emotionless shooting machine. In the next round of offense, he calmly assists Ginobili, and a fancy pick again scored 2 points for the Spurs.

The score gap is back to 9 points again.

Su Yi began to understand.

If you want to catch up with a difficult team like Black and White, you can only rely on three-pointers.

Just when Su Yi was about to get rid of Jefferson again, the Spurs actually double-teamed him.

However, Su Yi didn't care about double-teaming. After a few dribbles with a quick change in rhythm, he successfully got rid of the double-teaming. Then he rushed to the three-point line like lightning, and jumped suddenly in the face of the Spurs' help defender. From the start, a three-point jump shot with a large back, sent the basketball into the sky under the interference of the opponent's upper arm.


Hollow into the net, cold-blooded and ruthless.

Su Yi's eyes were like two flames, and his turbulent fighting intent seemed to be real, putting enormous pressure on the Spurs.

However, in the next round, Shi Fo was marked by the UAE and had no good chance. He assisted Parker with an outside three-pointer, but missed.

The rebound was steadily collected by Noah.

Afterwards, the aggressive Su Yi made a gimmicky movement that shocked the audience. A few quick changes of direction even knocked down two Spurs players.

Su Yi, who got the shot, immediately shot a three-pointer.


Super Su, like a god of war, used his personal ability to score six points in a row and successfully pulled the score back to 3 points.

At this moment, only the last 30s are left.

In the Spurs' offensive round, Parker dribbled the ball again, and then sent the ball firmly into Duncan's hands.

Shi Fo's eyes were as quiet as abyss. After a simple back play, he made a beautiful 45° jumper, ready to hit the board again to end the game.

However, just as he was skillfully throwing the basketball, a shadow suddenly jumped high behind him, and then the basketball fan flew out the moment the basketball left Shifo's right finger.


Su Yi jumped up and chased the old stone Buddha!
And Rose also forgot the pain in his hand, struggled to throw the ball into his arms, and then a set of sprint dunks scored 2 points in time for the Bulls.

The gap between the two teams is only 1 point.

And only 26 seconds left!

The ball is still in the hands of the Spurs.

Su Yi's eyes flashed fiercely, and he stared at Parker who was slowly dribbling the ball.

If you want to press the rhythm, then I...

(End of this chapter)

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