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Chapter 308 Da Mi Mi, the first full bond value!

Chapter 308 Da Mi Mi, the first full bond value!
The regular season is over.

Su Yi's heart gradually began to relax.

After all, it will take some time before the playoffs start.

At this moment, Su Yi was lying comfortably on his sofa.

Da Mimi was snuggling in his arms, and the scent of a woman's body made Su Yi feel very comfortable.

They're watching a documentary about Joe.

Why not a love movie?

Because this is what Da Mimi asked for.

She felt that only by enjoying the films that Su Yi was interested in together could the relationship between them be enhanced.

Yes, Da Mimi has fallen deeply in love with Su Yi, and when Su Yi is attacking her, she is also trying to find a way to attack Su Yi.

Sensitively, Su Yi naturally agreed with Da Mimi's opinion.

Su Yi had a hunch that he would be able to get Da Mimi completely today.

"Little Su Yi, do you think Jordan is better, or are you better?" Da Mi Mi drew circles on Su Yi's chest with her long, jade-like fingers.

Su Yi felt a little itchy, but his heart sank more and more.

"I think it depends on which aspect." Su Yi replied mysteriously.

"In terms of basketball, I think I will surpass him. However, in some aspects, I have to admit that Joe's leader is dashing."

Damimi smacked Su Yi's chest in embarrassment, with a cute and unrelenting look.

Then, Su Yi hugged her and kissed her red lips carefully made up...

Today's Su Yi obviously did not have the urge to restrain his heart, and his hands began to be dishonest in the process of kissing.

Da Mimi's body was soft for a while, and fell into Su Yi's arms. The look in her eyes that wanted to refuse and greeted, full of affection, let Su Yi know that this time was very good.

Picking up Da Mimi, Su Yi strode into the bedroom, then closed the door and closed the curtains.

For a time, the husband was in love with his concubine, lingering and sad.


After about four hours.

Su Yi and the contented Dami Mi snuggled up and sat on the sofa in the hall.

Da Mi Mi, who has finally established a relationship, is obviously more attached to Su Yi.

What Su Yi was thinking at the moment was, do you want to deal with the widow sister tomorrow.

Obviously, the skin of European and American stars is not as delicate as that of Asian women, so Su Yi is still obsessed with the sweetness of Da Mi Mi.

"Su Yi, I think our affairs should gradually be put on the agenda. Will you marry me?" Da Mimi buried her head in Su Yi's chest happily, and Su Yi's performance just now really made her Feel like you are in heaven.

Su Yi frowned, suddenly one head and two big.

How can an encounter that you love and I wished turn into a marriage and a family?

After a long time, I couldn't hear Su Yi's answer, and the smart Dami Mi already knew Su Yi's thoughts.

However, Da Mi Mi did not blame Su Yi.

She was four years older than Su Yi, and she was really embarrassed to let Su Yi really marry her.

The big Mi Mi, who is in the entertainment industry, is not a little girl who has never seen the world.

In an instant, Da Mimi buried her inner love in the bottom of her heart.

"Little Su Yi, are you alright?" Da Mimi kissed Su Yi and then said.

Su Yi's answer was to hug Da Mimi again, and rushed into the bedroom with her laughter...

The atmosphere of the playoffs is really not comparable to the regular season.

After ending the emotional bond with Da Mimi, Su Yi ushered in the first round of the playoffs.

In the first round, the Bulls face the Atlanta Hawks.

For this opponent, it is no exaggeration to say that Su Yi alone is enough to hang him.

G1, 103:95.

G2, 96:92.

G3, 99:82.

G4, 100:88.

The Bulls won all four games and eliminated the Hawks in a bloody four.

The national media were not too surprised by the result.

Because the Bulls with Suyi and Rose are indeed not comparable to the Eagles.

However, the Bulls' second-round opponent in the playoffs this season is not easy.

The Big Three of the Heat!
Lao Zhan gave up the high salary of the Cavaliers and chose to give a public speech on TV to "bring talent to the West Coast".

It is already a performance of breaking the boat.

Under the misunderstanding, questioning and even abuse from the fans in his hometown, the psychological pressure of Lao Zhan can be imagined.

If he can't lead the Big Three to win this season, the doubts about him will become louder.

The same goes for Wade and Bosh.

The only purpose of the big three gathering is the championship, and the Heat team has a luxurious lineup composed of all salary space. If they can't bring them a championship, the entire Heat team will become the laughing stock of the league.

That's what no one on the Heat wants to see.

Therefore, at the beginning of the G1 game, the Big Three started the scoring mode.

The duo of Su Yi and Rose played against the Big Three, and the scores of the two teams rose alternately.

In the audience at the United Center, fans held their breath nervously.

The situation on the field was so tense and exciting.

Lao Zhan just made a violent dunk with a sneak attack, and in the next round, Su Yi made a heavy dunk in the same way.

And Wade scored a breakthrough layup, Rose also responded with two points under the basket.

As for Bosh's frequent hits, the UAE's assists and shots are also very good.

Overall, the two teams are really similar in lineup, and they are very luxurious.

However, the Bulls win in the team's chemistry is particularly good.

Except for the newly added players such as Bruce, the Bulls' players in other positions are basically the same as in the 2009-10 season, which ensures the tacit understanding between the team's players.

And Lao Zhan, who is in his prime, is indeed inseparable from Su Yi.

After the first quarter, Su Yi scored 21 points, surprising everyone.

And Lao Zhan also scored 19 points and 5 assists like a life-threatening beast.

In the second quarter, Lao Zhan's performance was even better, and finally overwhelmed Su Yi's performance with a 3-point advantage.

However, in the third quarter, Su Yi began to officially exert his strength.

For a full 12 minutes, Su Yi scored 28 points, completely laying the foundation for the Bulls' victory.

In the fourth quarter, the Big Three went crazy, but under the wise tactical arrangement of Xi Shuai, they were all in vain.

In the end, at 116:100, the Bulls narrowly won by six points to win the G1 game.

After the game, in front of reporters, Su Yi uncharacteristically praised Lao Zhan's performance in this game.

Praising the losers is a bigger compliment to the winners, and Su Yi naturally understands this.

And Xi Shuai also said when facing the camera that they will continue to work hard to win all the remaining games and finally win the championship.

The Bulls' statement annoyed the losing Big Three.

Lao Zhan vowed that he must make the Bulls look good in the next game.

(End of this chapter)

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