The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 286 Please enter the urn 27

Chapter 286 Please enter the urn 27
In fact, He Lianrui has mixed feelings in his heart, which is the same as Helian Yunhai.

He cherishes the brotherhood between them.

But the positions are different, after all, they have to be relative in this way.

In fact, he also wanted to say that he cared about Zixing's innocence, but who would have thought about his Yueru.

He protects his younger sister, but who in Yueru has really planned for her.

He didn't feel that he had done anything wrong, and he didn't conspire with each other because of different ways, but he was a good brother who used to be so opposite, but it was a little sad.

Seeing that things have come to this point, Prince Meng firmly insisted that the plot of poisoning Xue Ziqi by Duguhan and Helian Zixing because they were afraid of the emperor's marriage should be untenable.

But he can't stop pursuing it because of this.

Someone always has to pay for this.

Therefore, his eyes fell back on Helian Jin.

"Your Majesty, since this matter has nothing to do with Princess Zixing, the matter between the tenth prince and the princess is your family matter. Now, this king still wants to ask for an explanation for Xue Shizi. Since the tenth prince has neglected his duty, it is an opportunity for people to However, there is bound to be a price to pay. This king is not strong, but for what Shizi Xue is like now, this king will make the ten princes pay the same price. Otherwise, I will not be able to explain to my emperor."

Everyone was silent. Xue Shizi's status is special, so he really can't be hasty.

Whoever made a mistake will bear the consequences.

When He Lianrui heard Prince Meng's words, he got a little anxious, lifted his robe and knelt down, "Father, the tenth younger brother is at fault. But the person who poisoned him is the culprit, please give my son three days In time, I will find the real poisoner and hand it over to Prince Meng."

"What if it's the guards stealing themselves?" Prince Meng said coldly.

Helian Longyi pondered for a while, then asked Zixing: "You came from the side hall, how is Xue Shizi's injury?"

That means, if there is no serious problem, Prince Meng said 'pay the same price', so he can do whatever he wants, as long as the matter can be settled.

Zi Xing glanced at Helian Jin before speaking, "If you go back to the emperor, Xue Shizi's life will be saved. But the injured leg is considered useless, I'm afraid I won't be able to stand up in the future."

"Father, the tenth brother is a general, he is still so young, if he loses a leg..."

Before He Lianrui finished speaking, Prince Meng said angrily: "The King of Nanling was also born as a general, and Xue Shizi grew up on horseback. If he loses a leg, his future fame and fortune will also be with him. It's all gone. Is he what he deserves?"

Zixing looked at Helian Yueru who had never said a word.

At this moment, she didn't even say a word of pleading for Helian Jin.

She is so heartless.

If it weren't for him, why would Helian Jin be in the current situation where he can't advance or retreat.

He Lianjin took a deep breath, "Father, it's my son's dereliction of duty, and my son is willing to accompany Xue Shizi."

There were tears in his eyes, a real man bleeds but not tears, but he knew very well what his legs represented.

Lost a leg, he is a useless person, can no longer be with the fourth brother, can no longer gallop on the battlefield.

Helian Longyi closed his eyes and turned around.

As the princes of Xiyue, they must bear this responsibility.

As a father, he loves his son dearly, but as an emperor, he can only regard Helian Jin as his subject, not his son.

(End of this chapter)

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