Chapter 299
"Your Highness, Princess Purple Star has sent someone to deliver medicine."

Just when Helen Jin was having a headache from his own guessing, a girl came in to report in the outer room.

"No..." The word 'yes' was not spoken, Helen Jin hesitated suddenly, "Let someone come in!"


After a while, the girl led Liu Xu and walked in.

"Your Majesty, my maidservant, see His Highness the Tenth Highness." Through the curtain, Liu Xu saluted in the outer room.

"Go down first!" Helian Jin said.

The girl who led the way backed out, and he asked again: "What medicine did Zixing ask you to deliver?"

"The medicine that the princess asked the servant to bring is called 'quick return'. It has a miraculous effect on His Highness's injury. As long as His Highness applies it externally on the wound three times a day, within five days, His Highness will definitely get out of bed and walk! Princess I also asked the servants to tell His Highness that the tail is too long, it is better to leave the place of right and wrong quickly, or you will be caught sooner or later. Your Highness's injury is only a minor injury, so don't stay in the capital to recuperate. If you can return quickly, Come back quickly!"

Helian Jin smiled disdainfully, "Then did she tell you, who is that person who wants to grab my tail?"

"The princess is just an ordinary person, how can she be so predictable? The princess asked the servant to bring the medicine, and the slave has already told His Highness what should be said. The servant will resign! Your Highness should take good care of your wounds!"

After Liu Xu finished speaking, she put down the medicine bottle and left.

He Lianrui struggled to get off the ground, walked to the outer room, and picked up the medicine bottle on the table.

"Why did you get off the ground? Do you still want to hurry up?" He Lianrui blamed him when he came back and saw him standing on the ground.

Helian Jin turned around and handed the medicine bottle in front of him, "This is from Zixing. She said the medicine is called 'quick return'."

He Lianrui was taken aback, and looked at him puzzled, "What do you want to say?"

"Fourth Brother, Zixing knows your thoughts about Sister Yueru, and also knows the purpose of our return." He paused, "She knows better that we brought soldiers back to the capital without permission. She told us to return quickly, What do you say I want to say?"

He Lianrui looked at him for a long while, then laughed, "Ah Jin, did you get stunned by the twenty army sticks?"

"Fourth brother, if I'm the only one who comes back this time, I won't be afraid. I won't feel bad about what I do for Sister Yueru! But there is still you! After all, we have the status we have today. If you come out What happened, the concubine mother will die of grief. Otherwise, you should take them back quickly, and I will stay alone to help Sister Yueru. In this way, there will be no worries, and Zixing will not have a chance to catch us .”

"Won't you be sad if something happens to your mother? You go back, I'll stay! Have you forgotten? I promised Yueru that I would marry Princess Chaoxi, how could I leave at this time?" He Lianrui also said.

"You can't marry that Princess Chaoxi. How can such a woman be worthy to be my fourth sister-in-law? Fourth brother, you are deeply in love. I admire you. You haven't married a wife until now. You stayed in the frontier alone. What kind of beautiful clothes are you?" I don’t even have food, and I know you don’t feel bad about living through such a hard life. You’re just afraid of seeing Sister Yueru in the capital! But you don’t have to, for the sake of Sister Yueru, you don’t even have to marry another one. The woman I like. If she is virtuous and virtuous, I have no objection. But if such a character is kept by my side, it will be a disaster sooner or later."

(End of this chapter)

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