The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 287 Please enter the urn 28

Chapter 287 Please enter the urn 28
He Lianyue hated Zixing so much at this time.

Unexpectedly, what Helian Jin was determined to achieve, turned out to be like this in the end.

But apart from hatred, she didn't feel any pity for Helen Jin.

In fact, Nangong Yu chose her at the beginning because they were always the same people. When they could be used, no matter what means they used, they would try their best to make them do things for themselves, but failed, and when they had to pay the price , they also have to bear it.

No one likes useless pawns.

She was even a little rejoiced that she didn't do too much about this matter, everything was Helian Jin's idea, he didn't blame others, and couldn't implicate her.

Helianrui knew that there was no room for change in the matter, he looked at Helianjin sadly, and saw the determination in his eyes.

It is considered light to have one leg with Xue Shizi, but he would rather lose his life than live like a disabled person for the rest of his life.

"Fourth brother, let me borrow your sword." He Lianjin tried his best to smile, looking at Helian Rui, if this leg was scrapped by fourth brother's sword, it would be worth it.

He Lianrui suppressed his distress, and slowly handed him the saber at his waist.

Zixing always raised the corners of his mouth slightly, watching everything that happened below like a victor.

Holding the sword, Helen Jin finally raised his eyes to look at Zixing, not with deep hatred, but with a playful smile, as if telling her, this time you win, I will lose willingly.

He gritted his teeth, held the hilt of the sword backwards, closed his eyes, and stabbed fiercely in his leg.


Just when the tip of the sword was about to stab Helian Jin's leg, Zixing suddenly shouted.

He Lianrui's hand suddenly stopped in the air, and everyone turned their heads to look at her in unison.

Lian Helian Longyi turned around and looked at her strangely.

"Does the princess think that the tenth prince is not worthy of giving Shizi Xue a leg?" Prince Meng asked angrily, staring at Zixing.

Zixing smiled slightly, and said to Helian Jin's puzzled gaze: "Of course not. I said it just now. After Xue Shizi finished treating the wound, he has something to say. It's just that everyone is eager to listen to Brother Ten's story. Nobody cares what I say."

"If he has anything to say, he has to wait until the Tenth Prince is punished!" Prince Meng waved his hand, obviously not paying attention to Zixing at all.

"No!" Zixing walked down from the top, "If my tenth brother has a leg crippled like this, it's not worth it. Could it be that Prince Meng is afraid to find the real poisoner?"

"What do you mean?" Prince Meng almost gritted his teeth and asked.

"Father, my daughter has no intention of disobeying Prince Meng, why don't you invite Shizi Xue to come to the palace, and after listening to his words, it will not be too late for Brother Ten to be punished. If it is really his fault, you can't hide from him." Zi Xing said to He Lian Longyi stretched his body and said.

Both Helianjin and Helianrui looked at Zixing in disbelief, not knowing why she would suddenly stand up and stop everything.

This was originally her trap, isn't this the result that she was waiting for?

"Prince Meng, my little girl is not sensible, although it is not her turn to speak in this hall, but I see that she really has something to tell everyone, so please forgive me, please invite Shizi Xue to the hall first! "

Helian Longyi learned it very quickly. He kept messing around day and night. Prince Meng said that he was ignorant, as if everything was justifiable.

Then his Zixing is younger than Zhaoxi, so it's normal to be ignorant!
(End of this chapter)

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