Chapter 298
"Sister Yueru, do you really plan to do this? Don't you know what the fourth brother is thinking? You..."

Before Helian Jin finished speaking, Helianrui suddenly interrupted him sharply, "Enough."

He Lian Jin's words were swallowed back into his stomach, He Lian Rui endured sourness, and forced a smile, "Yue Ru, don't worry, I will find a suitable opportunity to mention this matter to my father. You tell Prince Meng that he needn't worry."

There were more tears in Helian Yueru's eyes, and they kept falling like they couldn't stop, "Fourth Brother, I owe you, Yueru won't pay it back in this life, and will definitely pay it back in the next life."

"Fool, between you and my brother and sister, there is nothing you don't want to pay back. Hurry up and wipe away your tears and go back to the palace! Don't come to Qi Palace too often, lest people arrange you indiscriminately." He Lianrui squeezed his fist , The whole handkerchief was held in the palm of his hand.

"Ajin, lie down properly, I will send Yueru out first!"

Helian Jin didn't say anything, and lay down again with a sullen face.

Seeing his appearance, Helian Yueru couldn't say anything, so she turned around and left the room.

After going out, she asked worriedly: "Fourth brother, Ah Jin is really angry with me, right?"

"You don't know his temper? He has always been impulsive, outspoken, quick to come and go. Leave him alone and go back to the palace!" He Lianrui was still the same, looking at her gently and smiling as usual.

After the two of them left, Helian Jin reached under the pillow and took out Helian Rui's soldier talisman.

Violet Star's warning sounded in my ears again.

He suddenly felt that Zixing's words became a warning to him and his fourth brother, not a threat.

Because since she realized that it was soldiers who tried to hunt down her court lady last time, not ordinary gangsters, then she was right, no matter whether she had evidence or not, as long as she told her father about it, the evidence would be It will naturally appear in front of the father.

Inside and outside the capital, as long as the emperor wants to check, it is impossible not to find out.

In that way, even if he and the fourth brother are princes, even if they have military merits, they will be dealt with according to the law.

But she didn't. If she wanted conclusive evidence, she wouldn't tell him. Could it be that she still wanted to give him time to prepare?
She told him this just because if others knew about this matter and wanted to deal with him and fourth brother, that would be the best way.

Helenkin felt that his brain was about to burn like his injured butt, as if it was going to explode.

He shouldn't have doubted Sister Yueru.

But today, for some reason, he kept thinking about Zixing's words and his mother's words in his mind.

He is not afraid of death, but he doesn't want anything to happen to his fourth brother.

However, Sister Yueru actually came to let the fourth brother marry that day and night.

She also clearly knew what kind of person that day and night was, and if she married her, she would be Princess Qi.

Such a Princess Qi stays in the capital, and the fourth brother is in the frontier, won't the back house catch fire sooner or later?

If Sister Yueru really cared for Fourth Brother, how could she make such a decision for him?
This time, he faintly smelled something called 'use'.

But that person was the one he grew up with, who treated him in every possible way, such as Sister Yueru, this kind of smell should not appear on her, so he hesitated, and even hated himself for thinking about her like this.

(End of this chapter)

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