The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 270 Please enter the urn 11

Chapter 270 Please enter the urn 11
"People have to grow up, and the princess will be old next year, so I can't always be like a child." Nangong Yu carefully picked out the walnuts on the table one by one, and placed them in front of Zixing In the small silver plate, with a doting smile.

That smile pierced into Helian Yueru's heart like needles.

She knew that the time in Donggong was the last time Nangong Yu believed her.

But she failed.

That "battle" to prove himself cost Nangong Xiaoxiao's life, but Helian Zixing didn't suffer any damage.

And he, the pawn used to tie down the prince, even if he will discard it when it is no longer useful, but it should not be buried in her hands.

And Zixing retreated under her trap again and again.

She was no longer pure and harmless, but because of this, she slowly broke into his sight.

She was originally in his plan, and she also knew that he would marry her sooner or later for the future.

But before, she never thought that Zixing would be an opponent, because she knew that it was not just a beautiful woman who could make Nangong Yu fall in love with her. As long as he wanted such a woman, there would always be one.

The purple star is all over the country and the city, Shen Fengyi is not a peerless beauty.

In the huge West Vietnam, I don't know how many beautiful women will appear.

And she has always been confident that her position in his heart is different, as long as one day, when he gets everything he wants, she is the only one who is qualified to stand by his side and share everything with him.

But now, she was afraid.

Just the way he looked at Zixing made her afraid.

Her only bargaining chip now is Prince Meng.

If she didn't have this grandfather, I'm afraid he would have stopped looking at her.

She hid her emotions so well that the smile on her face seemed to come from her heart.

She couldn't let Helian Rui and Helian Jin see through her thoughts, and she couldn't let anyone know her love and sincerity for Nangong Yu.

Zixing is immortal, she will always live under her shadow.

"That's right, by the way, Zi Xing, do you know that the eldest son of King Nanling has already asked his father for a marriage?" Helian Jin said very 'unintentionally' suddenly.

Nangong Yu was taken aback, Zixing was even more taken aback, the panic on her face did not escape Helian Jin's eyes.

"what happened?"

Looking at Helian Jin's pretentious face, Zixing smiled awkwardly, "It's okay! Why haven't I heard about it? When did it happen?"

"Ah! Maybe I'm talking too much. Yesterday when I was chatting with the prince, he said that in the day after tomorrow's martial arts competition, after he won the first prize, he would formally ask the father again in front of everyone. You know What is the top pick of the day after tomorrow? It is the blood-colored coral that the father has always treasured, and the ruby ​​​​ruyi passed down from the ancestors of the Prince Meng. They are all priceless treasures, and they are double red, a thing of great joy. Xue Shizi really puts his heart into it of."

Looking at Zixing with her head down, she fiddled with her fingers uneasily.

Helian Jin picked up the tea bowl, took a sip of tea, and covered the smile on the corner of his mouth.

These words are all true, he didn't add anything casually, it's just that Xue Ziqi said most of what he said was drunk after drinking three rounds at that time, and no one in southern Xinjiang knows that although Xue Ziqi is the eldest son of Nanling King, he is not half as good as his father talent.

In the fight the day after tomorrow, I'm afraid he will end if he can't last three rounds.

To win the top spot is simply wishful thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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