The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 524 Confronting 2

Chapter 524 Confronting 2
Facing Nangong Yu's "frankness", if Zi Xing said something, if he didn't know what you were talking about, it would seem too hypocritical.

She smiled, and asked softly: "When did King Ning know that all this was done by me?"

"The account book that the princess has painstakingly made is still in the hands of the king. Matters are prioritized. If the king can see that it is from the princess's hand earlier, maybe the second brother will not die. The king hopes to get one of the princess's books. The reason. You can't let the second brother die in vain like this." Nangong Yu's voice was very calm, and he couldn't tell that he was really sad for Nangong Chao's death, or angry at Zixing's framing.

"I don't intend to kill Mr. Nangong for my account book at all. If King Ning handed over my account book, Mr. Nangong will be fine. Therefore, I don't understand why you sacrificed yourself, Mr. Ning. Brother, go to protect a bunch of riches and riches? They are pocketing their own money, why do you let Mr. Nangong take the blame? You come to question this palace again, is it self-inflicted? You admit that you have formed a clique for private interests, and doing something will make your father feel guilty. Is the emperor angry?" She asked with a smile.

She never thought that Nangong Yu would not find out that she was the one who designed Nangong's nest.

In the palace, she dealt with Helian Yueru, and even helped Helian Yueru kill Zhaoxi.

All of these seem to have nothing to do with her, as if they have nothing to do with her.

But as long as the thread is found, everything will be solved.

She hides in the shadows and cannot remain undiscovered forever.

What's more, Nangong Yu, if he still can't figure out who is behind the scenes manipulating all this, in his last life, he was also unable to overthrow the power of his father.

Therefore, it is better to tell the truth than to deny it to the death.

Even if you tear your face apart, you don't have to pretend to accept his hypocrisy.

"Princess, if you say too much about something without evidence, no one will believe it. Is the king forming a party or not? The emperor's eyes are sharp, and he can't see things. Will the princess believe the emperor when he tells it? This king is just a leisurely prince with no power and power, and he can withstand the princess's slander. The princess can expose this king's mask to the world, and see if anyone will believe it." Nangong Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, with a cold look It fell straight on Zixing's face.

He really likes this little princess, watching her escape from danger time and time again under Helian Yueru's seemingly inexhaustible calculations, he even likes her more and more.

But his liking was never pure.

What he wants is something he can use. Under this, if she is willing to be as obedient as Helian Yueru, in the future, he may treat her kindly.

After all, her face is not bad for admiration.

But if a smart woman is not obedient, keeping it is a serious concern. He will not indulge himself in doing some useless things because of an unwarranted feeling of liking.

He can put down his figure to please her, but the premise is that she can be used by him, but if he can't, the only thing he can't keep is to destroy her.

He admitted that if it wasn't for his reluctance, he would not have called her over to say these words. He hoped that she would understand that this was the only chance he gave her.

It is also an opportunity that only she can get.

If it were someone else, if Helian Yue had a different heart, he would destroy her with his own hands without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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