Chapter 307 Kobe's Resentment

After accepting the team leader's armband, Su Yi felt that the burden on him was getting heavier.

In the next game, when the Bulls played against the Purple and Gold, Su Yi felt that he had to play to his due level.

To the delight of the team, the Bulls' chief point guard Derrick Rose also announced that he will return to the game against the Lakers.

Thibodeau sternly warned Rose not to get hurt in the courtside rest area at Staples Arena.

The playoffs are not far away, and if the Windy City Rose is lost at this time, it will not be a pleasant thing for the Bulls and Xishuai.

Su Yi, who was beside Ross, had a worried expression on his face.

Su Yi understands chattering, and it is impossible for him not to make a fuss about it when defending Rose.

Ross himself, however, didn't care.

The rose of the windy city, without fear of wind and rain, lightning and thunder, go forward bravely.


The referee blew the whistle to start the game.

Big Gasol grabbed the basketball before Noah.

Nao Ni habitually took the pass from his teammate, and then ran towards Su Yi.

The two no longer need any trash talk to adjust the atmosphere.

Nao nibbling on a breakthrough after a change of direction, and steadily entered Su Yi's side.

However, Su Yi knows a lot about chattering.

After the two people collided fiercely in the matchup, Nao nibbled a beautiful back and sent the basketball firmly into the basket.

"Su, you absolutely don't want to win this match!"

The chattering state was particularly exciting from the beginning.

It seems that the last encounter between the two teams, the loss of Nao Ni to Su Yi, made Black Mamba a little worried.

Su Yi glanced at Naoxi with disdain.

"Without Fatty, you are still so weak."

These two brothers are used to talking trash on the court.

Blue veins suddenly burst out on Naoxi's face.

Well, the Mamba is about to show his fangs again.

In this round, because Rose has not played for a long time, he is ready to prove himself by playing a single.

And the Lakers defending Rose is just chattering.

Rose protected the basketball with his arm and played it steadily for a while, constantly looking for flaws in the nagging.

As a result, there is no flaw of course.

Not only that, Naoxi obviously understands Rose's injury. In the case of no foul, Nao Ni also pushed Rose's hand with his arm.

Roston felt an excruciating pain.

However, Rose just frowned, and then finally found a flaw in the chatter. He took the ball one-stop and made a jumper to score another 2 points for the Bulls.

Chatting with a gloomy face, watching the RS group give off high fives, he made up his mind to give the Bulls a good look.

In this way, the game is going on fiercely, and the two teams have always maintained a rising trend.

However, at the end of the first quarter, with more than 1 minute left, an accident happened.


Ross unfortunately injured his hand again during a confrontation with Naoki, and the severe pain caused him to fall to the ground in pain.

Su Yi could see clearly from the side.

Chatting made a small movement on Ross's arm.

This is the last thing Su Yi wants to see.

A surge of anger flooded his brain, Su Yi angrily walked forward and pushed Nao Ni away.

"You did it on purpose, you viper!"

Su Yi's eyes widened in anger, the anger in his eyes seemed to be real.

"Hehe, do you have any evidence? Am I fouling?"

Chatting also stuck his head, looking unconvinced.

The two sides immediately pushed and shoved.

"I knew you did it on purpose! You vicious black mamba!"

"Don't frame good people, I didn't do anything."


Su Yi and the Nao Ni brothers yelled at each other because of Rose's injury. No serious violence happened until the referee pulled them apart.

Chattering is angry.

Su Yi received so much favor from him, but now he has the same attitude as himself.

And Su Yi was annoyed by his good friend Ross, and at the same time was angry at the collapse of his beliefs.

Can't the game be fair and square?
Is this still the Mamba Mentality in his philosophy?
Both brothers were full of resentment.

After the simple treatment of the team doctor, Ross retired sadly.

His recovery experience had to begin again.

Rose ended, but detonated his partner Super Su.

In the next game, Su Yi closely guarded the chatter, and also resorted to targeted confrontation.

However, in the face of Su Yi's provocation, his answer is a stronger confrontation.

So, after just 21 minutes of game time, both Su Yi and Nao Ni were sweating profusely, and the sound of muscle collision between their opponents made the surrounding players tremble.

On the defensive end, Su Yi played a supernatural performance.

Of course, those who defend Su Yi are naturally chatting.

The Lakers' starting small forward, Wald Pease, couldn't prevent the furious Super Su.

After changing to Nao Ni to defend Su Yi, the situation has not changed very well.

In the first half alone, Su Yi aggressively scored 36 points on Nao Ni's head!
However, under the watch of Su Yi, Nao Ni only scored 12 points.

This is the most unacceptable chatter.

However, in the face of the fact, he was helpless.

This season's Super Su has really surpassed him.

This season's Lakers, because the Zen master's illness is getting serious, the entire team is panicking.

Coupled with the unprovoked downturn of Big Gasol.

Therefore, although chatter's dream of six consecutive championships is still very strong, the peak of this purple and gold army has really passed.

The Mamba is still the same Mamba, but the Lakers are no longer the Lakers they used to be.

From the middle of the third quarter, the Lakers began to trail the Bulls.

By the time the fourth quarter started, the Bulls had an 18-point lead.

No matter how desperately Nao Nii scored points, Su Yi's three-pointers always allowed the two teams to slowly expand the game.

In only the third quarter of this game, Su Yi hit 4 three-pointers, and also gave Nao Ni a big block and two steals.

Los Angeles people were surprised to find out.

Their Black Mamba was beaten up by this handsome oriental boy.

Until the last 3 minutes of the game, Zen Master reluctantly invited Nao Nii off the field.

The gap behind is too huge, and the Zen master feels that there is no need to let the chatter continue to consume.

However, at the last moment, Su Yi did not stop killing!
In 3 minutes, Su Yi scored 11 points and 2 blocks, showing his fury today to the fullest.

The end whistle sounded.


The Bulls also bloodied the Lakers with 120:97, 23 points.

After the game, Su Yi roared into the microphone with rage and roar: "Black Mamba, remember, I, Su Yi, will be at odds with you in the future. I will see you once and torture you once! I will do what I say!"

On the other hand, Nao Ni didn't say anything to the reporter, but walked off the venue with a displeased face.

Mr. Mamba also felt that he was a little impulsive today.

In fact, he didn't need to be so ruthless.

Su Yi's reaction also made Nao Ni feel a little regretful.

However, that's the nature of the chatter.

It's just that Los Angeles fans are secretly sad.

The good brotherhood was so easily ruined.

Su Yi was originally a little fanboy in the hearts of Los Angeles fans.

(End of this chapter)

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