The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 269 Please enter the urn 10

Chapter 269 Please enter the urn 10
It was the voice of Princess Chaoxi.

Zixing leaned on the rockery, crossed her arms, enjoying the feeling of eavesdropping on other people's conversations.

Liu Xi lay on the rockery and put her ears on it, afraid that she might hear something wrong.

"Then what else can I do? Is it possible that I tie her back to southern Xinjiang? Or force her to agree to marry me with a knife? She is a princess who has not yet reached her age, and the emperor of Xiyue can find any excuse. Prevarication. Aren't you being unreasonable?" The man's voice was full of helplessness and anxiety.

"I'm unreasonable? Who keeps saying that you only love me in this life, and you are willing to do anything for me? You and I are not destined to be together. Can't you do such a little thing for me? As long as she is here Xiyue, no man I fancy will fall in love with me. The prince of Xiyue is either married, or he just ignores me. Finally, that King Ning treats me better, but I heard that he belongs to Xiyue The emperor is going to leave it to Zixing's son-in-law, do you think I, a princess from a foreign country, can snatch her away? You can't bring her back to the southern border, so what should I do?" Zhao Xi said with tears.

"Then...then what do you say I'm going to do. I can do everything you say, right?"

If Liu Xi set her ears on the rockery, she would not be able to hear the rest.

Zixing patted her on the shoulder lightly, signaling her to leave.

After the three walked lightly and walked away for a certain distance, Liu Xicai asked: "I haven't heard what the chief of Chaoxi County is doing? Why didn't you listen?"

"Can you hear me? They're whispering!" Zixing laughed at her deliberately.

"Even if you can't hear it, you should make some noise to scare them! Are you going to let them plot against you, Princess?"

Zixing raised his eyebrows noncommittally.

It doesn't matter what they do.

The important thing is that since she knew there was such a story behind this, she would not let them take the initiative to plot her.

Anyway, if there is going to be a good show, she is most willing to be the one who dominates everything.

When I went back, two more people appeared in the gazebo.

It was Nangong Yu and He Lianrui.

Zixing deliberately pretended that she didn't want to go in again, and wanted to take a detour to leave, but Nangong Yu stood up and called her.

"Is the princess going back to the banquet? The princes are a little drunk, the princess should sit here for a while before going over!"

"That's right! Zixing hasn't seen fourth brother for a long time, and you haven't talked to him since he came back. Come and sit down!" He Lianjin also waved at her hypocritically.

Seeing Zixing hesitated again and again, with a bad expression on his face, Helian Jin smiled secretly.

She left in a hurry, and came back with such a dark face, it must be because of the letter Duguhan gave her, of course she couldn't find it, and naturally she was in a bad mood.

"Fourth brother." Zixing called He Lianrui, and sat down resentfully.

"I don't have time to visit you when I come back. I haven't seen you for more than a year. You have grown a lot taller and more beautiful. If the fourth brother doesn't come back, I'm afraid I won't recognize you." He Lianrui said politely Talking about scenes.

"People are subject to change. Fourth Brother has forgotten that Zi Xing used to follow Sister Yueru, making noise all day long, asking Sister Yueru about everything, but now, she has made up her mind. "

Whenever Helian Jin wanted to choke Zixing with words, he would never tire of it.

(End of this chapter)

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