Chapter 297 Scarlett Dinner

The Bulls defeated the Black and White teams and won unanimous praise from the media and fans across the United States.

In particular, the team's ace Su Yi has been blown to the sky on any online platform and media carrier.

There was even a reporter who wrote such a statement because he was a fan of Su.

"Jordan has passed, Kobe has become obsolete, this era will be super Su, he is the superstar of the new era, he is destined to surpass all predecessors and become an unprecedented legend..."

This Su Fan reporter was speaking from his heart.

But, we all know that nagging kind of cute character, right?

The next day, many media reporters went to Los Angeles to interview Nao Ni's views on Su Yi.

What can you say.

"I think a lot of people have forgotten the fact that we beat the Bulls last season. As long as I haven't retired, Su Yi will always be in second place..." Chattered up again.

He is usually a gentleman, but once he finds someone challenging him for the No. [-] position in the league, then... he becomes the Black Mamba that everyone fears.

Therefore, the game will be played in three days, and it is still the home court of the Bulls, but the tense atmosphere has permeated the hearts of all the Bulls.

Because Xi Shuai gave an order.

They must win the next game against the Lakers!
Otherwise...hehe, special training adds two hours a day...

Sure enough, the best way to boost morale is to increase the intensity of training. All Bulls players began to seriously participate in training to adjust their state.

Except for the pressure from Xishuai.

They lost to the Lakers last season, and everyone was unwilling.

If there are no major surprises, they are likely to face the Lakers again in the finals.

Think of this game as a preview.

See if the gap between the two sides has narrowed a lot.

However, as the absolute core of the team, Su Yi received an "amnesty" from Xishuai and forced Su Yi to go home.

Xi Shuai is determined to win the game three days later.

He must consider Su Yi's health.

Because his attitude towards Su Yi is different.

For Rose's level of genius, he can squeeze to the point where there are no slag left. Looking at the history of the league, there are stars like Rose.

However, even the cold-blooded Xi Shuai couldn't help cherishing talents who could have the same comprehensive ability as Su Yi.

But Xi Shuai intends to cooperate with Su Yi for at least five or six seasons to achieve another peak in his career...

However, what Xi Shuai did not expect was that Su Yi, who had two days of rest, was sitting in front of a charming beauty at the moment.


In other words, three hours ago, Su Yi just left the training hall.

Winter is coming to an end, and the chill in the air has not yet completely faded away.

Su Yi sighed and was about to put his hands in his pockets, but as soon as he put his hands in, he felt his phone ring and vibrate.

When I took out my phone, it turned out to be an unfamiliar number.

"Du, hello, I'm Su Yi, may I ask you who is..."

A gentle and sexy female voice came into Su Yi's ears from the phone.

"Hello, Super Su. I know you, but we don't have much contact in reality. My name is Scarlett Johansson. I'm an entertainment star. Have you heard my name?"

Su Yi was refreshed, and the voice of Sister Widow made him excited for a while.

In the last life, he was a loyal fan of Sister Widow.

Moreover, there is one more thing he has not forgotten. The system has also issued a mission: to help the migrant worker Du chase the widow sister, or to capture the widow sister's heart.

Su Yi's team spirit system has already reached the fourth level, but it is still far from the fifth level.

However, as long as this task is completed, the huge amount of bond points obtained, if the team spirit can be directly upgraded to five levels, then defeating the Lakers will become even more possible.

Su Yi thought a lot in his mind, but it only took a moment to realize it.

"Of course I know your name, and I personally like your works very much. I don't think there are any men who don't know beautiful celebrities like you." Su Yi's compliment was just right, expressing his goodwill and too enthusiastic.

"Hee hee hee, I didn't expect that the ruthless Super Su on the court would have such a sweet mouth in reality. So, Super Su, if I say I want to ask you for a light meal now, you won't reject one of you The invitation of the beautiful woman you admire." Sister Widow's laughter is like a glass of wine, which makes people addicted to it.

Su Yi agreed decisively, then made an appointment and hung up the phone.

Afterwards, Su Yi made several phone calls to the migrant worker Du in a very loyal manner, all of which were blind and no one answered.

Su Yi secretly sighed: It's not that the brothers are not loyal, you and the widow sister really have no fate.


This is an upscale Chicago restaurant.

People who come to eat here are either rich or expensive.

A table of wine and food is worth 10,000+ dollars.

However, this amount of money is a small problem for Su Yi and Sister Widow.

After the beginning of the courtesy, the two of them are enjoying the feeling of eating together at the moment.

Su Yi was quietly and attentively cutting the beef on the plate. With his formal attire today, in the eyes of any woman, it would be a picture that could be remembered for a lifetime.

Sister Widow took a bite of the dish, and then looked at Su Yi's handsome and gentleman's appearance, her heart not only involuntarily beat faster, but in order not to make her face flush, she said.

"I heard that Taylor wrote a new song for you. Is she your girlfriend? Many people think so." Sister Widow asked Su Yi in a joking tone.

"Well, it doesn't count as a girlfriend. It's okay to be a female friend. Of course, I'm still single now." Su Yi's heart moved.

It seems that the widow sister was initially conquered by her prosperous beauty.

Isn't it a prelude to a confession to ask a man if he is single?

"Oh, that's it." Sister Widow's beautiful eyebrows immediately relaxed. "Then, what do you think of me?" Sister Widow's charming eyes exuded a soul-stirring charm.

Su Yi never thought that Sister Widow would be so direct, so the fork fell on the table in a mess.

Sister Widow laughed, her chest trembling with laughter, which made Su Yi dry for a while.

"I didn't expect you to be so innocent, Su Yi. I'm joking. Hahaha." Sister Widow reached out and pinched Su Yi's face, and then she deliberately stood up teasingly and bent her face close to Su Yi, and said charmingly: "Did you really like my sister? Does my sister's chest look good?"

Su Yi blushed uncomfortably.

Because, the widow sister is wearing a low-cut dress today, and the two white circles are perfectly presented in Su Yi's line of sight.

Su Yi coughed lightly.

Then he deliberately suppressed his inner excitement and showed a little nervousness.

"It's really pretty."

Sister Widow smiled again, then walked around the table, walked to Su Yi's side, and leaned over to give Su Yi a French wet kiss.

Su Yi did not refuse.

Because, at this moment, a prompt is displayed on the system.

"Ding! Congrats to the host, the task of conquering the widow sister has been completed 9/10. The host please make persistent efforts."

Su Yi doubted whether the system wanted to become a playboy.

However, to be honest, the "sweetness" of the widow sister really made him irresistible.

No wonder the migrant worker Du Xiang and Sister Widow's bath water.

(End of this chapter)

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