The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 523 Confronting 1

Chapter 523 Confronting 1
Therefore, there is no chance to trouble Sixth Brother now.

All that remains is the queen mother.

Zixing gently closed the lid of the brocade box containing the vase, whether some things have gone as she guessed, maybe she can see some clues at the birthday party of the eldest princess tomorrow.

The next day, after Zixing had greeted Situ Jing, Situ Jing urged her to go to the eldest princess's mansion earlier to see if there was anything she could do to help, and Zixing left the palace at noon.

When it was not time, guests had already come to the door.

Helian Qingwei was very busy, Zixing said she was here to help, but in fact it was not her turn to do anything, so she and Liuxu Liuxi went to sit in the gazebo in the garden.

She invited Helian Libai to come together, but she refused, saying that she wanted to wait for Helian Yueru to leave together.

Zixing didn't force it, and left the palace first.

"The eldest princess invited a lot of people today!" Liu Xu stood there, glanced in the direction of the guests and said.

Zixing didn't speak, she propped her head and looked at the distance in a daze.

"Situ Lan'er sees the princess." A woman in blue walked into the pavilion and bowed to Zixing.

Zixing came back to her senses, looked at her, and nodded, "Are you Situ Lan'er?" She remembered that this was the daughter of her uncle's family, and she only met her once or twice when she was a child, but now she She was already slim, and Zixing's eyes lingered on her for a while, always feeling that there was something wrong looking at her, but she didn't see anything for a while.

"When I went to the palace with my grandfather to greet the empress, I met the princess. It's been many years ago." Situ Lan'er said with a smile.

"Sit down! How is my grandfather? I haven't been to Dingguohou's Mansion for a long time, and I haven't had a chance to say hello to my grandfather." Zixing said politely.

Situ Lan'er smiled and said, "Grandpa has always been in good health."

While talking, Zi Xing caught a glimpse of Nangong Yu and Nangong Hao walking towards them from the corner of his eye.

Nangong Hao seldom participated in such banquets, and she only saw him once in the East Palace, but thinking about it, he was Nangong Ling's nephew, so it was normal for him to appear here.

When the two of them approached, Situ Lan'er also saw them, but Zi Xing was surprised by the sudden sadness on her face.

"Princess." Nangong Yu and Nangong Hao walked into the pavilion and greeted each other.

"Prince Ning and Eldest Young Master are here too? Sit down!" Zixing signaled.

But Nangong Yu said: "Princess, I have something to say to the princess, but I don't know if it's convenient to take a step to talk."

Zixing paused when she was about to pick up the tea bowl, then she smiled and said: "Of course." She stood up, signaled Liuxu with her eyes not to follow, walked out of the gazebo slowly, and walked towards the depths of the garden with Nangong Yu.

After walking for a while, there was no one around, but when the guests could be seen from a distance, Zi Xing stopped, turned around and asked, "I don't know if Prince Ning has anything to say to Bengong? You must avoid it." What about those people?"

Nangong Yu lowered his eyebrows and smiled. Under the sun, his face seemed to have no flaws, and it was so perfect that it dazzled people.

It's just that his gaze is not as charming and gentle as before, but rather cold.

"I don't know where I offended the princess, or what the Ning Palace did wrong, so that the princess must kill my second brother."

(End of this chapter)

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